Force Auxiliary Balance Proposal

yeah but again youre talking about a place where you can have hundreds of defenders which is not the case of wormholes. just like nullsec, w-space is a place where a 15 man corp should be able to hold ground against a fleet of 50 if they own the system.

All Faux did was kill small pvp and force people to gang with even greater numbers, the whole ship is a fail imo.

Saving 3 titans from approximately 38 to 40 dds apiece is considered doing nothing? TIL…

That was their buffer that saved them. Reps just saved them from the followup fire. Or are you actually stupid enough to think that repair cycles were able to land on the exact same server tick as the doomsdays themselves and rep between the damage application?

It is not an impossibility, as you can roll the entry and open another, or you can install a structure/pos and build your own caps, or bring 20 subcaps for each capital they field. So it is not impossible, it is just harder, which is what evicting a corp from its own home should be.

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Please don’t nerf the ability of a small force to take on a larger force by FAX superiority. As a lowsec player this is a frequent occurrence. If I have 25 abbadons and I want to fight 75 hurricanes. This is my only option. Don’t sacrifice small-mid gang tactical options on the alter of Super and Titan blobs that nobody commits against each other anyway. Honestly if CCP offered to buyback every super and titan in the game and just leave regular capitals, I’d vote yes.

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Ninazu and Lif not comparing to the Apostle and Minokawa is an issue.

If, as you say, it’s ‘very unlikely’ to have a corp with more than 20 living in a hole (as a former j-space resident, I totally agree, for some sizes of hole, this is definitely true), then it’s even more unlikely to get a ‘fleet of 50’. I mean, who wants to roll holes all day just to get the other 60% of your fleet?

And yes, I do tend to agree that a 15-man corp should be able to defend against a larger attacker in all areas of space, if they’re able to put the effort and will into the defense. But it still follows that if there’s different conditions endemic to the terrain, there should be a distinction between the expectations of how tools perform in each scenario. (Remember, you did ask ‘why should there be a distinction between FAXes in wormholes vs in nullsec?’)

These nerfs don’t do anything to address the issue of faxes, so I’m glad to hear you’re postponing them. It would seem to me that most of these ‘issues’ could be corrected without any nerfs to FAX class of ship. I recommend making the following changes:

Overview - Add a column to the overview that shows if someone is in (Siege, Triage, Panic, bastion, etc). This will let all parties in large capital engagements know who can be targeted, due to the fact that you cannot remote repair a FAX that is in triage mode.

Siege Cycle - Reduce this to two minutes for any siege item (Siege, Triage, Industrial Core, etc), adjust fuel cost to be in line with current.

Capital Energized Hull Module - Remove this item from the game.

Dreadnought Damage Control - Add this item in to replace the Hull module, same as assault module but for dreads. Maybe give it a 30 second duration.

Cap Booster - Restrict this module to one per ship.

These changes should allow FAXes to be useful logistics, but allow for them to be appropriately targeted and killed just like sub-cap logi is today. This also allows dreadnoughts to hang on the field longer and become a more useful tool in capital engagements.

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I’m kind of surprised there hasn’t been any mention of the other capital-repping ship: Rorqual.

If you nerf remote shield boosters, you nerf the Rorqual’s ability to protect miners.

Having been saved by two Rorquals while in a barge (it took all the reps they could provide to keep me up vs. one cruiser), nerfing capital remote reps is not the route I’d recommend.

Be aware that the popular idea of sig based reps also affects the Rorqual’s ability to rep barges.

Which could be resolved with a hull bonus.

The length of time that these rebalancing issues take is beyond insane. It just goes to show how stretched thin CCP actually is when it can’t even tackle a rebalance of a single ship class.

I think going back to the drawing board was the right move, but I hope this doesn’t take another 6 months. This has been a problem for almost 2 years, just do something please.

Give dread’s an Assault Module but instead of increasing resistance let it give the dread 5x damage for 15 seconds after activation (5min cd), this will give them a window to deal with huge incoming rep’s.

Maybe change assault damage control to this and let it become a offensive module instead of defense.

Not if they keep the changes on the triage module. The Industrial Core’s not one.

A singularity mechanic where FAXs that are too close to one another suffer hefty nerfs to abilities. It’ll spread out the blobs however still retain the role that FAXs serve for smaller fights.

FAXes are overpowered in some situations, but these nerfs seem way too big for a first make-over. So I am glad you are reconsidering, and perhaps doing minor changes slowly until its more balanced, of a whole lot of FAX alts (and mains) will be mad…

Meanwhile, supercapitals still die in the blobs, and much of the issue appears to revolve around the role Force Auxiliaries serve for smaller fights.


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I like idea of restricting of one cap booster per ship - but i would limit it only for capital cap mods, also along with it i would rework 3200 battery - make it so big it wouldnt fit into heavy cap booster and instead of flat amount of cap, it would restore percentage of total cap capacity

That would force ppl to make choice between tank and cap capacity, because right now you can have 80k dps selfrep ninazu with full rack of cap booster in mid, so he is basically max tank and also max cap - with change like this, ppl would be forced to pick between tank and cap capacity. Also it would make mindflood booster available once again.

And to prevent complains that it would be too overpowered for apostle and minokawa, lif and nina could get 20% cap boost increase per level and booster itself could be designed to some point where it would make it more usefull for those active FAXes than those passive FAXes

What about an e-war that reduces the amount of rep out going from a ship, It could provide some more tactical options for engagement’s.