Since day one.
—Helpful Gadget
Since day one.
—Helpful Gadget
I know, majority of the EVE players is so blindsighted when it comes to EVE that they can’t even accept that EVE is pay2win, but this is too much.
Isn’t EVE also realtime strategy, battle arena, adventure and a simulator? The shortcut MMORPG doesn’t really cut it imo.
The game is officially sold as an MMORPG.
It’s akin to playing Traveller (a pen and paper Role Playing Game) with thousands of others online (The MMO bit).
You can of course disagree that the gameplay fits CCPs label, but it fits to me.
—Archivist Gadget
I never noticed that. The official description on steam and also official page only says MMO or sandbox MMO.
“# The #1 Space MMO”
“EVE Online is a free-to-play community driven space MMO where…”
“EVE Online is the largest single shard space MMO of all time.”
“Experience this vast spaceship MMO for free as an Alpha Clone…”
So I really saw it being labelled as MMORPG the first time today when I opened that article. But now when I take a closer look on official page you are right, MMORPG is in the page title (something that doesn’t show up these days) and even some of the rotating quotes from game reviews.
That chart has been cited so much and it is also not entirely accurate or doesn’t consider many other variables such as product life cycle, the general type of player in 2023, the state of the MMO market, and so much more.
Yes, videogames are products that follow the marketing product life cycle. Games eventually shutdown if not maintained and people move on.
When all of this is considered, it is remarkable EVE is still kicking after 20 years. The party is at FPS games/single player games/ AAA titles.
EVE is not dying.
I RP as Serpents, and it’s been pretty damn fun. But I’m a snakey ■■■■■ anyways, so am I even really roleplaying?
you don’t equip your ship with modules you bought with ISK you grinded by your own actions?
pretty boring mechanic to simulate “gaining muscles by training” - which would be absolutely pointless in a game where you roleplay a spaceship commander who doesn’t need to move any muscles because he’s connected to this think called “capsule”.
Eve Online is not free to play imo. For example many skills and ships require you to buy omega game time. And afaik your character also cant progress beyond 5M skill points unless he has omega game time.
Imo EVE Online and World of Warcraft devs/executives operate based on the same assumptions:
-Subscription models arent popular
-“Its an old game, players arent interested”
-This game is better than it was when player count peaked
-Players are just dumb for not liking our game and the work we do
Thats it. WoW and EVE devs and execs are both operating based on these assumptions and thats why the games slowly fade into irrelevance because they are wrong. Also i would like to note that when EVE online and WoW player subscriptions were at all time highs, gaming was less mainstream than it was today. The gaming industry as a whole has grown significantly during the time WoW and EVE online subscriber numbers have decreased. And its simply because the devs that originally made the game cared for it and made something cool. The devs and execs that came after seemed to care more about the money! and most players pick up on this, and spend their time and money with other games. it is very ironic.
And I listed that ass a core mechanic of RPG? You can “equip” “items” in pretty much any other game including FPSes. Just that you can equip an item to your character doesn’t make the game RPG.
Especially when you are not even equipping your own character and that character doesn’t even physically exists in the whole game.
Even Rust or Fortnite has more RPG elements than EVE lol. Yet they are not labelled as such.
It is core mechanic of RPGs, so if you don’t like tha and prefer EVE’s way of “levelling up” then RPGs are not for you. That is absolutely fine, everyone has an opinion and both aproaches has their own merits. But that is just your own opinion and I don’t see how it is relevant to the discussion whether is EVE RPG or not.
it’s a core mechanic of medieval setting RPG, where you simulate your player avater gaining muscles. In EvE, your ship is your player avatar. Not the portrait of the person your capsuleer was before he/she got into the pod. It’s the ship. You are a capsuleer, you are the ship. The portrait is just there for convenience.
So in fact World of Tanks is also RPG. Good to know.
You know what. I agree. I hate subscription games. Only reason I am here is the plex option. I’ll buy a lot of DLCs if needed. I just want ownership of the game titles I purchase.
Yah EVE is subject to rough economic times. When people need to cut expenses it’s the subscription payments that go first.
Actually, made sense for once.
Do you consider 2008 good econonic times? It was the big financial crisis but EVE was smashing player count records despite being subscription only
Understandabe, for solo games you run on your own computer.
But not for an MMO.
An MMO has running costs as long as the game is played, at the very least to keep the server online, but also to keep the game up to date with maintenance, new stuff and fixes to satisfy enough players that you as player have enough other players to interact with in your MMO.
To keep a game like that available for players over the years, the game needs a continuous income stream, which means subscriptions, or heavy microtransactions. A single ‘I bought the game, now I own it’ price just doesn’t cut it.
You are absolutely right, if the game is running online for thousands of players 24/7 then that is not free and one-time payment doesn’t provide enough income to provide such service.
Still I dislike monthly subscription model. In the end I still tried EVE, but after I gained the experiences with this model here I never tried any other game like that. I just hate that I am limited by real time for my payment. I feel forced to play as much as I can to get value of my payment. This is why the strictly monthly-subscription model is extinct and is replaced with freemium model. It is essentially the same thing, because the free version of the game is extremely limited, but most peoples get fooled by it. Human psychology.
And despite I understand the need for the game to both cover expenses and to also generate income, I think that the monetization of this game is too aggressive and too broad. EVE Is the most expensive MMO game afaik. (Not counting mobile pseudo-games)
I haven’t played that many different subscription models, but I recall that in World of Warcraft I had to pay not only a monthly subscription but also the price of a standalone game for each of their expansions in order to play (in addition to all their optional microtransactions).
That seems like more agressive monetization to me than EVE, to be honest.
Indeed, that is the last thing that EVE didn’t monetize. Plus also begging money on kickstarter lol.