hey dummies , eve don’t need to be inviting to new players , eve don’t need to be pleasant , eve don’t need to be fun , eve needs to be unique , thats why the f game have close to 20 years old , because there is nothing like it
and btw if this and that make people quit eve, if i remain healthy ill never leave , i think we have some guys like me to cover for the quitting babes
Instagank PvP is a turnoff for everyone. You think I like getting my ship exploded? You think every time I go out for combat I say “oh boy! I hope I get my ■■■■ pushed in and die in a fire!”? No, I hate it! I get blown up, I smash my monitor in like everyone else.
Having the mindset of viewing losses as something that’s “fun” or “desirable” is deviant. At best, best, viewing them as a necessary occasional cost of doing business is acceptable. But the players who go out on a “roam” and then throw their “gf m8s” into local after getting bombed to ■■■■ are mentally-deficient.
So that’s why the “vet stays/noob quits” duality doesn’t actually represent reality. The reality is that most players quit, and only about 5% stay. Most players hate losses, which is rational, But most players can’t rationally deal with the losses to continue playing. So 5% of all “noobs” will stay in the game after experiencing adversity. The vets who still play today were once in that 5% of noobs who could mentally deal with loss, despite hating it, in the past.
The arena player isn’t going to stay any more than the carebear who gets his hauler ganked while passing through a 0.3 is going to stay. The environment will be different, but the outcome will be the same. Out in the jungle, I will be killing him on the gate, and I will be similarly killing him over and over again in the arena, because I’m a min-maxing, mom’s basement-dwelling, loser virgin, and he’s a father of two with only an hour to play every day. The end result will be that just like in regular EVE, the players who stay in the arena will be part of that 5% that can deal with that sort of environment.
Which is to say that this is a useless feature. I don’t think it will “destroy” EVE, or anything like that. I’m against it on principle alone, because I don’t want CCP to set precedent for themselves to go down this path in their decision-making.
I wish I had your optimism.
Those Lvl4 missions will not farm themselves, you hit the nail on the head. More instanced pvp please CCP, less people flying into my mission plex the quicker i can do them.
What game are you playing? Every time I got blown up in PVP it was as delighful as throwing a cat in a kiddie pool full of siblings.
I can win a PvP engagement in a Viator.
Doubt itll be much good in an arena.
I have a Venture PvP setup that does dirty, dirty things. Especially if you invest in some implants.
If you think this will stay “temporary” you obviously had a lobotomy just after birth.
Of course it is. Good changes are good , bad changes are bad. This is a horrible one.
I can understand why people have a problem with this, instancing is VERY un-EVE like. Being part of the sandbox and being susceptible to other’s interactions is a cornerstone of what EVE actually IS: “when you undock you agree to lose your stuff”. Instancing moves away from that, it started with the first Triglavian content and now they add more of it.
It’s not the content itself that is the issue, it’s the way CCP used cool new ships and good loot as a trojan horse in order to introduce instancing. People sold their soul for some shinies and didn’t care for, or understand, the implication of instancing in a sandbox game like EVE.
Now that CCP apparently doesn’t seem to care about the basics of EVE any more what’s next? PVP flag where you have to opt-in? System wide cloaking restrictor? It’s a VERY slippery slope and I’d be VERY careful to be ok with what’s happening.
Well since the trigs can “do things” to a sun, perhaps it may someday become possible to make a sun blurt out a pulse of “dirty” solar energy that takes down cloaks. Something that has to be anchored and takes some energy and has a cooldown timer.
It would be a good cost-based way to implement an anti-cloaking system without winner-picking via mechanics (as usual).
the abyssals are supposed to be done by classes, so if industrials are allowed they will have their own lol
Still suffering that old obsession, I see…
Still suffering that old obsession, I see…
I was the one cloaking
I was the one cloaking
Sorry, momentarilty confused you with a cloaking-obsessed poster who’s name also starts with ‘H’…
Were it up to me, cloaky camping would be removed via the removal of local.
And local would be removed via the removal of the game itself.
Man, I wish I were a carebear, I’d have such nice forum burns for y’all, instead of the usual barely-intelligible, frothy-mouthed whining.
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