Color contrast is too much. Is this something I can customize myself?? I mean as a preference.
Between the headers, body text, and following replies, there is just too much contrast. This site literally hurt my eyes. I can dig the detail, the minimalism, the features, all of that is great and I can adjust well enough, but please adjust your color palette. Reduce the contrast of white text please.
Also the dark blue background that transitions on load is painful. While I’m trying to adjust my eyes to the text in contrast against the dark blue (which in and of itself is very difficult to do), the entire time the color is changing making it even worse. By the time the frame’s transparency is at 0, I am then straining to read white against a very dark gray.
I enjoy the new design over all, but God, I will have to stop coming here because this site is very literally straining my eyes and giving me a headache.
I think the top-level post description (#919191 against the #1e1e1e) is better and much easier to read than pure white. I would still suggest reducing the header colors, post body text color, and maybe even creating a bit more space between each post for visual breathing room to help reduce eye strain over time.
For whatever it’s worth, I’m speaking as a graphic designer.
All the best to the site changes. Good luck.