“I dunno, I can imagine a lot.” -H. Solo
Yeah, ok, and my Force Recon comes in via wormhole. You get them, even in stagers. Just have to either wait, or have a really patient rolling group. And that’s assuming you don’t have the force recon right there in the system already. Just make sure you’ve always got an extra someplace to covert cyno in a few dozen more, later.
Really, this idea that you can make someone else’s stager impenetrable to them is just… ridiculous.
I personally took part in two different month long camps by goons, so ya they absolutely can maintain a camp.
i have an answer that eve is not a single player game ,at least not in all aspects of it.Solo owning structures sounds bad for me.of course they let you buy them first.pay later hehe
Maintain ‘a camp’, sure. Maintain a camp on all of the gates in a system and hunt down every wormhole and hunt down covert cynos bringing in more cyno ships?
No, we can’t do that.
And in that time you maintained full control of the system 24/7 and killed every ship that entered the system? No, I call BS.
Fuel it and you got: asset safety, timers, more tank and tether.
Is needed - at last people can start cleaning up abandoned structures, and possibly get something back from doing so.
What about POCOs?
We came pretty close with the hellcamp at the end of the Halloween War, but that wasn’t really someone’s stager, and tethering didn’t exist yet. So we were able to bubble the station all to hell—which you can’t do to cits, because they’ll kill the bubbles—as well as the gates.
Once upon a time? Yeah, we could come close. With the mechanics as they are now? No.
What about them? They’re not upwell structures, they work on different mechanics.
Poco mechanics should be unchanged by this update.
I understand that … what about POCOs in highest owned by zombie corps? The only way to get rid of them right now is to declare war yes?
Maybe they could just automatically asset-safety any assets currently in an unanchored faction fort whose owner corp office is no longer active?
Fueled structures have twice as much ehp. Also 60K m3 of fuel keeps lights on for months if only one service is running.
On the “no asset safety” : I buy stuff all over the place and some stations I only visit 3 months later, once I have enough stuff in the system to make it worth the trip. I have already now on a regular basis stuff in asset safety because stations are destroyed/dismantled. Do I really need to keep an eye on every bloody station in multiple regions? Can we at least expect a warning mail when a station becomes abandoned ?
And why not use a completely different system?
Introduce ‘Asset Insurance’. This is offered to a player the first time they put something in/ docks in a structure (a newbee or player that stays in NPC stations is hence not burdened with this) and further be bought at any time in any station.
It’s a new ISK-Sink to protect your assets (under all circumstances…so including abandonment). You don’t want it? No problem : you just will have with the risk of no asset safety (under all circumstances…so even if the station is blown up). Otherwise you pay 0.1% per month (automatically after the agreement on the insurance) on all your assets, if they are in structures or not, and you have asset safety.
So a player with 100 billion in assets pays per month 100 million in tax.
The insurance will also be deducted from inactive accounts (assuming they have the automatic payment active and not deactivated it) till their accounts are reduced to zero. After that, they will have also no asset safety.
The nice thing about this that the rich players will for once pay a fair tax. And it will probably be huge sink.
Simple: Keep enough fuel in your structure for X months at a minimum. So say your estimate is 6 months of being out due to being scared of a car accident. Then put 9 months of fuel in and when it hits 6 months refuel it to 9, repeat every 3 months. You then always have a 6 month emergency buffer of fuel and get all the benefits of asset safety if you are not using your structure for that long.
Covert ops + blops a covert fuel truck in. Problem solved and easy to get around any camp.
thats a good one! thx
The current state low power a structure can lose its shield and armor in the same attack just takes awhile. The timer repair it will fully repair if dps is not met to pause the timer. this will now need to continue right into hull damage which means more time is needed in one sitting to deplete the hull.
High Sec wardecs were spread over two weeks due to the last timer. Now that is being taken away on low power/zero fuel for 7 days) Making it a single week to structure bash absent players.
The only downside to this and I want to be clear on what I am trying to say.
Right now the World is going through a rather unpleasant state with Convid19 and potentially causing many Eve Players to be absent from playing Eve Online. These changes could be pushed back until the World fully recovers would be the better way of introducing such massive changes.
Sure we all want to clean up Highsec, how about spend a thought to those of us who can not always log in to spend time in game with the pandemic at our doorsteps.
EHP is already nerfed when in low power - armor timer is gone and armor and sheild ehp is halved.
Because killing structures that are in abandonment state will be a new profession considering the profitable drops due to no asset safety. So it’s important to get that ‘abandonment’ label only after a reasonable period of time. Having one will probably get you 100% wardecced.