and here im sitting see the new mutaplasmoids for ddas thinking holy ■■■■ carrier ratting buff… AGAIN?
My name is Cameron Lyle and I agree with this balance pass
So no to my 1 easy multi sided fix?
(No Local repair bonus.
Greatly Extent Repair Cycles to keep the HP high for Capital.
Add rig that reduce Cycles & Repair amount for SubCap.)
Is already in client and called links. You should try them.
If all the not so noobs would stop injecting 45034572678969562346 accounts with cheat-stix, all this mess could have been avoided and if only someone would have seen this coming years ago - oh wait
So, since this is now on the ‘Winter Update’ listing, and there’s rumors that the release for that is… Nov 13? Any actual details about it, since we’re being invited to ‘join the discussion’?
For example, at Vegas, you guys say you’re going to be removing the bonuses to capacitor size and the bonus to cap injectors… any plans for a way to offset ‘you start the fight below peak regen at 25% capacitor because you just jumped in’?
Well…maybe it’s working as intended? Jumping in like that is pretty powerful, maybe dealing with <25% cap is a balance point?
Maybe, but I doubt it, considering all capitals have the same capacitor effect.
Do you really think a passively armor-tanked Ragnarok or Naglfar (which very definitely do exist and are used) sees that as the same kind of ‘balance point’ that an Apostle, which not only has to provide remote reps, but remote cap transfer (and is one of only 2 ships with bonuses to cap transfer range that can’t cap chain—and would be running at a net loss of capacitor if it did)?
That sounds like decent player adaptation, like gankers pulling Concord to another area in the system. As for the other caps you mentioned, not all ships are ideal for all circumstances. I can understand the frustration that this particular situation doesn’t mesh well with specific ships, but that was already true of capitals, wasn’t it?
By that I mean, when carriers were split into actual carriers and FAX, I remember the discussion being that one armor and one shield FAX were theoretically geared more towards subcapital reps. At least that was the perception given the ship traits. Certain people were a tad upset about that since they were only trained in one or two FAX, and that split meant they could no longer perform the logi function they had previously been doing. For the ideal FAX given their playstyle, they’d have to start training other carriers.
So, to me at least, it stands to reason that maybe all caps are not intended to be equal for all situations. Maybe certain caps (being at a disadvantage)/(not as ideal as other caps) is intended.
It was, but my point is that this isn’t really a ‘fix’. Part of the problem CCP was getting complaints about was faxes having too much capacitor, and that’s true if your fax is starting full… either it’s on-field first for a while, or it warped in, or it tops off at a citadel.
In small gang fights, it’s a significant issue. In wormholes, it’s a significant issue.
In large engagements, faxes have now gone from ‘let’s hope we can claw back enough cap to be useful’ to ‘nevermind, we’re not actually going to be able to rep’.
on the other hand why should i be able to kill a fax with 20 alpha cruiser pilots?
Someone hit it spot on
Jump in a fax, it starts with 25% capacitor - atleast the ninazu and lif had bonuses to cap booster amounts.
to make up for their lack of EHP - and to augment the fact they are meant to be able to keep their own local reps up.
I just want to know WHY GSM/CSM CCP even thinks there needs to be a change…
the only people complaining are the ppl that don’t know how to play or choose not to change/adapt how they play vs capitals.
if its an issue in wormhole space… then prevent them from entering wormholes or from being built in wormholes… etc
seems simple enough.
a 20 man captor gang can kil a fax after its run out of cap and boosters.
its not exactly able to defend itself while in triage… drones do zero damage… Ewar has a huge penalty to cap use… so again - whats the actual problem?
The needs of the few do NOT outweigh the needs of the many.
just don’t let this proposal even hit tranquility… go back to school.
I was considering passive training a FAX alt at one point. Nothing injected, just passive skilling up while omega, as an asset more than a stringent need. Properly learning implanted, and occasionally boosted, skill queue was around 280 days to good/top skills and fitting. Damn…supercarriers are easier to fly and t2 heavy fighters faster to skill up!
So while you’re at it, why not remove the “logistics cruiser V” prerequisite from triage module t2? The “Tactical Logistics Reconfiguration V” requirement is already ~50 days, and it makes no sense training logistic cruisers 5 to use capital triage on a ship that is FAR from being a cruiser! Why is this a thing anyway? Makes no sense…
this is a mistake again , the problem is not here with faxes but in rorqs mining amount … legit rorq mining r64 moon makes more mony than 10 bots rating at a time… its just stupid… ive seen people go from 2b isk in wallet in to 3trilion isk in wallet in less than 2 mounths when the new moon ■■■■ camed out… so i think this is the bigest issue
for people who cry about wormhole… for example if u lose structure u lose the items this does not happen in normal space… so basicly u can just dock and show the midle finger in wh they have to defend it… now people will just move out of whs… even more…
and capital ships are a problem all of them , i know its a capital ship it shoud be strong… ok i agree on this , why not focus on difrent aprovch so instat that 1 guy can multi box 10 supers at a time easy… just make capitals for more pilots at a time… for example
to fly a super u need 50 toons in that ship if not u cant undock it…
this woud save the issues with server lags , woud solve the problems in big fights and it will nerf the capitals huge times… game woud be great again …
so atm eve status is like this… join the goons , buy rorq make 3b/h mine for a week and buy 1 titan and 3 supers… and now becuse i have way to much isk becuses of the stupid amount a rorq can make… i can buy more toons and i can multibox more supers at a time and at this point like 50% eve players cant even tuoch me becuse of this… and on the end if i lose the super lets asume 30b isk … well ill just go mine for few hours and buy a new 1 in same day…
i dont know ccp if u keep this up u will end with under 10k players in end of year 2020 … if this is the goal just shut down the server… save time for evry1 …
i played many games and all games had a reset at some point , and they were also sanbox games… only games that never had resets is eve and runescpe … i think a complete reset woud hurt a lot of old players for sure they will cry to heavns and back … but game will come way more active , and new players will be joining, and fun part u can make this as plot of a story , an alien races comes to new eden and they destroy eyvrything , all stations and evrything , no place to hide … after u can just lounch the server as fresh again , so people woud lose all assets but they will keep there chars … so basicly old players will still have advantage …
becuse for the fax u need 1 guy and 2b isk … for 20 alpha crusers u need 20 people…
if this is the case than lets just make godmode ships … indestructeble
That is also true for 20 x ( 50 mil isk ) alpha frigs needed to take down 1 x ( 2bil isk ) battleship. Should we ban battleships, too ?
It should not be about the number of people - if that would be the point of eve, then it would be everything about who has the biggest blob, and then lets just stop playing and agree that the goons have won. Its about the value of that ship. The small teams must have a chance to fight bigger gangs if they field more expensive ships. Yes, if you want to take on a 2bil capital then you should risk a comparable value in smaller ships.
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