We are in Resbroko[1] still. Burning through warclone after warclone - it is hard work but very satisfying. Vanguards in Ardar[2] are being contained by the Empires.
Vanguards have moved to Amo (Metropolis)[3]. Our prototype warclone blanks tests continue there now.
It appears I was wrong when stating “Auviken is safe”. Two days before “normal” Vanguard activities started in Gal-Cal warzone, this message was received via Auviken VI Skyhook, apparently mentioning some sort of specops planned in Auviken:
*/transmission acquired*Origin: Embedded message via Equinox transfer relay shoh01/p6/Auviken/NAG/Citadel
//decrypt follows
Orientation phase complete with all components on standby.
Launch group in position with no indication of detection on insertion.
Asset CISCs matching finalized defense grid whitelist schedule confirmed.
Strike group may proceed to primary action phase of Solstice at next window.
The log date above strangely coincides with the incident occurrence time mentioned in the recent Scope news piece discussed here briefly earlier on 18 June.
And Vanguards are operating (covertly) on the planet’s surface in recovering of what appears to be Upwell research into possible three cloning methods for their clone workforce programme. Leaked reports recovered by mercenaries can be looked up here aka “Proposals A/B/C”.
The Auviken VI Skyhook teter and nearby ships as seen from the surface of the planet - courtesy of my Zz source.
Meanwhile, we continue our work in Amo[3:1] hidden among Vanguard troops.
We moved our operations again. Now it’s in Hror (Metropolis)[4] a jump away from Amo[3:2]. “Weather conditions” are good.
Our activities have been relocated once again to take advantage of Vanguards cover. It’s 2 jumps from Hror[4:1] in Auner (Metropolis)[5] now.
Change of location to Ebolfer (Metropoils)[6], 5 jumps away from Auner[5:1].
While running our physical tests of the prototype warclone blanks, we’ve come by a group of Vanguards performing a strange ritual.
But it could also be just a group photo-op by the beach.
Tests are over, destination home now. Time to start thinking on that SCC application.
Vanguards have added 1.241% (73.2% total) to corruption in Resbroko with no Empires suppression as of 2024-06-25T16:25:00Z ↩︎
Vanguards have added 1.102% (100.0% total) to corruption in Ardar while Empires fight them there, adding 3.899% (14.5% total) to suppression as of 2024-06-01T14:24:00Z ↩︎
Vanguards have added 0.333% (48.6% total) to corruption in Amo with no Empires suppression as of 2024-06-26T18:11:00Z ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
Vanguards have added 0.965% (73.2% total) to corruption in Hror with no Empires suppression as of 2024-06-29T10:27:00Z ↩︎ ↩︎
Vanguards have added 0.527% (46.8% total) to corruption in Auner with no Empires suppression as of Invalid date ↩︎ ↩︎
Vanguards have added 0.537% (4.3% total) to corruption in Ebolfer with no Empires suppression as of 2024-07-01T14:24:00Z ↩︎