First Local, Next Warp Core Stabs?

Nah. Those types would’ve been just as happy pew-pewing in noob covettes or t1 frigs as long there is something to shoot at and anything to shoot it with.

Well, the good industrialists will still be producing. The weakest and most cowardly will stop. And that seems fine to me.

Can you tell me how many battleships you’ve made this past week? I’m curious to know exactly what kind of production will be going offline.

What price are you taking about? Ship class is not really much of a qualifier of anything

Why does this matter?

I’m guessing you don’t understand the build requirement differences between Frigates and Battleships?

Cost doesn’t matter because you can attempt to sell anything for whatever price you want. I want to know how many Battleship hulls he’s built (any battleship, really), because I’ll be able to tell if he’s a competent producer or not.

The crying won’t stop until F1 monkeys don’t get a module that kill all ships in system just pressing a single button.

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Because a battleship is made from a lot of inputs.

I am aware.
Which is why I’m asking how many battleship hulls he’s built.

Clearly no sense. What price of production you talking about?

The same price everyone uses, numbskull. The price of the hull in Jita.
What price are you trying to use?

Pick one


There ya go. Now let’s see what his answer is? Lol

If he doesn’t build dominixes, his answer is zero, see? Lol
This is why I’m asking him about battleship hulls generally, because it doesn’t matter which specific one. lol

I just think putting a price on it gives leeway to “how much do you produce to this benchmark”. 145m a day at buy prices…

I only produce like that a day right now…but I also only play about an hour a day right now…maybe 2 at most…somedays none.

The price is already assumed into the question of “how many hulls do you produce” since the average battleship hull ranges from 120m to 160m. If you were a competent industrialist, you’d know this without requiring specifics.

Then your production capability is negligent. If a player in your position were to quit playing due to removal of warp core stabs, then Jita wouldn’t even notice given the roughly 50 Dominixes that move through it each day, not even counting the other battleships that are sold, and especially not counting those that are produced and lost in nullsec space.

I wouldn’t quit. Also I know stabs wont be removed cuz thats silly.

Just like null’secers wont actually quit over blackout

I mean… given that some are quitting… wouldn’t your analogy mean that you’d quit too?.. ???

Still don’t know why stabs are an issue. It’s just crying

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They will be back

Do you know what the best counter for ECM would have been?
Being able to fire your guns forward and strafe. Not being able to lock but can’t shoot? Dumb dum dumb dum dumb.