Frigate fleet abyssal bug

Ok we obviously have very different ideas on what constitutes good “customer service”. CCP has never had it, “passable” for a backyard mechanic, is about the best ranking CCP could hope for.

definitive no but as a possible point of reference maby?

No dev would accept screenshots as a 100% proof.

Well conclusion was that reimbursement was accepted and bug report has been filed since it was very strange occurrence affecting single client rather all 3 performing same action at the time.

Ofc ship returned were according to k-space rules so just destroyed modules are in place (that thing need to include that abyss destroys everything per say but no complains here)

As for lesson for future.

Lads if you do frigate abyssals of t5 and above when you can encounter triglavian shipyard…
Make sure you pay attention to the timer and if you see any irregularities report them to prevent the unnecessary loss of your ship ant time to resolve the matter

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