Why are the Upwell workers all Bald ?
This Confuses Me.
Why are the Upwell workers all Bald ?
This Confuses Me.
The leaked Chemal Tech executive summary pamphlet for The Intaki Bank board mentions several physiological modifications.
Let me mention a few
All the above, would impact delicate cellular skin structures responsible for hair growth in my opinion. Add to this all the complexity and cost of hair-grooming services spared that would be required for workforce masses. The bald and hairless is just cheaper
We are in Resbroko[1] still. Burning through warclone after warclone - it is hard work but very satisfying. Vanguards in Ardar[2] are being contained by the Empires.
Vanguards have moved to Amo (Metropolis)[3]. Our prototype warclone blanks tests continue there now.
It appears I was wrong when stating “Auviken is safe”. Two days before “normal” Vanguard activities started in Gal-Cal warzone, this message was received via Auviken VI Skyhook, apparently mentioning some sort of specops planned in Auviken:
*/transmission acquired*Origin: Embedded message via Equinox transfer relay shoh01/p6/Auviken/NAG/Citadel
//decrypt follows
Orientation phase complete with all components on standby.
Launch group in position with no indication of detection on insertion.
Asset CISCs matching finalized defense grid whitelist schedule confirmed.
Strike group may proceed to primary action phase of Solstice at next window.
The log date above strangely coincides with the incident occurrence time mentioned in the recent Scope news piece discussed here briefly earlier on 18 June.
And Vanguards are operating (covertly) on the planet’s surface in recovering of what appears to be Upwell research into possible three cloning methods for their clone workforce programme. Leaked reports recovered by mercenaries can be looked up here aka “Proposals A/B/C”.
The Auviken VI Skyhook teter and nearby ships as seen from the surface of the planet - courtesy of my Zz source.
Meanwhile, we continue our work in Amo[3:1] hidden among Vanguard troops.
We moved our operations again. Now it’s in Hror (Metropolis)[4] a jump away from Amo[3:2]. “Weather conditions” are good.
Our activities have been relocated once again to take advantage of Vanguards cover. It’s 2 jumps from Hror[4:1] in Auner (Metropolis)[5] now.
Change of location to Ebolfer (Metropoils)[6], 5 jumps away from Auner[5:1].
While running our physical tests of the prototype warclone blanks, we’ve come by a group of Vanguards performing a strange ritual.
But it could also be just a group photo-op by the beach.
Tests are over, destination home now. Time to start thinking on that SCC application.
Vanguards have added 1.241% (73.2% total) to corruption in Resbroko with no Empires suppression as of 2024-06-25T16:25:00Z ↩︎
Vanguards have added 1.102% (100.0% total) to corruption in Ardar while Empires fight them there, adding 3.899% (14.5% total) to suppression as of 2024-06-01T14:24:00Z ↩︎
Vanguards have added 0.333% (48.6% total) to corruption in Amo with no Empires suppression as of 2024-06-26T18:11:00Z ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎
Vanguards have added 0.965% (73.2% total) to corruption in Hror with no Empires suppression as of 2024-06-29T10:27:00Z ↩︎ ↩︎
Vanguards have added 0.527% (46.8% total) to corruption in Auner with no Empires suppression as of Invalid date ↩︎ ↩︎
Vanguards have added 0.537% (4.3% total) to corruption in Ebolfer with no Empires suppression as of 2024-07-01T14:24:00Z ↩︎
The time has come to contact SCC and apply for issuance of licenses for several technologies related to our Warclone Blanks prototypes.
Below is the initial draft, to be refined yet.
Updated Direct and indirect income and tax projection from the sale of the industry section.
Updated PI Costs Breakdown graph.
To: SCC President Eman Autrech"
CC: IGS Communications Director Aux Aliette
Date: 2024-09-20T12:00:00Z
Subject: Application for issuance of licenses for several technologies related to mass production of Warclone BlanksPreface
On behalf of my Corporation Los Mineros Locos [LOMLO] I hereby submit to the SCC an application for the issuance of the license for production of Warclone Blanks
Purpose and justification for the industry being subject of the application
In the face of growing danger from rogue warclone mercenaries as reported regularly by cluster’s news outlets, like Zarzakh Vanguards infiltrating High Security space around Auviken VI planet in June this year, the obvious need has arisen for protecting Capsuleer businesses against the incoming threat. In our opinion it will grow only larger. It has been determined the best approach would be an ability to respond with the similar force projection by utilizing warclone blanks produced and owned by Capsuleers, ready at vulnerable locations and operated by hired infomorphs. Or AI.
The Industry is based on Genolution Corporation design for warclone blanks. The samples for the project were obtained during Crimson Harvest season from defeating Blood Raider pirates who stole the product from Genolution factories in Fabai constellation. It is a pity the Genolution’s warclone blanks are only supplied directly to Empires’ enforcement agencies and only available in small quantities through second hand market. Not enough to fully cover the projected demand.
Moreover the warclone blanks produced by Genolution are of Warlords Era generation not fully capable of handling the threat ahead in our humble opinion. Thus the drive for innovation, improvement and mass market supply. We are yet planning to contact SoCT, the current owner of the corporation and inquire for their interest in our upgrade.
We would like to underscore the superiority of biological military platform other the purely mechanical one in terms of much lower production costs and reliability of the prior. Purely mechanical, machine processed platforms are highly under-performing and unreliable in regards of high probability of malfunctions at any design level or communication breakdown severing the link to the remote operator and loss of the machine. Organic is simply better.
Technical details of the industry
In the course of the last year our corporation has been conducting research and development project for procuring viable methods of mass producing warclone blanks. As a result of our R&D project, Industry BPO and PI Schematic prototypes has been compiled. Results presented below.
Industry BPO
PI Schematics
Both methods produce complete platform of identical quality and properties for storing warclone blank bodies in cryo-stasis encased in compact form storage unit. The rugged enclosure features all the transport utilities prescribed by commercial standards like forklift groves, stacking guides, crane hooks, manifest storage memory, transponders for automated container terminals. The units also feature vitals monitoring with holodisplays for periodic control of content quality. The enclosure also fits into standard rescue pods and can be deployed in it onto planet surface from orbit by any capable vessel. The warclone body when stored in the enclosing can survive high energy impacts facilitated by built in inertia dampeners.
Furthermore each unit features FTL networking capabilities complete with access control and firewall security for maximizing owner confidence in the platform reliability and assuring only authorized and contracted infomorphs would be able to access designated blanks for executing assigned tasks.
Upon transfer into warclone blank is complete and the blank activates the infomorph must enter the unique enclosure security code to open it. The code is matched to enclosure SN and is electronically transmitted to the buyer separately from the units themselves and by a secure medium. The unit owner then provides the infomorph with the code upon it agrees to the contract terms. The codes can be distributed automatically to select infomorphs with high enough standing with the units owner.
After the unit accepts the code, rapid manufacturing of the warclone mercenary equipment begins. The units contain all the common materials required by military equipment and are laced with high concentration of nanites which drive the transformation process of the enclosure. The infomorph is ready for combat within seconds. Fully clad in its combat dropsuit, weapons, ammo and all necessary equipment selected beforehand and the necessary BPOs transmitted along the infomorph data. Additional equipment can be deployed in separate pods as rapid manufacture packs or ready assembled in case of special purpose or prototype equipment. Infomorphs may enter the enclosure code whenever they want, even while the pod is still airborne.
Once assembled in the factory, complete with the warclone blank inside, enclosures do not open from the outside. It is a monolithic design which recycles itself into necessary warclone mercenary personal equipment upon entering the enclosure activation code by the infomorph transferred into the warclone blank. Failing to provide the activation code within few minutes from consciousness transfer, prompts the warclone blank to disintegrate and the enclosure must be returned for recycling. In worst case scenario of highly improbable rogue infomorphs mass-hack the entire stock at a location may be rendered useless. There is no possibility of unauthorized enclosure activation and hostile overtake from the inside. Unless the activation codes has been illegally acquired if not safely stored, separately from the enclosures.
There is an additional safety setting that allows the owner to manually pre-activate enclosures when the infomorph transfer is expected. The code is still required. Otherwise enclosures stay dormant and are not possible to connect with from the infomorph Hubs. Even if the activation code has already been acquired by an infomorph. The default safety setting is exactly this.
Warclone blank bodies are a special purpose gender less clones designed with military use in mind. They are durable and yet purposefully short lived. They are meant as disposable work tools and not vanity clones. Every warclone body is complete with all the vital organs, highly enhanced compared to baseliners, like nervous and cardiovascular systems or sharp senses. The body lacks the digestive tract, kidneys, reproductive organs and lungs. Their place is taken by genetically engineered organ build from hybrid tissue based on the liver and kidney cells. The organ, named gastrospongia, contains a surplus of nutrients in a quantity enough for sustaining a warclone body for limited time. Depending on the energy expenditure of the activities undertaken it varies between a day and a week.
The period may be extended by the informorph ingesting a pure nutrient formula, mostly water, ATP, complete set of amino acids and electrolytes, via oral cavity connected by esophagus with the gastrospongia. The formula is a ready to ingest, at the cellular level, solution that is quickly absorbed by the gastrospongia. The pure ATP is aa energy carrier for muscle and neural bio processes and amino acids are mainly required for peptides synthesis by quick-healing and regeneration abilities of the warclone body performing in the overdrive.
Since the warclone body is fed with pure ATP delivered directly via bloodstream to every cell. The blood contains no hemoglobin and thus is basically colorless and has no blood type. Hence no oxygen or any gas exchange is necessary and obviously no lungs are present. Their place is taken up by a double heart setup allowing for higher volume blood flow and redundancy in the emergency situation. Each heart is also 50% larger than regular baseliner hearts.
Robust self healing, augmented by the presence of nanites coupled to NIS control systems assures high rate of battlefield survivability during the first moments of deployment into the middle of heavy fights.
Because of the high metabolism rate and higher than normal performance stats of the warclone body it deteriorates over time, naturally limiting the number of formula ingestion. The efficiency of the warclone body decays logarithmically, typically over a month.
The gastrospongia has also ability of recycling waste and pathogens filtered from the bloodstream back into stored nutrients, water and electrolytes.
NIS implants used in our warclone blanks are compatible with all known infomorph formats - including Fulcrum format. Flexible architecture allows for quick adjustment to new formats. The format accepted can be soft locked to any desired one by the owner to further limit the access. We plan to schedule a meeting with Paragon representatives later this year and inquire about their willingness to test our warclone blanks under the control of their IRIS AI.
Practical applications of the industry, select use case scenarios
The main application of the Industry is defense of Planetary Infrastructure from rogue warclone interference. There is none at the moment. The impression may be it is not needed but that impression is false based on the news reports mentioned earlier.
How would it work. Simple. PI owners store our warclone blanks at Command Centers, Factories or wherever they want it. Since the enclosure is self contained it can be put anywhere. Even under open sky. But we not recommend it due being easy target for attackers. When put down it is waiting for an infomorph transfer. When the time comes the warclone comes to life and emerges in full combat gear out from the recycled enclosure.
In case there are no human infomorphs available at the moment a synthetic AI infomorph could be transferred into warclone blanks to control them. We are planning to contact Paragon and talk them into testing IRIS AI for the task. Another option would be to acquire human infomorphs performance data, with their agreement of course and for a fee to train custom AI model.
Our warclone blanks could be used anywhere where there is possible threat from infantry - be it utter destruction or just sabotage and infiltration - every interior imaginable - Ships, Stations, Custom Offices, Skyhooks, SovHubs etc. The applications are numerous and the enclosure format gives unlimited flexibility for storage and tactical placement. It is de facto launch and forget platform.
For extra planetary use we propose public pools of warclone blanks at strategic locations in every system through out the cluster manged directly by SCC or designated licensed operators.
The owners would only need to store warclone blanks digital certificates in digital vaults. Then present their certificate to nearest pool authority to have the enclosures with warclone blanks physically delivered into the regular ship or structure cargohold or special type of warclone blanks bay for ship or structure protection. No need for any logistics by the owners as the warclone blanks enclosures would be ready wherever they need them. In special cases Capsuleers could load the warclone blanks enclosures into the ship cargohold and transport them themselves if they wish so.
Direct and indirect income and tax projection from the sale of the industry
We would like to start with the estimated material costs breakdown of the Industry per unit of the final product.
IP Schematic input:
- 80x Biomass - avg. cost 975 ISK/unit, 78000 ISK total Biomass cost
- 10x Nanites - avg. cost 9995 ISK/unit, 99950 ISK total Nanites cost
- 10x Transmitters - avg. cost 13200 ISK/unit, 132000 ISK total Transmitters cost
IP Schematic output:
- 3x Warclone Blanks - avg. total cost 309950 ISK, approx. unit cost 103317 ISK
Industry BPO input:
- 240x Biomass - avg. cost 975 ISK/unit, 234000 ISK total Biomass cost
- 36x Nanites - avg. cost 9995 ISK/unit, 359820 ISK total Nanites cost
- 10x Transmitters - avg. cost 13200 ISK/unit, 132000 ISK total Transmitters cost
Industry BPO output:
- 10x Warclone Blanks - avg. total cost 725820 ISK, approx. unit cost 72582 ISK
Scale and efficiency difference should be obvious when comparing planet side and station side production capabilities and quality control. Since Custom Code prohibits transfer of Warclone Blanks through the Customs Offices, Warclone Blanks for protection of PI installations must be produced in situ. Warclone Blanks for securing of space bound infrastructure and space vessels would be produced by standard industry modules and possibly traded on Capsuleer regional markets.
High volatility of the product ensure constant demand under assumptions the rogue warclone threat only increases. Appearance of new force projection vector by Capsuleers may create new venues of application in Capsuleer vs Capsuleer affairs described earlier surpassing even the need to protect from the original threat. Thus increasing the demand and turnover even more.
This in turn will drive up the demand for basic components used for production: Base Metals, Bacteria, Planktic Colonies, Suspended Plasma and Non-CS Crystals.
In case of Planetary Infrastructure protection the warclone blanks would be produced on site. Not every planet would have all the necessary components so planetary import taxes would apply. The missing components would need to exported from other planets - to be transferred by the same Capsuleer or bought from Regional Market. Same for Industry BPOs. According to last month Economic Report we are faced with the following figures:.
Cost type ISK Value Production type affected Planetary Construction 606.7 B PI Schematics / BPO Planetary Export tax 152.6 B PI Schematics / BPO Planetary Import tax 42.1 B PI Schematics PI Total 801.4 B This statistics are a baseline, so to speak, for projecting the costs further. The main cost driver will be the conflict. Conflict with rogue warclones attacking Capsuleers and conflicts between Capsuleers using warclones in general as an attack vector.
Below is a montly breakdown* of the above values over the course of YC123/08 through YC126/08.
(*compiled from publicly available data)[TBD: estimate demand, sales income and taxes generated from production of warclone blanks]
Allowing official mass production of warclone blanks emphasize Capsuleers freedom of expression and pragmatism. We are in constant need to adjust to new situations and devise new tools for achieving new goals. We need to be flexible, always ten steps ahead.
And SCC would be able to monitor transactions and use of the warclone blanks on behalf of all CONCORD agencies interested in such data.