Force Auxiliary Balance Proposal

Or a module that decreases the amount of rep applied TO a ship (local or remote) by a percentage?

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Even better.

What about tying Fax reps to Sig radius in some way? Reducing the Effective rep amount for subcaps without destroying their usefulness for superwars?

A similar scale as the difference between the target sets for dreads perhaps?


while you are at it ccp removing ewar immunity …remove the remote rep impedance aswell then …then this “balance pass” will make a little more sence…

Thumbs up I like it

Come on CCP, i can understand 15 percent, but not 37%!!! This was way too severe!

I appreciate that CCP recognizes now that there is a problem with FAXes, however with these proposed changes they are addressing the wrong problem. The problem with FAXes right now is not their raw repping power, but their lack of counterplay. Capital logi is meant to be big, it’s just way too oppressive when there is nothing you can do to counter them. Like immunity to ECM, really? 70% sensor dampening resistance? Sensor dampening would be a perfect counter to FAXes in subcap fights where the higher locktimes of the FAX gives the countering fleet a chance to pick off targets, thus effectively achieving the same as increasing the cycle time of remote rep modules. Also they should be way easier to neut out. One easy way to do that would be to scale down both the cap they can regenerate and/or inject and lowering remote rep module activation costs in the same proportion. This effectively increases the effectiveness of all neuts used against the FAX.

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I think the real issue remains at large, sure a balance pass might bring the hulls back into line, however it does nothing to address the fact that massive entities will continue to take advantage of aspects of this game. Long term solutions should be devised to encourage alliances/corporations to value quality over quantity in their members, introduce mechanics that force the likes of goonswarm to have to keep their size in check and maybe trim the fat more often. If all you need is a core leadership that can function and a few FCs, there’s absolutaly nothing preventing Tranquility ending up like Serentiy.

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There is no HAW capital repper. Split the max-rep and short cycle modules. Consider adding sig radius to max-rep module. It’s unreasonable that logistics cruisers have longer cycle times and significantly less output at the same time. Note that HAW weaponry doesn’t do capital-punching DPS or capital-sized volleys. It is reasonable that a FAX can have 2:1 or 3:1 parity with dreads on damage output against capitals, but not a FAX that can land reps against subcaps at the cycle time of a logi frigate and still the inverse output of 2-3 dreads.

Imho bring counterplay first. THEN reduce. You are experienced balancer and you do not want to do the work twice.
Another thing that involves subcaps as well. (and i said it for some years now)
make reps cost shield/armor and only a bit of cap. these are armor/shield transfers. then, the more the FAX repairs, the less tankier it is. Inherently balanced.
For counterplay: reduce amount of targets and locktime.

If you just nerf FAXes, you might hurt the economic machinery and capital escalations too much.

Another option:
if a FAX explodes, it damages its surroundings. If Damage is balanced well enough, its inefficient to have more than a certain number around the same rep-target.

Have Fun exploring these Ideas.

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So i been a triage pilot for 4+years now.
I fly the Lif and apostle,
so when it comes to a fleet comp its quite simple
Apostle used for battle ships hulls anything else smaller is dead it will not catch reps.
Lif is a great ship but can only tank 3 dreads max skills blue pill. but not Phoenix.
if changes come to local reps we are not going to be able to tank anything,
ok somethings are broken like getting boosts to remote rep not tested but this might help apostle rep battle cruisers.
the cap booster using 3200 on heavy need to change this is where i see the main problem,

every ship has there roles the Triage are not broken the cap boosters.

changes remove 3200 from heavy cap boosters sorry sub caps

I think some low slot modules that influence remote rep power should be added. That way FAX pilots, like the rest of the ships in New Eden, have to make compromises in tankability and cap stability if they want more “DPS”.

As it stands now, you never see “glass cannon” FAXs, because they can operate at peak efficiency with full racks of tank and cap booster mods. As far as I know, they are the only ship in the game that can operate in this way. THAT is what makes them OP.

Nerf the rep amount, add low slot Remote Rep Amplifiers. There, they are on par with the rest of us.

Show me another logistics ship that has to triage to provide meaningful reps? That alone is a huge downside - in spite of the advantages it confers. Gluing it down for 5 minutes is a risk, and I would argue that triage results in more dead faxes than any other mechanic in Eve (more specifically that had the Fax not triaged, it would not have been caught).

But even then, their choices are between survivability and cap stability. Look at the apostle (what I fly), and what virtually every mid slot will have in it… yes… cap boosters.

They fit for cap stability and EHP. They’re inherently quite cap unstable.

It’s not a straight translation from a DPS hull which fits for cap stability, EHP and DPS, but making everything the same isn’t as interesting anyways.

disagree. on everything you said.

Lol remove 3200s and every battleship enthusiast will unsub.

On what?

  • That they’ve got to triage to provide meaningful reps?
  • That triage is a double-edged sword that leads to a great many of them dying?
  • That they’re inherently cap unstable, and subsequently fitted around sustaining cap?
  • That ships being exactly the same is less interesting?

The only one which is not objectively true is the last point, which is of course an opinion. But far from the meat of my post.

you can’t tweak with a sledgehammer. Try finding a balance with small, incremental changes before nuking everything and starting fresh.

The problem of FAX is the problem of logis in general, made significantly more visible because it is a capital ship (= better tank and repair amount) and partly because it can arrive instantly via cyno.

I think the best fix would be to give each ship size some “max remote assistance” - like damage caps of the structures, based on its size. Approximately balanced to negate a single ship of the same class firing upon it, taking resistances in account. Then stacking penalty hits. Stacking penalty could be something similar to the range formula - say a ship could repair 100HP/s; then it would take 300HP/s repairs to fix 200HP/s and a lot of repair to fix 300HP/s on the ship. Suppose one logi repairs as much as a BS inflicts - you would need one logi to negate one BS. But you would need 3 to negate 2. And 10+ to negate 3.

It’s been a month since the changes were shelved, any update on the current status? I don’t want to be stuck with the status quo for another year.

:hot_face: Do this change in a good way :hot_face: :cold_face:Your solution is way to onesided :cold_face:

You fix this with a new Remote repair rig & a large lowering of the original repair value ONLY.
Add a rig that gives +100 Repair amount while also adding 100% repair duration.

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Hence we get a rounded WH/SubCap fax with no rigs and a capital/super fax with the new rigs. :exploding_head: