Force Auxiliary Balance Proposal

Content is lost over many reasons. Capital superiority means that you are in someone elses home. You went in, you get dropped? someone else got content, you learned not to go there, or bring more people. Or bring a different type of ship. Learn and grow, rather than whine and stop playing. Welcome to eve.


Got it. Damn. Totally got that wrong. Thanks

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your implementation of ewar resistance makes stacking ewar (so that means all types of ewar other than ecm) totally useless except for getting on killmails. you need to make it so the stacking penalty is weaker by the same % as your resistance, so you can bring for example twice as many damps against a ship with a 50% resistance. and I think you should not be giving capital ships high scan res. keep it down at about ~50mm. and pls rework ecm into some kind of anti-RR damp/tracking disruptor module

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can you look at making remote repair amount signature radius based?


Yeah it takes like 8 dreads to out dps one fax reps, dreads are clearly the problem

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I would agree with you if the capital superiority wasnt sooo out of balance that nobody wants to visit anyone anywhere. Cause if those guys dont visit you in the first place nobody got content. Also… my nickname is “the black knight” for a reason… im not afraid to fail from time to time and become the content so dont gimme that attitude pls…


This is going to fix dropping a CPL fax In to save a small fleet but the blob meta wont make a difference.

I saw that my reply was unclear, I think buffing dreads is what should be done


Feel the same. Why not just tweak worm hole effects rather than the ship and mods…this is low on the list of actual problems. Changing this to benefit WHers sounds dumb, but if this goes through just bring more i guess.

I just think this focus is being wasted rather than focused on bigger things.

Good job!

I wouldn’t mind the nerfs if only the skill requirements were reworked.
Some examples, drone interfacing V on todays faxes make no sense anymore, that was carrier triage times.
Then there’s the added SP needed to get all the essentially must-have skills (JDC5, jump fuel conservation 4, capacitor skills all 5, tank skills basically 5, agility skills, carrier skill to 5, t2 repair drone skills, t2 triage, thermodynamics 5, etc).
Not to mention the fact that all the capital size modules require the subcap skills for that module type to be level 5 (this I’m fine with, on its own, but not when I also need drone interfacing 5). A good fax pilot is an enormous amount of SP, its easily over a year of training with +5 implants. The “little guy” who can’t afford to inject faxes will be crushed in that time.

On the other hand, I can inject more faxes, my enemy can’t (well, the line members can’t), bring on the nerfs!

EDIT: If I could remove two skills, it would be drone interfacing and jump drive calibration, they’re too important to be optional, its like the bad old days with training skills. Its the spotify free subscription business plan which involves running annoying adverts so much people start paying up, only we have to spend subscription time on these non-optional skills because everyone must have them. JDC5 is a must-have for everyone who wants to fly capitals and drone interfacing V is a must-have for carriers, faxes, rorquals, VNIs, gilas, rattlesnakes, dominixes, etc. Heck level 4 is still needed in t1 drone ships down to frigates if you want to be useful.


Buffing dreads would be cool too.


Finally. :slight_smile:


it is low cost as long as CCP keeps ignoring the retardaded scalability of rorqs. Then yes those goonswarm and northern rorq armies can replenish them the moment they are lost. These nerfs mean nothing as long as those rorq armada’s are still out and about. Because guess what everyone will bring more fax.

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I honestly don’t know why everyone posts their thought in the eve forums.

CCP simply don’t give a crap about our thoughts or opinions.

The way they deal with situations is terrible, they need to do a management course :slight_smile:


I’d agree but go one step further and say the ISK/EHP ratio is the problem. FAXes that are used to save supers in massive brawls are usually super cheap fit since the repps are most likely not even used and its just a buffer and the buffer of a pimp fitted faxes doesn’t really increase the survivability all that much in that type of fight. So in the end everyone knows they have to kill FAXes first but nobody really likes it cause they know its cheap and maybe a 300-400m loss for the pilot at max.

for your consideration:

  • halve the fleet hangar and sma on fax to nerf their ability to chug 3200s and tank til downtime
  • limit capital capacitor booster and capital ancillary anything to one per vessel (also nerfs rorqs which are problematic)
  • remove the cap booster bonus on the ninazu and lif, give them the passive cap amount bonus from the apostle and mino. increase this bonus to 7.5%/lv to make it actually meaningful
  • don’t nerf cycle times on fax reps unless you want 1) hurricanes online and 2) no one to ever use caps again
  • limit the ability of a fax to output reps by nerfing their fittings so they can’t fit as many reps and tank, and have to make Interesting Fitting Choices (i see you ccp rise and fozzie with your stupid ‘no more utility highs’ and ‘kin lock everything’ gimmicks)
  • don’t nerf aspects that aren’t broken while leaving the problematic aspects intact, riot games

Make it a nerf itself.

Been playing since 2006, been a triage and cap pilot for most of those years.

I could not disagree more with these changes, especially for active fax. Nerfing the effective-ness of the primary logi that balances all of cap warfare is ridiculous and just pushes every alliance to spam more faxes to have the same effect (hey everyone, get a 2nd/3rd/4th buffer fax alt for cap brawl, TIA).

Buffer fax:
-There will be no meaningful change to large nullsec/lowsec fights utilizing buffer fax, as folks will just bring more, create more alts, force people to Multibox more, which dilutes the value of individual pilot. You could easily balance the ship by raising the build cost so that each pilot’s effectiveness and utility in a fight is not reduced, but still nerfs its overall bang for its buck.
-Buffer faxes die to even small gangs as it doesn’t require a large amount of dps to grind them down over 5 minutes.

Active fax are already in a good place:
-In a mid sized fleet engagement with active fax, hostile ships have more than enough time to overpower the tank of a fax before it drops out of triage, whether using caps or subcaps.
-In large fleet fights, active fax are barely useful as it is. Any reduction in local tank will only ensure its death and uselessness in such scenarios.
-in a small gang environment, it is not difficult to use neutralizers to cap out the fax, or at least apply some nuetralization pressure while also putting dps on target. This has been a well known tactic for a decade that has worked well. There are numerous cases of sub 20 gangs killings faxes with that combination. 4ish dreads, which is pretty manageable by even small groups, can totally take down line active faxes with a mix of dps and neuts in minutes.

If there is any change here I would agree with, I would make it so that faxes cost approx 2b per hull instead of the current 1-1.25b. Maybe up the cost of modules.
-This maintains its current effectiveness per toon and doesn’t change the already perfect balance between large and small engagements
-This places higher cost to using fax as a health buffer for your capital fleet(without making drastic changes in small gang fights), so it is more meaningful/acceptable for the other side to focus on just shooting faxes with a more positive battlereport outcome.


god no -.-