Forsaken Fortress – Coming 26 May

You seem to be skipping a very important step to this. If something happens that I can not predict and I am forced from the game, I now stand to lose everything.

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Perfect. 3 months might even be a bit too long, maybe 45 days?

This seems to be the point that everyone here arguing for this change seems to miss. Stuff happens outside the game that can prevent login for a while. Things completely outside the player’s control.

dont keep “everything” in a citadel then? Seems simple enough for a solution.

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Hmmm… I just thought of something. The Broker Fee increase has discouraged folks from regularly checking their sales, as changing the price rapidly takes away your profit. So folks are probably not checking the state of their items for a week or more at a time now.

Put up a citadel, make it a trade hub alternative for a few months, then pull the plug and see how much is left after a week.


Except to get those benefits, they already need to stay fueled.


there wont be many abandoned structures now dont worry ^^

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dont keep “everything” in a citadel then? Seems simple enough for a solution.

Rarely do people keep everything in citadels, but that sounds like an argument from someone who doesn’t use them at all.

Stuff gets spread out all over. I can tell you that the amount of assets I have in my citadels isn’t everything, but it’s still a good chunk of stuff.

more than you can imagine, imo.

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because ccp benefits for you to go and fuel them.
that is what the update is about .
pay for fuel for all.

Totally and wholeheartedly agree!!

This would be a path for small groups to gain control of structures they could never otherwise afford.

Need to give them access to everything in the structure.

Hack wrong a couple of times and “boom” -it, you, and your ship are history.

Ms Steak


dont keep “everything” in a citadel then? Seems simple enough for a solution.

Ya know, it seemed that CCP was really pushing for a strong ‘player-owned’ aspect with citadels, Now they’re backing hard away from that with these massive disincentives for using player-owned assets. It’s rather bipolar.


So the new answer is “Don’t use citadels”

the update is to pay for fuel for all structures all the time
the reason is isk-production sink
the wardecks are isk sink will they remove them?
figure yourself.

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why would somebody not be able to afford a citadel? they are stupid cheap.

But not all the time. As an example, someone else already pointed out a lot of smaller corporations will online their stations maybe once a month to run refining for their months haul of ore and that’s it.

Depends on your definition of cheap. If you are worth billions, yes. If you are a small corp of RL friends who have been playing for 5-6 months - then no, they are not cheap.

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CCP announced a month of Citadel refueling…

Number of bots in Ice Anoms doubled!!!

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no it usually is one man 8 accounts alliance

There might be some adjustments that need to be made alongside this, but I really doubt this is going to drive thousands of accounts away.

At worst, it will expose some gaps in structure roles currently. I recall a structure I use going into low power, and someone who had the ability to fuel it not having the rights to online modules, and the solution was that someone needed almost full control to restart it. If that wasn’t a corp-specific issue (always possible), then there is perhaps work to be done alongside this patch. I mean, if I’m trusting someone to fuel a structure, I may not want him to be able to remove the modules, but I think I’d trust them to flip a light switch.

Short version: make sure there’s a role for trusted people to fuel and flip the light switch without having the rights to remodel the place, and it’s fine. Really.

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