Former long time player explains an exploit

Hasn’t worked like that for 21 years, and they aren’t going to start now. Don’t want your stuff stolen? Don’t leave it out in the open.

I know. California is harder on criminals than this game.

He tried to execute a guy for committing petty theft.

Ah…the sheer preservative power of salt…still preserving a whine 18 years later.

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Well this was a blast from the past. What that guy did to you was no exploit, he simply used the game mechanics as intended. That little trick was known as can-flipping.

Since you waited this long to register your complaint, you will be relieved to know that can-flipping was removed from the game like 10-15 years ago. When was Crimewatch exactly? I can’t remember. Long time ago.

I got can-flipped too when I was a newbie. It was that simple act that made me turn pirate. I watchlisted that guy for years, intending to get my revenge. But then they took the watchlist away too. If anyone knows Dark LizardLord, I’ll pay for intel that leads to his demise.

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Aah yes the good ole days of Eve. This has happened to me too in the early days of Eve, my fondest memories were when theyd just transfer it to a jet can of their own and then Id go and steal it from them and warp off to the disco and get my ore back. But yes there was a time when Assault frigs were brand new and I figured Id come back in my cruiser and wipe the floor with him… AHAHAHAHAHA!! Good times good times!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Thinking too small time. I embrace pvp and getting revenge on a larger scale. By pushing as often as I can for changes that would destroy the gameplay that person enjoyed.

But I enjoyed can flipping too…

CONCORD is concerned about one and ONLY one crime, and that is aggressing another capsuleer that they do not permit you to aggress. They are not a police force that serves the public trust. They are not there to protect the innocent.

They do not come to your rescue if the pirate factions come shoot at you. Why not? Because they’re not capsuleers. Any kind of dirty business that doesn’t involve capsuleer on capsuleer violence they didn’t sanction is OK with CONCORD, as is any capsuleer on capsuleer violence that follows their rules.

They don’t care about anyone, only the law and punishing people who break it.


Not bad O/P, not bad.
You show promise, young one.

Haha so salty

/me goes back to play and enjoy the game

Bye! o/

Do you think so? No duh.

But I think it is funny as hell. Here are some of the things he stated, that made me laugh so hard, I wet myself.

If they were omega accounts, you are allowed to multibox. If these were alpha, this is still multiboxing even on 3 different machines, as long as you own all 3 accounts. Multiboxing isn’t just running a VM from the same machine.

Too late.

That is not an exploit, it is allowed. Multiboxing alphas on 2 or 3 machines is an exploit. Here I thought from the title Rocovia was going to “explain” an exploit. Still waiting…

And you then you told him, “Make me!” correct?

You what?!


I am sorry, I was drink milk and it just blew out my nose on that one!

Oh my gawd, some one needs to give this man a microphone, so he can do stand up on Saturday night.

Have fun!

In direct response to the OP: Yes.

I came here because an old exploit was about to be explained by a former long time player. When will this start?

one could just not jettison the ore. can’t steal what’s not out in space.
it’s an active decision to take that risk for convenience.

No. Your option was not to shoot him.

You did.

So you chose to engage in PVP. You wanted to engage in PVP.


It may be boring, but its the truth. Cant help it if the truth is boring, but it doesnt change the fact that its a true statement.

Id go for the boring truth over a flashy lie any day of the week.


I’m not seeing an exploit, he used game mechanics in their intended way, you just didn’t understand the consequences of your actions

Its a PvP game, pretty much everything you do is PvP, even the market is PvP, running a corp is PvP, mining is PvP

Pretty much everything you do in the game affects another player, this isn’t a single player game like X3, just wait until you learn that people can and will just blow up your ship in high sec for the lulz even without suspect baiting you

ship spinning

not allowed to do.

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