♦ Forward Operating Base / Fob Tips


We would like to share our experience on pirate FOBs, to show that dealing with them might not be as hard as it may have considered from compiling previous posts.

As we are unknown to the vast majority of the cluster, let’s remedy on this : we are one of the first fleets which have managed to destroy pirate FOBs on a weekly basis both prior and after the patch of december, 05th. Our strategy has gone unchanged even after CCP patch.

First things first, let’s keep in mind that Forward Operating Bases should be done in fleets requiring a teamplay as seen on Sansha Incursions.

Thus : do consider to form fleets of mixed logistics and DPS with tank resistances according to your targets i.e :
-Full thermal vs. Guristas
-Thermal and EM vs. Blood Raiders

As the fight goes, NPCs do call for reinforcements. Things worsen over time so you might want to deal with the FOB quickly, hitting it with a full 5,000 damage per second.

Given this, the strategy is simple : best defense is good offense. So forget one second about the NPC ships and full focus on that big structure.

Here is our fleet composition, as seen on zkillboard (https://zkillboard.com/group/1924/)
-4x DPS BS-sized dealing 5k DPS (Total)
-2-3x Logistics able to remote the massive damage your fleet mates will suffer over a 15 minutes fight.

Specific numbers on each FOBs :

Guristas FOB (ECM 100km + Web 300km + Neut 150km)

Equip your ships with full Thermal resistances
*Beware of the ECM
*NPC ships encountered :
-Rattlesnake : DPS
-Raven : DPS
-Caracal : DPS
-Osprey : Logistics Shield
-Gila : DPS + ECM
-Blackbird : ECM
-Kestrel : DPS + Web + Warp disruption at close range

Blood Raiders FOB (Neut 150km + Web 300km)

*Equip your ships with Thermal and EM resistances
*Beware of energy neutralizers
*NPC ships encountered :
-Bhaalgorn : DPS + Neut
-Apocalypse : DPS
-Omen : DPS
-Auguror : armor logistics
-Arbitrator : dampeners + tracking disruptors
-Ashimu : DPS + Neut
-Cruor : DPS + Web + Warp disruption at close range

We chose an armor doctrine for the easiness of tanking : high resistances and high armor rate. Plus, the Nestors are fitting their logistic role neatly.
Both type of pirates FOB can be dealt with the same strategy although grid tactics must be adapted.

Tactic is even simpler : fleet warp at 0 on the FOB and focus all DPS on the NPC structure.

The main concern is team cohesion, independently from NPCs : this event demands high skills from players, barring fleeting for newbros.

Microjump Drive is mandatory should you want to disengage from the fight at any time or at the end, once the FOB has been destroyed because NPC ships does not vanish immediately.

Fly safe

Keepe (CEO) & Limai Tan (Communication Manager)


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Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

Pour celles et ceux que le sujet intéresse, et après avoir parcouru les différents posts sur le forum, nous aimerions apporter une petite contribution sur les Bases d’Opérations Avancées Pirates. Elles ne sont pas si dures à détruire. De notre point de vue, la majeure partie des posts actuels sur les forums sont sans fondements concernant leur difficulté.

Afin de nous situer, nous sommes la première flotte à avoir détruit les BOA avant le patch du 05 décembre dernier et ce, sans avoir eu recours à un glitch. Le patch déployé par CCP n’a eu aucun impact sur notre stratégie, au contraire d’une majorité d’autres Capsuliers.

En premier lieu, il convient d’aborder les Bases d’Opérations Avancées comme un objectif de groupe, ce qui implique un minimum de travail d’équipe à l’image de ce que l’on peut voir actuellement sur les incursions Sanshas.

A ce titre, envisagez de former des flottes classiques mêlant DPS et logistiques disposant de résistances adaptées aux cibles que vous voulez attaquer.
-Full thermal vs. Guristas
-Thermal and EM vs. Blood Raiders

Concernant les informations générales : voici la composition de notre flotte, telle que visible sur zkillboard (https://zkillboard.com/group/1924/) :

-4x Battleships DPS, équipés pour atteindre 5 000 DPS (Total)
-2-3x Logistiques équipés pour réparer les membres du groupe qui vont subir les assauts des PNJ durant toute la durée du combat (environ 15 minutes).

Informations spécifiques à chaque BOA

BOA Guristas (ECM 100km + Web 300km + Neutralizer 150km )

*Équipez vos vaisseaux en résistances Thermal uniquement
*Attention aux ECM
*Flotte de défense PNJ BOA Guristas:
-Rattlesnake: DPS
-Raven : DPS
-Caracal : DPS
-Osprey : Réparateur de bouclier
-Gila : DPS + ECM
-Blackbird : ECM
-Kestrel : DPS + Web + Warp Disruptor

BOA Blood Raiders (Neutralizer 150km + Web 300km)

*Équipez vos vaisseaux en résistances EM + Thermal
*Attention aux Neutralizers
*Flotte de défense PNJ BOA Blood Raiders:
-Bhaalgorn : DPS + Neutralizers
-Apocalypse : DPS
-Omen : DPS
-Auguror : Réparateur d’armure
-Arbitrator : Dampeners + Tourelles disruption
-Ashimmu : DPS + Neutralizers
-Cruor : DPS + Web + Warp Disruptor

Concernant notre stratégie, le choix d’une doctrine Armor s’est faite pour la facilité à monter les résistances et les Hp, le choix du Nestor répond à nos critères de survie et de réparation des vaisseaux.

Notre stratégie est simple : la meilleure défense, c’est l’attaque. Alors oubliez les vaisseaux PNJ un instant et concentrez-vous sur la BOA.

La même stratégie est applicable sur les deux types de BOA présentes sur le serveur actuellement. Il convient simplement de s’adapter aux spécificités de ces dernières (résistances + guerre électronique / neutralizers)

La tactique sur la grille est là encore très simple : nous sautons en fleet à 0 sur la FOB et y concentrons tout le DPS.

Le Microjump Drive est indispensable pour se désengager du combat à tout moment, ou lorsque la BOA est détruite car les PNJ restent sur la grille.

La principale difficulté vient de la cohésion de groupe plus que des PNJ eux mêmes. Ce contenu est très exigeant au niveau des compétences ; ce qui le rend malheureusement inaccessible aux nouveaux joueurs .

Fly safe

Keepe (CEO) & Limai Tan (Communication Manager)


Couple of questions here. Do FOB NPC’s spawn in amounts according to the size of your fleet? Can FOB NPC’s be farmed indefinitely or do the NPC’s stop spawning at some point?


NPC dont have bounty , response fleet dépend of high slot équiped on ship on grid. . One wave each minute and probably last wave is the 15 th but we are never make the fob with 15 minute so not a verified information.


Yes, NPCs spawn according to your fleet.

While the FOB defense team is capped, expect a fight up to 5:1 ships. This number worsen as time goes. And yes, new ships do warp in upon destruction of one of their own. But not immediately.

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Is it even worth running these things? What do you get from completing a site? Any loot from wrecks?


Can someone conferm another tactic with FOB - kill all partols and mining ships and FOB then despawns in 2-3 days?

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So, depending on the size fleet that I bring, what level of difficulty can I expect? Level 4 combat mission? DED 5/10? DED 10/10?

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Actually we have only look despawn of fob when no kill player by npc in sometime

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I think burner l4 with compo incursion ( teamplay)


30 M each member of fleet + loot fob for max 15 min

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Do you happen to know the effective ranges of the neuts on the FOB? Can I park a Golem 150km out in bastion mode (which ignores ECM) and just pound it with cruises out of the range of the neuts?

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Nevermind. Just looked it up. Max effective range of those FOB neuts is 100km, so just park a few Golems at > 100km out in bastion mode and ignore both the neuts and the ECM.

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Without logi, bastion won’t save you from the DPS


Hah golem good luck


I dont think it s a good strat because each minute one wave and there are very lot of npc who focus only one member . Dps receive is very very higth

Example for one member ( resist 96 )with all wave on you need mini 9 remonte Armor of Nestor so 9 * 768 = 6912 hp each 5-6 sec for save the member

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Well, the particular Golem setup that I use has 1.3 MILLION EHP vs straight thermal (98.5% resist) and can tank 50,000 DPS straight thermal, so… Apparently you’ve never seen videos of someone in null in a Golem taking on 20 to 30 players at once…

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The rats warp directly on you, wherever you are.

The cruisers from the blood fob have neuts.
Some have missile guidance disruption.
The rats have buffed stats. You will need to kill 4frigs 2cr per min, plus the respawn, plus the battleships

I advice you to test it on singularity server before you lose your shiny toy. If you are right, this is a good thing :slight_smile:


Yeah, I’ll have to check it out on the test server. The setup I use would be specifically against a Guristas FOB where no NPC ships would have neuts. Then all I have to do is park it out of range of the FOB heavy neut. A Golem is 100% immune to all forms of e-war in bastion mode. That’s ECM, tracking disrupt, guidance disrupt, everything. Then there’s the MJD if it does indeed get too nasty.

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the guristas fob does not have neuts IIRC

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