It’s not about the iskis, its about flying the ships and having fun, blowing them up is half the fun. Eve used to break world records of how big our battles were … now… we can barley get 25k people on, and i saw those numbers go to 13k at night time when all the mining stuff happened.
Also, yes let me throw a fly at a bullfrog over and over and just feed the bullfrog with no chance of denting it, taking it down, or harming it, let me just FEED their ego and their wallet.
Love your reply btw.
Fix, what do you mean? My Venture is working correctly.
This is a time progression of the political map. You can see how we went from a lush beautiful world with all kinds of corps, to mega corps and everything is stale… Why?? Because you could build stuff and blow it up without going broke, simple as that bud. The fact that it takes so many people to build a ship is why we have huge corporations and don’t have any small ones that have a chance to get bigger anymore.
If you can’t beat them, join them. It’s a game. If the results end in a stale situation or stalemate then CCP may have to review the direction they’re taking the game… or not.
If your fun per hour is dependent on your isk per hour, the problem is you, not the game.
This is a game, not a second job.
It’s not about the isk, it’s about attainability, if I can’t see the light playing for this long, how is a new player going to, we need to retain new players to keep the game alive. You’re right it’s not a second job, but they make it that way in order to participate in certain areas of the game, never used to be like that. Funny how i get the same reply from the people who have what they need to play the way they like.
Bro choose to wake up and rant on a Friday night now Saturday morning.
You know what it means man, we’ve all been though the changes and if you started after then you don’t know how good the game can be. Ive been bottling this up since the original nerf of the Rorq so don’t talk to me about ranting late at night.
It isn’t, as far as EVE goes. It’s the smart way to move forward and access other areas of the game. It’s not like joining a real-life political party with questionable ideals.
Wow, so you said the quiet part out loud. At least you admit it… still doesn’t fix no new corps or players, and eventually people will all leave, guess that’s what you want so YOU can stay at the top.
Let them squeeze yall for all the money they can while the game fails. That’s literally what they’re doing.
You say that in every other post. Yet from what you say in the rest of the posts it is clear that your problem is about ISKs and nothing else.
So stop pretendingand lying to yourself. Switch to different activity if the activity you did no longer nets you enough gains. Or buy PLEX with cash to get ISK or quit.
It’s funny the expression on you characters face is one of those people who lets others fill in the blanks when you already know the answers to the question and you try to bait people into a conversation that you THINK you know where its going, you don’t bud. You know what I speak of its why we have 25k subs instead of 50+ like we did, has nothing to do with emotions and everything to do with attainability. No noob is going to pay all this money and get their face pushed in and keep spending more money, it’s why we don’t have new players wrap that around your head. They are crapping on the miners and have since the rorq updates. You’re not smart dude quit talking like you’re someone smarter or better than others and you look down on them.
I’m not even at the bottom
I just finished buying 2 Catalysts, I still need isk to fit them, I haven’t started the combat agents, I finished 3 of 5 career agents and my wallet is 500k isk, lol.
I admit what, that EVE is a multiplayer game? You need to play with others and sometimes you cannot take them over, bohoo.
Don’t put it on the “new player” whatabouthechildren thing. Let CCP worry about new players. They don’t need your ideas.
I haven’t yet spent 1€
Okay so you’re on the other end of the spectrum, you have nothing and don’t know how good it can be. Let’s see how long you last.
Honestly didn’t figure someone like you would chime in as you don’t have the information or the wisdom to even know what I’m speaking of, I’m actually done talking to you because of that.
are you a torie? lol
Less forum and more playing might speed up the fulfillment of your EVE goals. Unless the forum is the fulfillment of your EVE goals. Then you are doing just fine.
Mr Epeen
Lmao hahaha
Contract your stuff to me on your way out and help a new player, since you profess so loud about it.
I’m sorry to see you go but as they say c’est la vie.
Not going, just done talking with you about stuff you don’t know anything about, have a good one.
Oh , you didn’t answer, are you a Torie then?