Fix the Economy

It’s obviously not…

I think that you’re applying your personal opinion and ethics to everybody; that’s not how it works.

And there we go, you ARE applying your personal, and thus subjective, beliefs to everybody including those that have differing beliefs.

If it is then you should present a source.

Because we’re all obviously imbeciles for not buying into your belief.

Now, sod off you complete and utter pillock.

You’re right - ‘lying fuckwit’ would have been far more appropriate…


I don’t think he would know what a truth was if it ran up to him, wearing a hi-viz jacket with “I’m a truth” emblazoned on it, and kicked him in the nuts while singing the Teletubbies theme song.

How rude. Does it make you feel happy inside calling random people on the internet names?

I feel like you are a little


This Topic has been moved to Player Features and Ideas Discussion

If I state a universal truth, you are the one that needs to prove the contrary. Are you making a proof every time you mention gravity exists?

I find it funny you talk about being dense, while at the same time, involve yourself with the current conversation.

But what do I know, I am just a lying fuckwit.

Stop toying with alts Balos, we all know it’s you…

Unfortunately, I am not he.

While Naari is my shield, Balos is my sword. They are the entities that give me strength to rain vengeance on this heathen community.

Okay I’ll bite.

You want to completely remove loss of ISK from EVE and make space safe, because you think that drives players away from the game. Correct?

To me that sounds equivalent to completely removing space ships from EVE and replacing them with dinosaurs, because spaceships are driving players away from the game: the players that would prefer dinosaurs.

We (the current players of EVE) are enjoying EVE because of the loss mechanics. We may even have chosen to play the game because of the loss mechanics (I have).
Luckily for the players who do not enjoy that, there are lots of games with similar setting that do not have permanent loss mechanics. Similarly, there are games with dinosaurs for players that prefer dinosaurs over space ships.

Sure, you could remove the loss mechanics from EVE and turn it into a completely different game and likely some people will enjoy it. Similarly, some people would enjoy the game if it contained dinosaurs instead of space ships.

It wouldn’t be EVE though.

You are the natural son of Balos and RuPaul then.

I think your initial hunch was correct, but since you took the time to write a reply, I will equally make a reply worthy of this thread.

You talk about making the game fundamentally different and that is exactly the change that should happen. The game is rotten within its core game mechanics. It forces uncomfortable experiences on a playerbase that only wants to relax after a long days work. Games are supposed to be enjoyed, not sources of any additional stress.

Keep in mind, that the age of the average player is over 30. These frail bodies are past their primes and cannot handle game mechanics more complex than the single button press every 15 minutes or so. It is clear, that this game and its audience benefits from a game without any loss, so players can enjoy space flights within their own pace.

Removing all aspects of loss is the only sensible idea moving forwards. Clearly this also fixes the economy.

You have convinced me and succeeded where others in favour of a safe EVE have failed before. I do feel frail and past my prime and in need of a simple comfortable enjoyable game without loss.

Please keep going.

We need more things to do than just missions and battles, I would like to see the probe scanner used more to find moving ore/ice sites that once you scan down you can mine. Also make it if you
leave the moving ore/ice spawn and don’t have another fleet member with you to warp back then you need to rescan for the site. This would help make up for the mining shortages while helping to get skills to the front.

But is it a universal truth?

You’re one of very few that see it as such, yet when asked for a source for this “universal truth” you avoid the question and put the onus on the person asking; which leads me to believe that you’re full of crap.

you are the one that needs to prove the contrary

That only applies when challenging the commonly accepted status quo, I’m not doing that in this venue, you are.

The theory of Gravity isn’t my opinion, nor is it a personal belief that I apply to others.

It is an explanation for an observable phenomenon, one that can be, and has been, proven to exist with repeatable results. As an explanation it is open to revision as more experimentation provides more information.

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It is the accepted status quo. Not my fault, that this basic knowledge is not within your grasp.

Your education is not my responsibility.

  • OP has not clearly stated the problem and why it is a problem, or how a certain situation could be improved from what it is now
  • OP has not explained why his solution solves stated problem or improves situation
  • OP has not addressed the numerous consequences of solution or identified its alternatives and stated the case as to why it is the best option
  • OP exhibits gross ignorance of fundamental economic principles and zero awareness and/or consideration of emergent consequences and simpler/more effective alterantives

I welcome @Mingshoa 's eagerness to improve EVE, but objectively speaking this has less merit than there is lemon and lime in Sprite


I don’t think that this phrase means what you think it means.

You, yourself, have stated that your posts are representative of your personal beliefs. I hate to break it to you pal, but your personal beliefs are not the status quo.


Trying to cover up your limitations with lies. I have newer said so.

Again, this is basic knowledge an elementary student would be able to comprehend. Maybe this community is not nearly as big brain as it wants to think.

With the obvious staring you in the face Jonah, you still feel the need to engage in pointless discussion.


Again, this is basic knowledge an elementary student would be able to comprehend.

In which case you should easily be able to link to something, preferably peer reviewed, that backs up your claims.

This is a forum for a game that is reputed to be one where loss matters, the contents of what you’re posting is considered heresy by many; and you will be called upon to back up your posts.

So far you’ve failed to do so, and your overall response has been to belittle others and call into question their education and intelligence. This is a posting style often used by those who have nothing to back up what they say…

You’re basically the Eve equivalent of a flat earther joining a community of planetary scientists, spouting their unfounded shite and expecting an echo chamber for it.


If you actually read through that part, you will see that the beliefs I stated were my faith in my savior Naari. My stalwart shield.

Everything else are universal facts, that I do not have to explain to you, since they are as clear as the sun exists in the sky. If you would use that grey matter between your ears, you would be able to put two and two together and see the reality of this whole discourse.

I have not belittled others, instead I have been initially called a “lying fuckwit” and troll by you and others. Obviously, the atmosphere turned sour, when you started being rude. Maybe get off your pedestal just for a second here and see the reality before your eyes instead of jumping to wrong conclusions.

Repent sinner.