Forsaken Fortress – Coming 26 May

The tedious thing comes from the idea that alot of people won’t want to keep all of their corp’s structures fueled all the time and so could resort to a sort of on/off system.

Once a week you have to go through and on/off all the unused citadels?

This doesn’t even really effect me, I use all mine. They just weren’t fueled, so now I gotta put gas in 'em.

I also feel like this is another way to punish people for “winning EVE” and forcing people to continue to login.

“I would stop playing and take a break, but I would have to move my billions of ISK worth of assets out of my structures and that would be a nightmare…”

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Asset Safety can be triggered manually at any time. And in response to your first point, fuel cost isn’t a huge factor in the difficulty of keeping structures online, the hard part is going structure to structure to online everything.


Well, that’s a thing they can choose to do, isn’t it?

login as alpha, right-click citadel name in the assets list, send it all to asset safety.


Or, you just log in, put everything in Asset Safety, and then you can stop playing without worrying about losing your billions. If you have that kind of an attitude already, it’s pretty clear you don’t really care about it in the first place.


It will cost fuel now… abandoned structures will not tether :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s fair. But then pulling it all back out could be very expensive.

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More, that means in order to have tethering for more than a week, the structure needs to have a service module running.

No cloning in that astra? No tethering.

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It is perfectly clear CCP does not care about getting players to return to the game and they are all in on trying to bring new people back. The completely and utter disregard for any veteran player to ever return is sickening in this change.


No more expensive than it would have been if it were asset-safetied due to explosion.

Why do you care?


:red_circle: I think that 7 days is a little bit short for going into abandoned. That means you cannot allow yourself to take a break at all from EVE or any structure related activity without wasting tons of fuel. You have to have something running to prevent timerless destruction. You cannot even unanchor a structure that don’t need for a few weeks if you rigged it because that incurs significant losses. That abanndoned timer should really be longer than just 7 days.


I care because it is a terrible idea. They already have a hard enough time encouraging new players to stay, and they are now permanently cutting off any returning player that played in nullsec.

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Also, how do you ‘bring new people back’? If they’re coming back, aren’t they ‘not new’?

Also also: older players have a month to move stuff out of cits into NPC stations, which will still store your stuff forever.


If I get hit by a car and can’t login, I get the added benefit of losing everything in this game. Thanks CCP good change.[quote=“Arrendis, post:74, topic:235219, full:true”]

Also, how do you ‘bring new people back’? If they’re coming back, aren’t they ‘not new’?

Also also: older players have a month to move stuff out of cits into NPC stations, which will still store your stuff forever.

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How many people are actually in this situation that would be negatively impacted by this change?


i love it.

However, can you PLEASE add this same mechanic to mobile depots?

PLEASE?! 3 or 7 days without its owner interacting, it should remove a depots timer.

KILL this depot spam while you’re at it with other structures.


If you’re going to take a break that’s that short, you’d be wasting pretty much the same amount of fuel just turning the services back on.


Or have any kind of personal or professional reason for not being able to login.

The same number as will benefit from this change. Since neither of us have either of those numbers we are free to make them up.

Yeah I agree, there’s no way that regular members would know the fuel status of structures unless they are manually looking for the “[low power]” tag. There should probably be some notice that a structure you have items or a clone in has gone offline or abandoned (they already exist but you will only receive them if you have a certain role in the owning corp). I also agree with what someone else said about people that have not logged in for a long time keep their asset safety.