Forsaken Fortress – Coming 26 May

If someones don’t build their own structures, don’t pay fuel cost to ensure safety, don’t evacuate their assets, they have to accept the risk.
If you’re away for a long time, it’s only natural to evacuate your assets to a safe place.

I love CCP’s trolling. Deleting people’s assets while they take a break from the game is deliciously evil.

they can always build a new citadel

Good, good.
If you also manage to FINALLY add the option to remove the goddamn red dot i’ll be quite happy with the next update.


No of course I wouldn’t. Real life is more important than Eve Online (to me at least). Plus I’m the kind of player who can easily start over from nothing if needed. As long as there are other players to scam and blow up for loot I’m good.

I’m sure it would be funny to see, but I can imagine these nullblocs one-shorting abandoned structures. Dunno how good that’d be for the game.

Is everyone moving their Corps over to Legal fire as I am seeing lots of mail reports from DED telling me about my assets are being move and i think Station Owners are planning on blowing their own stations up for the loot? Or are they all going out of Commission?

Edit never mind the [Out of commission] Jerma - OPEN MARKET HUB (Wolf Enterprises Ltd.)
Fortizar Blown up, shame I use to like that one.

I can’t wait for this to be a nightmare for small corporations and inconsequential for huge power blocks, because these big corporations are really getting the short end of the stick all of the time.

I think 30 days is a better choice.

As a one man corps, what if I go on a week vacation to Fanfest? I then come back to find I have lost everything.

I also, have had an account problem that took two weeks to get resolved… and lost a POS while unable to get online.

Make it a month.

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Before you go on vacation, use the structure browser to gauge how long the structures will stay fueled, add fuel if necessary to last long enough for the vacation plus some slack for an unforeseen problem should it occur, then safely go on vacation.

Alternatively, assign or appoint a custodian to fuel it. Arguably, this is one of the reasons I have a Director who can fix these things if I am unavailable for any reason. I store extra fuel reserves in each station to balance how much is in the tank (and available as a loot drop), and how long I can run the station without trucking in more fuel.

Being successful involves anticipating problems and taking precautionary measures before you have a problem. A good idea in Eve and in life in general. Seven days is long enough that a momentary lapse of good judgement won’t cause the instant destruction of a facility. You’ll get a warning and 7 days to correct your oversight if you want to keep your reinforcement cycle.


Hello friends (I exclude CCP from this)
Balance that I am not laughing the gap between HighSec and zero zero is getting bigger and bigger the earning opportunities of simple players who cannot spend the time to establish themselves in zero zero are curtailed.
Recently, the ORE was removed from the HighSec moons, which was a slap in the face, although the ORE was also removed from the zero zero moons, but this does not play a special role because you can create your own asteroid belts via the infrastructure hub but again these beautiful large asteroids of over 250k m³ that was the great thing about moon mining, open the big stones once and an orca is full in high sec. To do this you need around a hundred great balance you will not find any long-term spas in mining and now comes such a hammer with the allegedly abandoned fortresses only because there is no service module running, it does not mean that there is no active but it is not about it is as always how can it be otherwise MONEY CCP can not get enough get the money presses on like the FED or the ECB and that’s why service modules must now run in all structures 8-10 block of fuel x24x30 = 5760-7200 block of fuel per month at the moment, one block of fuel cost 18,000 ISK, which is well over 100 million ISK. Calculate for yourself how much PLEX that is, then you know your structures you will not get through either lose but through NPCs if this is not an intervention in the game mechanics then I also don't know nobody can protect his structures 24/7 from NPCs I can’t eat as much as I want to vomit

i hate to be a hater, but CCP screwed this update dearly, 26th of MAY?

please tell me this is in 2 days, otherwise nullblocs will be able to counter this in a jiffy, please ccp release it on 4/26/20 not a month after that :confused:

You asked what you were missing, while implying that null pilots were upset with the changes. :man_shrugging:

You do you, man, I just tried answering your question.

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Yes, we can create our own asteroid belts that cannot produce enough ore to build a single battleship.

Honestly, you seem to have no idea what the total picture of the scarcity phase looks like so far.


Really don’t care, I don’t exactly fancy spending hours clearing a single system…and yes, a 8-9 hour bash-fests do happen, except you are doing them in some boring sub-cap because there is no point bringing out anything larger than a battlecruiser because of the stupid damage cap.

Three carriers cap a medium structure with T1 fighters…OR a single anti-cap dread, there is no point using the dead as you will have to siege cycle 5 times to get rid of the structure.

I played before damage caps were a thing, and a LOT of content was generated counter dropping people’s bashing dreads.

Turns out Nullblocs aren’t the only people who matter in this game. Everyone deserves a fair shot to prepare, that’s why the whole game gets a 1 month + 1 week notice.

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Oh boo hoo.
Moons never used to produce any minerals to build a Battleship.
Cry me another river. Null is still an arm and a leg up from the old ore situation.

I’m of the option that abandoned has no damage cap. If someone can’t be bother to maintain it they let the next people just burn it down faster so can set up shop as they see fit.


Sure, that happened - not every day. But it also became just about the ONLY way structures were bashed, since N+1 was so effective. Subcaps have a role in the current design, which smaller groups should appreciate.

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How about first you finally get around to telling me which group benefits highsec is being denied?

:red_circle: N+1 has not changed at all. If you cannot hold the grid, it is irrelevant whether you technically only need 10 people to pause a repair timer. Infact, structures have reinforced N+1 more than POS ever did. In contrast to structures, you were able to incapacitate POS defenses so that you could attack it with fewer people later on. POS also needed several people to man all the available defensive modules and not just one. Not to mention that a POS was cheap to get and to remove. It did not anchor you in place because you made the mistake of installing a ridiculously expensive rig in your structure.

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