well at least 1 honest person feeding us some info. But the last year has been disasters to this game… This toon was a builder and has stopped building caps totally. And stopped building most others except as needed not going to run around the whole map trying to get materials. and if you buy them not worth building them… game is sliding into a non-recovering garbage dump… my toons are or were high sp but may have to park and let the game die ccp’s dev’s are total garbage at this point and not listening to the players
I see there is a small dev blog in addition to the patch notes. @CCP_Swift are you able to confirm this dev blog isn’t the big winter update we’ve been waiting for? I want to hear about genuine new content coming over the next few months so we can forget about the whole Indy / Scarcity / Extraction to Production micro buffs debacle and get excited for something new and shiny to strive for. Thanks
The big item for me is the mess they made of the Procurer, in which i have made significant investment for mining. Leaving the inertial modifier at 1, then going 2x the mass (now 20,000 up from 10) drives the base align time to over 20 secs. With skills and fits you can get it down to 11-12 secs, but that is meat to competent gankers. Makes all my efforts to be an efficient miner go poof. The mining yield is also down. If I were being cynical, I would say it looks like they are trying to drive real money revenue by forcing people to buy Plex/ISK to make up for the ship changes you need to make (Covertor looks better now). It very much looks like they are crowing about the extra ore they made available, while they quietly put in place various measures to virtually eliminate the impact of more ore.
Same sentiment here.
Killing 2 mid slots from the Procurer has been really disappointing.
An yet we told them CCP, multiple times, but still.
The most annoying part is that they’re still selling this as a “drastic upgrade”, including “improvements to defenses”.
This is just not the case for the Procurer, the opposite in fact, which makes me sad.
The issue with tank and fighting with a proc, is that a competent ganker will still kill you, just take longer. Unless you have a defense fleet to respond, you dock up when the filthy gankers arrive in system. With the hopelessly long align time the Proc is now saddled with, it is very nearly a sitting duck. Certainly it is if the ganker bookmarks the ore field on their 1st stop pops out of system, then pops back in in 5-10 min. And you can kiss yore arse goodbye if you are in the sorry position of just warping from station to the ore field when the ganker shows in-system. Time to get to ore field, get stopped, and align and warp out again, with the slow align time, is almost certain to get you killed.
Yeah, new crystal icons look like variations of a fluegergeheimer.
Getting the Procs killed is the purpose of the nerf. Just check over to the PVP section to see how the carebear wanna-be hunters complain about how difficult it is to grab miners. “If only there was no local” (then the hunter would assume the corresponding null to not contain players and wouldn’t bother to check the belts because it’s a waste of time in 99% of the nullsecs, where there’s noone undocked anyway)
I don’t know if any of you have tried mining in the new high sec belts since the patch, but for me it is total ass. I see they are still trying to force everyone to group with an orca fleet since the rocks are spread out over 200k distance. When you get to a small outcropping where you can mine you’ll find about 6-8 rocks within range, then you’ll have to move to the next group about 20-30k away.
Whatever CCP, thanks for killing solo mining. Yeah I can hear all of you now, well you just have to adapt. No I don’t, I’ll just go do something else, as it is, this doesn’t feel like a game anymore, it is just annoying like being at work. It is no longer fun for me I can honestly say that.
Started in 2004, ended 2021? I’m not sure yet, but it doesn’t look good.
Doesn’t sound like something that ruins only solo mining. At max skill and implants and stuff, an Orca buffed Covetor/Hulk reaches out 39km with it’s t2 strip miner, so it’ll have to bounce all the time despite the mining foreman.
back to shooting the monument we go!
Self Destructing Orca we go!
Just eject the orca and re-board it to cancel the siege, then go warp it into the gate you see the 50 dessies on dscan if you want to yeet it. Self-Destructing is anti-content and the dessie player wants to lose his dessies to concord.
With these changes they just made matters worst. People complaining about afk mining ORCA being too good at mining? there was a price tag of 2 bil and skill requirements higher than the Porpoise…
Now the Porpoise is on par with the orca… 80mil 25 times less than the price of the ORCA.
Changes done to belts screw the ORCA trying to warp or slowboat to a new location it’s insanity… better warp at 0 km of belt and leave it there.
Change done to belt PORPOISE have the advantages once again. if you warp at 0km from a veldspar bookmark guess what happens ? Because of the lower mass of the porpoise you get bumped 1-2km away VS ORCA getting bump 50-120km away.
Lower cost + Better logistics + same yield = it’s a new Porpoise meta.
Are you going to nerf the Porpoise now?
Guys, appreciate job, you have done, but - do anyone had tested navigation in those huge sized roid belts? It become simply terrible! If you get in trouble, and warp initialization point will be near any of these new giant roids - ship will be lost due to warp initialization delay… Same prob with daily challenges - if you have short range guns - you may not get in range with NPC due to any roid on the way… Could you be so kindly and fix this pls?
what the big F did they do to my skiff? big fat no to this
So i did the honorable high sec test…
1 Marauder l4 mission 30 minutes full clear 8.4 mil isk salvage and minerals from reprocessed loot
Orca +2x barges +2x Ventures. 112000m3 ore… 10.4 million isk worth.
Seems to me mining in highsec is about 4x less efficient at getting minerals than mining?
Does CCP have any stats how much minerals come from reprocessing, and how much from ore?
Marauder can mine minerals better than Orca at same price.
That feels wrong.
Seriously WTF I have toons cant mine now because of the new crystals. I didnt get any SP to cover the old skills they took away and now cant even mine for days waiting to train the new crystal skill. This is ■■■■■■■■ and makes me really question my decision to continue paying for multiple characters. GRRRRRRRR
Skiff got out of it pretty well.
With all the additional powergrid the ship got, I can get a similar shield tank (if not higher) with 4 mids as I could with 5 mids before, because it can now fit large shield extenders.
The 20 second align time of the Skiff and Procurer is silly though, I wonder when they’ll fix that.
and it lost close to 100 m/s speed
for 160 mill more?
Obviously just skill inject a rapier alt to web all your skiffs off grid. Duh