I was under the impression, from my time both in null and in lowsec, that the freeport laws were basically sacrosanct, unbreakable. That while it is understood a corp/alliance has the absolute right to determine who does and does not dock at their stations, that any station set to public dock and Named “Free Port”, was just that. Whether in Null or Lowsec.
I bring this up because a worrying trend has begun to pop up across eve, both in lowsec and in some nullsecs, where smaller alliances and corps have recently gained space.
It seems that many of these corps are using the Free Port and public dock, in order to lure miners, industrialists, and freighters (jump and otherwise) to them, but once there they find out their docking rights have suddenly been restricted (usually while in warp or in jump), and the individual can now not dock and is met with a gank squad.
Sometime a ransom offer is made, but unfortunately because the trend became take the money and kill them anyway for the loot, No one takes a ransom seriously. (Another thing bad apples have screwed up in EvE). Even if it is being made seriously, you can;t expect the person to pay it while your shooting them, and they are not docked away from your weapons.
It’s eve no one is stupid enough to pay a ransom from people who just locked you out of a Free Port in order to gank you. Without them proving they will actually let you live by letting you dock. Its low and null, they cant go anywhere. And if they don’t pay you can gank them when they undock.
In any case, I see this as a serious danger to Nullsec and even lowsec Alliances who use Free ports to maintain their ADM (For Sov), and who charge monthly renter fees for neuts using their space (low and null) .
The Free Port Laws are Sacrosanct, because of the economic damage which could be done to Alliances that use them for the above purposes, when corps or alliances start using them as traps. Players do not know or care why, all they know is that these free Ports are now deathtraps and not Freeports. So they flee null and low and go back to highsec. Removing content for all of us.
Alliances and Corps which are using these Free Ports as these Gank traps need to be put to a stop. Before they cause irreparable damage to the reputations of the Other Free Port Holders. And diminish the game further for everyone.
At one point in time, I remember every single Corp or Alliance understood the reasons for this Doctrine on Free ports. It was the one thing we all agreed on. Free Ports are Neutral Ground, Like the Continental in John wick. If your in Teather range your safe. Long live the chase and all that good stuff.
If you Jump a Freighter to one, its safe. (Besides I mean really, Freighters stimulate your economy for your system and the region, ganking a Jump freighter is idiotic in Null and Low where you actually need the ■■■■ they carry on a regular basis and when your region gets a reputation for ganking these freighters, on the free ports, Your Corp/Alliance and everyone else in the region loses out, especially with the frakin idiotic industry changes.
Its just bad form, and Eve is Toxic enough as it is, with a dwindling player base every year for us as players to tolorate one more knife in the already dyeing game which will push people further from Nullsec and lowsec.
I mean do the math, You think thats 25k players online? No thats 25k accounts. 10k ish players and 15,000 alts. And it gets worse and worse every year because we as a community allow this ■■■■ to continue to happen.
EvE needs more players. Not less. So null sec alliances and lowsec peeps out there, gankers included, think about the future of the game you love, instead of how fun it is to think your clever in the short run, only to end up with no one to shoot at in the long run.
Everyone has a tolerance level. And the 500 to 1500 People who leave every year never to be replaced, says more then words ever could. its been a good 20 years. But I do not see the game lasting much longer if we as a community don’t change our actions and the way we think and play.
It’s time to build EvE back up and get people back. Instead of pushing people away with the toxic overload and back stabbing BS.
Just another once known and reliable rule, broken, and more players leaving. This ones not on CCP. This one, is on all of us.