Flag experiment concluded!

Did not intend to come off as negative, just trying to think of our volunteers and community team. :parrot:

Gonna edit the title to “conclude” the experiment. :dealwithitparrot:


I have about as much faith in that as i do my ability to fly to the moon

Faith or not, I have seen IA in action and I rather be waterboarded then have to go through another Inquisition with them.

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maybe we could also have a “reason” field when flagging a post ?

I am very stupid and flagged many users (those using “miner” as an insult eg) when they have arrogant behaviour for “aggressiveness” in the previous forum.

I gotta say, a visible counter could be helping people to notice that they might go the wrong way. People can undo flags and many flags hide posts (as they say), so flagging someone isn’t only about calling ISD, it’s also a hint both for others and the flagged person himself.

Just out of curiosity, which movie is it from?

The gif he used? It’s from Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.