Frippyy for CSM 19 - Nullsec to Highsec, PvP, PvE - A New player on a Mission

oh 100% i said on the podcast that only about of 2% of the toxicity i have faced has been homophobic because i am openly bisexual on my discord so its a target on my back however i would like to add that i was not fazed by it and am still playing this game and running for csm to improve the player experience in general be that new or vet. therefore id like to add i will push forth the idea on tighter message control with certain hate words being flagged for inspection.

i love this game and the playerbase hence why i am running to represent the community as a whole and not just nullblocs.

My podcast with federation frontline:

Frippyy would be an awesome addition to the CSM. Providing a new player point of view along with his passion for this game makes him the perfect candidate!

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Thank you very much.

I watched your interview with Kshal today, it was good. I think that being new is kind of a double edged sword, on the one hand you have something that no Veteran can possibly acquire and that is a genuine naivety regarding long term experience with the game. In my opinion that might be a voice worth hearing and a user base that likely could use some genuine representation. On the other hand it’s fair criticism to suggest that in such a competitive forum selection would benefit more from a more knowledgeable representative.

I would add to that, that it creates an interesting opportunity, if only for contrast sake, that a person such as yourself directly participate in and witness the process. It would be interesting at the end end of a debate or presentation for example, when your understanding has been deepened by other representative members to have them consult you.

I imagine that your response would give them some perspective on what it’s like not know. And prompt them to remember a time when things weren’t ‘so obvious’.

Part of the attraction to EVE is its unapologetic complexity, it’s convoluted systems, it’s dead ends and diversions. Not everything should be obvious, and straight forward, the on-boarding process needs some mess or it’ll lack authenticity. Simplification for simplifications sake threatens to homogenise the entire process and deplete it of its character and flavour. At the same time, if no one sticks around to play because the Developrs can’t offer a way in that’s compelling enough that it incentivises further investment, then ‘the flavour’ was for nought.