FOB Rats - Fix them

if you honestly think losing your ship is ‘broken’ i couldnt begin to explain to you the real issue.


It is another example of how the devs don’t even play the game and believe they did something great, even though they created terribile gameplay.
Only one guy asked for dynamic space and this is what we got - thank you for that.

Remember when I said “EVE Online 2020: watch now for free™”. As in, log on and watch since you can’t do anything anymore anyways and everything happens by itself just like watching a video.

Congrat CCP, you made it happen - EVE will be an endless video of nothing else but watching the server fighting the server and you pay for watching a video that doesn’t end.


High sec was too safe anyways, which is bad for the game if people dont loss stuff.

There was a arguement why nul was so safe then, and now during the chaos of blackout, I can say they are fixing that.

But is it as healthy as adding a mandatory scaling isk sink like clones and repairs, I dont know.

Anyone who says these rats aren’t broken is an idiot, a liar or one of the mods on their alt account and every real player knows it. Its pretty clear at this point CCP has no interest in anything except hanging on to the few longtime nullseccers who actually pay real money for their subs. The game is in a death spiral and no amount of elitist cheerleading can disguise this. Little wonder that over half of all accounts logged in at any given time are bots.

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cry moar.


Ah, resurrection…

This makes me laugh. I’d like to see a single player Condor without logistic support withstand a full flight of max skill T2 light drones of any damage type while being double webbed and scrammed by a Porpoise… can you link me the Pyfa fit for that? The ones the devs used?

I don’t care what the devs have said, what’s said and what’s true are obviously different here. Also to the above post the only thing I’m crying about is how poorly newbies will handle these situations due to the lack of a much needed warning system- see the newbro above with his experience of being blindsided by daimond NPCs and then thwarted during his counterattack.

In EVE, there is a big problem where the devs expect you to learn by failure rather than giving you any bit of an informed chance beforehand. In most cases I tend to respect that choice, as the unhappiness of the player victim(s) is usually at least balanced by the joy another player gets from being the oppressor-- but these situations are nothing but lame when you’re pissing off people who are just starting this game, using non-player, game controlled entities.

And LOL at the one more experienced guy who can kill the FOB base with a rattlesnake vs. the team of starry eyed newbies in probably decently fit cruisers/etc. Nobody else sees an issue with THAT as a game feature?


It’s so nice how everyone is always thinking of the children.

The issue is that they set them to at least t2 with all V skills. That is unrealistic. We don’t have most of them using t1 with lvl 1 skills. We don’t have any with effectively negative skills from poor maintenance.
We instead have entire elite battlefleets in the middle of highsec space.

Also it punishes you for working with others due to the reinforcement mechanic.

FOB are a decent concept but the tuning is wrong. The rats are in nearly all cases actually better than the players fighting them can bring, and they reinforce too fast if you bring more people.
Lower start stats, higher initial numbers to make the solo rattlesnake less viable and far lower scaling so a big ball of lower skilled players can take them by weight of numbers. That’s what FOB need.

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And not even goons can bring 300 people in 0.000000000000000001 seconds as a “response” out of nowhere.

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They are (part of) the testing ground for new npc ai. Only thing I’d dial down is their response time. Currently a fleet of lots of small stuff and a couple battleships warps in 10 seconds (15 for battleships) from the time you show up on same grid as one of their mining ops. This is unrealistic compared to real response time of players. Even if a defense fleet is in local, it’s gonna take longer for 1-2 initial tackle to land. dps/ killmail wh▯▯▯s come much later.

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Well count me on the side of too powerful. it is ridiculous to have to battle a flight of Trigs, regular rats, and THEN have a FOB response fleet jump in, in a .8 system. At that point hi-sec is a meaningless term lol.

I personally would like to see them lose the tackling / warp scram ability. I mean players cant get away with that in hi-sec (at least not for the duration the FOB fleets can) without CONCORD response, so why should NPCs?

Jump in, run me off your rocks with your silly OP frigates (they really are ridiculously more powerful than player frigs) but to tackle is a tad much.

I like this idea of a system warning on undock that a FOB is in system, like trig invasions. Very nice idea Lola Munijugs!

Mining has always been tedious and frustrating but the trig invasions, plus FOB fleets, is getting to the point of over the top in my opinion of course. Its just not worth the effort anymore. Is CCP trying to discourage mining? Why? Isn’t that the basis of the eve economy?

I guess the bottom line is that it is just not fun like this anymore. At least not to me. I realize no one here cares about my personal feelings or even if I quit or not. I been around a very very long time though and I’ve never been as frustrated with the game as right now. I can’t imagine new players, miners in this case, are enjoying themselves.

At least give us a FOB warning on undock CCP, please?


I think the way CCP implemented Trigs is perfect. They keep you on your toes, drop great loot, can be a challenge and will take you down if you are not paying attention. After running into my first FOB tonight I agree with some others on this topic and think there could be some room to dial them down a bit. Maybe just take away their ability to tackle so you at least have a chance to escape?


I did a FOB a while back with a few of my corpmates using a bunch of Overpropped Droneboats, the basic strat is Warp to 0, drop and put drones on FOB, burn out to about 275-300km, and wait for about 20 minutes. Rats warpin to u will land about 20-30km off you, so you will be fine. FOB response fleets may be annoying, but again, like Do Little said, if you don’t like the rats, dont mine near em.

KM if you are interested:

Go ahead and try that with blood (blobbh) raiders. They do this:

Warp in with an overproped boat. Drop drones and move away, orbit the FOB at 302km and see your drones getting killed by 300 trillion blood raiders.

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Yeah I have noticed the Blood FOB’s seem to have been changed recently, rather than a relatively small battleship based response I’ve been seeing a whole flocking lot of cruisers so just nope’d the hell out.

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this was guristas, so idk about the aggro patterns. They did try to warp up to us a lot, i got split off the main fleet which is why i survived, as one of our Myrms got ripped apart by the rats/

Recently had a bad experience myself, when a FOB showed up in system and within mere minutes, without any real warning there was a sizeable Sansha fleet on grid in our belt.

Tough(er) rats that migrate and keep miners on their toes are good for the game. Rats that arrive without warning, scram, web, remote rep eachother, require a fleet with near incursion levels of organization to remove and cause even the most attentive miners to lose their expensive ships with literally no realistic defense, is not.

It would be fine if at least you could warp out if taking too much damage, but the scram is totally uncalled for.

Emerging Conduits don’t even scram FFS and I can make 150 mil/hr in those sites with a ship that costs the same as one bringing in 20 mil/hr mining.

There is no good reason why an activity as modest as mining in Highsec should be subject to that kind of risk.

Am I saying that HS needs to be ‘safe’? No. But the risk/reward ratio is completely off-balance.

CCP, please rremove the patol’s scramming capabilities.


Patrols don’t scram, that’s a response fleet in the belt.

The issue I think is their response fleet logic. If it sees someone with negative standing it does a full escalation.
I think it would be better if instead it just called in the patrol fleet (Which is normally just 3-5 frigates), and then if the Patrol fleet gets defeated while on grid with the miners or the miners get directly attacked then called in the full response fleet.

If they also weren’t full V’s with faction fitting that might be more realistic as well, they have better skills and higher value fitting than most people they attack, while supposedly having to infiltrate into these systems.

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Whatever mechanic enables them to attack miners that have no standing towards them, just make it stahp.

I can accept that they arrived and escalated due to my personal standing with them, but my friends should not be the ones losing their ships because of it.

First mistake.
No intel was ran.
You can see FOB rats on dscan last time i checked.