Ive been looking into the skill-selling stuff, and thats actually pretty cool.
Before I get roasted on the collective Fan-boi-campfire, let me just clarify some things, that some of you somehow misunderstood.
Plex is a thing that was made by the Devs, back then. Its mechanics and how its traded etc. is their concoction. Alongside CSM, they generate the mechanics that we as players exploit or use, how we see fit. Saying that Plex has nothing to do with Devs is simply naive and silly. I agree ,that how the market developed, it IS the players that govern it now. But only because CCP allow or encourage it. And they do.
We have seen many article over the years, where the Devs are absolutely loving, how this market develops. Even when its socially unjust or unbalanced, towards fostering new players in the game. It favors the already rich, and will most likely, break anyone not rich or anyone new to the game. Thats how scammers have thrived for years now: On the ignorance of the new people. So yeah, I dont necessarily dislike how it is. Im simply saying: If you want more new players in EVE, these things need to be adressed.
When I speak about the monthly sub/plex-need, you cant see it as a general opposition towards supporting the game. My view evolves around the inflation of EVE. over little under 2 yrs, PLex-prices has gone from about 550 mill (a month), to 1.5 bill (a month) roughly. And even though earning HAS become easier in some regards, if you know how, it hasnt become so easy as to warrant the Plex prices. Its the same that happened at the 2008 marketcrash, where things just kept building up, without the underlying market (us) following suit. Whether a financial bubble is possible in EVE or not, I dont know. But Im fairly certain, that it has damaged the subbing and new player-flow.
I sat in Dixie for a couple of hours last night. When I left game 2 yrs ago, there were around 300/400 people in Dixie local, almost 24/7. Fighting on the undock and all around station. Lively scams and debate in Local-chat. Like friggin Bourbonstreet in New Orleans lol. Last night I saw about 150 in local, almost no chatting, and didnt see a single duel or fight on the undock.
You can all justify that with all sorts of arguments. But in the end, thats the sign you should be looking for, when you judge the future of the game. I have no doubt, that EVE is slowly smothering itself, through economy and bad priorities, that server the already monopolized powers in the game. Rather than nurturing a doctrine, that renews the game for the future.
If they already MADE things that should help with that, I just hope its not too late, because clearly, it isnt working well…