
Logged in today, and realized that billions of assets I had in a player structure are all now just gone. My buddy I play with also lost everything. Assuming that asset safety would prevent me from losing my stuff was a fatal mistake. All of my researched blueprints: gone. My missiles I was stockpiling to sell all at once: gone. Several of my ships: gone. My stash of blueprint copies: gone.

Why is this possible? I cannot describe the negativity I feel towards EVE, CCP and myself right now. I feel personally betrayed by this game for having months of effort washed away because I did not log in for 2 days. Are player structures really intended to be a bait and switch? Does the community want this to be the case?

I’ve played the game for a few years now, and I understand that set backs and losses are a part of the game. You learn by making mistakes. I understand you’re expected to put this game first before anything else, but that’s supposed to be because of your Corp, not because of CCP. This just feels like I’ve been cheated. Like I’ve been wronged by the developers of the game. Tricked. It’s an awful feeling.

EDIT: Thanks for the replies, everyone. I feel a lot better reading them. Please use this story as a lesson: Do not store anything in player structures!


If it was a structure in a wormhole, then this is a normal mechanic that you should have expected, if not, open the assets window and click on the third tab, a surprise awaits you there.



Sure, it feels pretty bad to lose a bunch of stuff. Let’s be honest here though (in fact you already are because you included ‘yourself’ in the negativity) - loss of a player citadel and the contents inside it aren’t exactly deep secrets. You pretty much knew your stuff was at risk as soon as you put it in a player structure.

EVE has choices, and one of the most common ones is “convenience vs. security”. Any player owned structure is a convenience asset which you’re trading off against the security of an NPC station. This isn’t about putting the game ahead of anything else, or being cheated or tricked. This is a well known risk that you chose for the convenience or ease of access, and didn’t monitor closely enough to keep your assets safe.

There may have been asset warning notifications you missed. Or your items may be in asset safety nearby after a short wait (although IIRC you’ll have to pay 15% tax to retrieve them). Or you may simply have been caught at a bad time, or by using a structure that somebody allowed to go unpowered.

I’m sympathetic to the feelings of anger, frustration, and loss. We’ve all experienced that. Just be aware that more than half that anger is probably at yourself, for brushing off something you knew was a risk but chose to do anyway.


You failed to stick to the most basic of “rules” that even newbies in rookie channel learn very early on: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Also you chose to be in a small mostly inactive corp with probably just alts; no one to help, rely on, explain/teach you or warn you. This is an MMO, you made your choices.

Learn from it, improve and go at it again. Andd perhaps this time learn about stuff preemptively so you don’t have to learn it the hard way.

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No, it was a structure one jump from Jita and my asset safety tab is empty.

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Maybe was not fueled, but its take 7 days not two.

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How was it lost?

imo, CCP should get rid of asset safety. The only places your assets should be safe, are in npc structures. And possibly not even there if it’s possible to destroy them.

As for the loss, even as emotionally devastating as it is, think of it as a cheap loss. If something on this scale happened in the real world, it could be much worse for you. In a game, the worst that can happen is you lose your stuff… in the real world (depending on the legal framework you’re under) you can be held liable for the losses that other people suffered, which you may never be able to reimburse.

Always make sure you know the rules you’re working with before engaging.

Ultimately, I encourage you to chin up and go back at it. If you can bounce back from losses like this, it will make you invincible, both in game, and in the real world.


I had a bunch of stuff in a player structure that is now gone, and none of my assets went to safety. Not sure what happened to the structure but it was just outside Jita. I had 2 days notice to get my stuff but that was like a week ago.

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I agree, having the ‘Asset Safety’ tab removed completely would help with the confusion. I made an assumption that my stuff would be protected (I’ve gotten things from asset safety before) and feel burned because I had no idea I was just going to lose my stuff.

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The rules of EVE online is a mess

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Well like any live service game, they’re always changing.

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Yeah, I’ve had some stuff in asset safety as well… mostly just random junk. But I never trusted having my stuff in player structures long term.

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Yoi were warned it was going unpowered

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Yes, that is the phase to which asset safety does not apply.

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Why are they always changing. It seems counter-productive.

I’m curious what the 48 hour warning said was gonna happen

Cut down on spam

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You can be sure the Null lobbyists took care of that.


Sucks OP, but loss is the best teacher. If you lost X Billion ISK then the best thing to do is start reflecting and learning X Billion ISK worth of lessons.

Here’s four to get you started:

  • Structures and Abandoned State
  • Setting up a structure anywhere near Jita
  • Not using one of the many tools available to get notifications for your structure
  • Putting everything into the structure

Remember, loss isn’t failure. Giving up or refusing to learn after a loss is, though.

Hope this helps.

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