Fleet up Discussion! How do you feel about this?

I like this feature because, even though I’m in different discords for militia fleets, I can find other people actually in my TZ to find fleets. Thinking about trying my hand at FCing and trying to do more in the warzone.

What do you all think of this feature? I know there is fear of other players trying to sabotage, but thats part of the game though right?

Well, this one time, in a Wormhole, my fleet mate invited a tengu to our fleet… he was promptly fleet warped out of his POS (yeah it was a while ago) and exploded!

I guess the point to the story is joining random/unknown fleets has always had some risks associated with it, I don’t see the changes increasing or diminishing these risks. Capsuleers need to be setup right (safety green if in HS) and have some understanding of what they’re jumping into, once that’s covered, I think it can only help with people finding others interested in doing similar things in space.


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Why’d he explode? You guys blow him up? I’m confused.

I think anything that puts more random players together is a good thing particularly for new players. Not everyone wants to join a corp right off the bat. Being able to try random things with random players is so much less of a commitment and it gives newbros the opportunity to see what they actually enjoy.

Deeper than that, I’d like to see the culture shift away from constant distrust, and everyone acting like a lunatic all the time. The game would be more fun if people were nicer. The times I have the most fun are when I help a random person instead of killing them.

Edit: By nicer I mean like, friendlier… Killing folk is perfectly fine. My attitude has always been be nice to people you kill and be nice to people that kill you. It’s just a game.

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Yup, we went pew pew pew and tengu go boom!


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Its for all walks of life though, I do wish others were like that but its fine if they aren’t They serve the eco system regardless.

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