Force Auxiliary Balance Proposal

stop messing with the game and fix things that are actually broken! its a capital logi ships its supposed to be over powered. wont be worth it if they cap out or rep less cap ships and supers and titans have millions of points to rep!


Cap stability? Please show me your fit.


Shield slaves when?

This is HUUUUUUUUUUUGE nerf to shield supers … or at least let me armor tank my Hel (in a resonable way)


Local rep is an issue for subcap fights where one side brings in a FAX or two. This is especially acute in WHs.

  1. Not much wrong with local tanked faxes at the moment
  2. Ninazu is still trash
  3. Apostle needs nerfed harder

I’m cool with a tweak to edge cases as long as it doesn’t meaningfully impact the bulk of use cases, and my understanding is that active rep FAX aren’t widely used outside of WHs. That being the case, I don’t see the problem. It’s not like balance changes occur on some sort of Mind Power Budget with a finite capacity.

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low cost lol 1.4 bill for hull and 3.5 bill for fit


The only thing i would like to throw at this is the over the top changes that CCP has a tendancy to do. You like to take elevators rather than stairs. Instead of doing terrible things to all fax’s and swinging the entirety of your game, Take a couple of steps down some stairs, and give it some time to test. Not enough? Do a bit more. Rather than hitting everything at once, is it specific FAX that are problem children? If its a problem child, maybe nerfing the triage module is a bad idea because then you hurt things that werent ever a problem to begin with.


Damm, you ever heard of minor tweaks?


Just take them out of the game. Logi was a mistake.


Nerfing the Shield rep capacitor need is a mistake

fax ehp is also a major problem.

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Active FAX are very much a problem. Medium sized gangs/fleets have literally 0 chance of cracking a FAX in a reasonable amount of time. Content is lost cause people can’t engage groups with capital superiority. The fact that passive FAX blobbs are a problem doesn’t mean the active ones aren’t a problem too…


That’s not a nerf - that’s a realignment to keep the cap requirements the same after the other nerfs.


I would honestly like to see nerfs exclusive to the Hulls, not a blanket nerf on a module type.

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Everywhere but wormholes fax can be countered, its whs where this nerf was needed. Buffer faxes and 3200s are still the problem. At least this fixes tibrizzle test and tri thinking sheild is useable.

I generally agree with the goals and the changes. Very good.

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Yes, the cycle time increase.

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Long overdue! The guys in my fleets will be happy to know that my endless rants about FAXes are over (for now) and i can move on… to ranting about citadels and their defensive capabilities that deny everyone content all the time :slight_smile:


I realy thik the problem isn’t fax but dreads

Edit: by dreads I mean dreads need a buff