Force Auxiliary Balance Proposal

Can we also have capital reps scale with sig radius like capital nos/neuts?

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Or a group of Coure,( the frigate version), i would have also with a couple of ECM frigates but…
…well who knows what will happen

CCP do everything for make us unhappy then happy

came here to say this

agreed the networked sensor array waw a good modifier of scan resolution. natively high res on capitals is unnatural

here we go with IWIN buttons again :roll_eyes:

Nice necro.


Just bring back the glorious archon ,thanny , chimera , niddy triage and all will be solved :slight_smile:
and remove hull energizers from fax hulls

then remove it completely Kthanx

Are you retarded? Why the F you want to nerf faxes in to the ground?
Thank you for destroying best BS ingame some time ago be happy with is and STOP killing other nice ships

GO actually play EvE

FAX should get some HP buffer - it is weak ship and #1 target if its deployed

Well NOW you have my attention. Go, CCP!

Here I go pi**ing into the wind again. This really is getting damn stupid.

You realize what you have done here doesn’t adress the problem at all right? All you will do with these changes is the exact opposite to what you intend. Incentivise people to bring more FAX to supercap fights while choking the use of them in small fights where they’re used as force multipliers.

Let’s not mess about. The thing the CSM is complaining about is the fact that supercap brawls have turned into whoever brings the most FAX. Nobody on the CSM gives a damn about solo FAX fighting in small gangs. How exactly does reducing the rep amount of singular FAX reduce the numbers of FAX that people bring?

The answer is it doesn’t. It does the exact opposite. You’ll incentivise small gangs who need force multipliers to bring more cheap disposable fax in, and youll incentivise supercap brawls to have far more FAX on standby to make sure their supercap blob is safe.

Again, you’re throwing ■■■■ at the wall and seeing what sticks, and its getting beyond a joke at this point. This won’t solve the problem with capital combat, it will escalate the problem. I mean you’re basically saying that you want the ninazu and the lif to become obsolete, because all of the nerfs effect them while only half effect the apostle and mino, which are the two most often used with heavy passive tanks in supercap braws.

The problem isn’t the fact people are using them in small scale combat. This is what these nerfs overwhelmingly affect by the way. The problem is you made them the only thing that can provide capital class reps in large engagements. But no, you can’t nerf supers, because then everyone would whine, when everyone knows that the biggest goddamn issue in the game right now is supercap proliferation and how it’s strangling 90% of combat in nullsec. This is the exact opposite of what we need, like literally.

I know this won’t get taken seriously, but I would propose something different. The problem right now is people are using triage ALTS. This is the case on all levels of combat with FAX, but PARTICULARLY with large scale combat. This is the CORE of the N+1 issue that eve has been facing head on for the past half decade. If you want fax to be less powerful, make it so the dude manning the thing actually has to pay attention to his cheap FAX instead of his expensive super. I highly expect this will never happen, because this would stop people from owning more accounts, would mean people actually have to not use other ships, and would be the exact opposite of what you propose here.

What you’ve done is say ‘hey all those things which make triage micromanagement good? Let’s scrap those and make it more about how much buffer and cap boosters you fit while really only paying attention to your super’.

What you actually want to be saying is ‘hey lets make these ships more complex to fly, force people to focus on one account, meaning if they screw up, then they’re going to die pretty quick’. Not only would this help prevent the N+1 mentality, but it would promote and incentivise individual piloting skill.

How would that work? You make the cycle time of reps FASTER, not slower. You increase their cap usage. You reduce local rep cycle time, reduce their amount, and make people actually monitor their local reps instead of turning them on and forgetting about them.

In some way, you make it more difficult to simply buffer tank your fax with a boatload of EHP. Make it so that people DO have to rep to stay alive, if they recieve too much dps, then they either cap out trying to tank it, or get vollied due to low buffer. There’s a bunch of ways to do this, the easiest one may be to just increase capital plate powergrid usage, or simply remove the resist bonus from the mino and apostle and change it for something else, like cap recharge.

If you were to do this, it would make cap management the number 1 priority in a fax. Right now as long as you’re not getting neuted, it’s super easy to manage. It would mean if the enemy is able to get a few neuts on you, it would significantly effect how you tank, and would force a much larger focus on cap stability, because if you run out, you wouldn’t have the buffer to survive. It would solve the N+1 problem in supercapital escalation, because if you need pilots actually focusing on their triage or they run out of cap, then they couldn’t be running 3-4 accounts at the same time. It would make small scale combat more dynamic, requiring skill to fly a triage, and making the risks of bringing one in higher, as neut pressure could easily shut an inexperienced pilot down very quickly and stop them repping people.

(e: the tldr of this is you want to make it MORE like a triple rep myrm, not less. Force people to pay attention and use their brains)

But let’s face it, you’re going to listen to people who have never flown a FAX in their life, and think they’re the #1 issue to eve balance right now, and instead of figuring out how to fix the problem of balance in this game holistically with a long term focus, youll just do whatever makes the player base happy short term, so they can go on to whining about the next thing.

I don’t even know why I bothered writing this tbh. It doesn’t matter how much experience I have when you have 3000 idiots screaming into the void at the same time. We all know you’re just going to do the thing which appeases the largest userbase possible instead of annoying the majority and fixing the core issues of the game. This kind of nonsense has to stop, because it’s killing your game, seriously.

e: this still applies to the new changes they propose, if not even more. You don’t fix the problem of solo ancil carriers ruining small scale fights by making literally every other use case of FAX worse. You solve the problem with dynamic solutions that force adaptation and individual skill to overcome. FAX wouldn’t be a problem in small scale combat if people had options to kill them, and messing up in your FAX meant death very quickly. You’re fixing one tiny problem by plugging the hole in the dam with a stick of lit dynamite. I mean consider what this does to large scale engagements. you know, the thing that effects the majority of the playerbase.


It is ironic that if Kil2 was still playing eve today he would probably be one of those small gang/solo pilots affected by the “null sec” meta nerfs …


and it was this channel that got me into PvP

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Like you did with combat interceptors?

I agree with changing numbers for remote reps, as their reps are indeed to powerfull, but cost of them should not be a factor in desiding if they should die more often or not.
Local reps should imo stay the same as they currently are, and everyone knows the counter to a FAX is neuts, so its not like nobody can kill them.

What are you talking about? The fact that you can’t neut a cap injected or ASB FAX is one of the biggest problems right now.

Bring more Bhaalgorns

Press your cap injector and your repper in the same tick under neuts, you might be surprised at what happens. Now fit 3 cap injectors and bring enough 3200 charges to last you 40 minutes. Now you’re flying a FAX properly.

Hell if you go for a Ninazu you can even fit 2 cap batteries on top of that to make neuts even more useless.

Will admit its been quite a while since i flew a Fax, so if what your telling me is correct then WTF…
Gonna agree that something like that is insanly broken

Ok when they broke the carriers they said they do that to make a powerful force auxiliary ship. Basically instead of bringing one ship into the battle, now the players need to bring two to do the same thing. Now they nerf the second ship ( carriers will probably follow ), so that we need to bring two of them.

So the need for one ship became a need for 3…

i agree this changes are just nerfs for the own benefit of whom who proposed it…

reasons see above

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