From Extraction To Production: Update

You go ahead and believe that, I’m going to use the new T2 and enjoy the increased yields, thanks.

@CCP_Psych @CCP_Delegate_Zero @CCP_Swift

Please, if you are going to make the T1 strip miner have 0% waste increase the yield for the ORE strip miner. As it currently stands the ORE strip miner is going to be basically worthless as the T1 will mine an extremely small amount less than the faction strip miner.
As it currently stands on TQ:
T1 Strip Miner -
Activation cost: 90GJ
Mining Amount: 675m3
Activation Time/Duration: 180s
ORE Strip Miner -
Activation cost: 90GJ
Mining Amount: 700m3
Activation Time/Duration: 180s

Only significant different is the ORE has 3.75km more range with isn’t that good since boost are a thing.

Please, please, please buff the 250mil+ isk ORE faction strip miner so that it is reasonably better than the 2-5mil isk T1 variant.

Its pathetic that the ORE is over 75x the cost of the T1 but gives only 25m3 more of ore. Either add waste back to the T1 or buff the ORE miner.

the cost of the ore miner is due to the fact that it is not obtainable in high sec. you are only able to get it in npc null sec.

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Technically, the orca has qualities of both caps and subcaps, and thus defies classification as either. However, I think it’s normal for most pilots to think it’s a subcap, because that’s what it most resembles from a pilots perspective (as opposed to the perspective of an industrialist).

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LOL, when I’m vacationing in Reykjavík this New Years I’ll be sure to get a selfie in front of the CCP Games HQ. If the wife lets me.

Plz no call Icelandic Police, k thx bai.

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Regardless, as the only faction strip miner, it should be better than the T1 by more than just 25m3 and 3.75km of range. It is literally pathetic

I did not know that. Thank you for increasing my insult vocabulary.

Anyway, slag is also a word for waste material when smelting or refining ore (I watch a few metal working and engineering youtube channels).

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We also use the term “tailings” for industry waste in general - but I’m guessing that’s an insult somewhere in the world.

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Never mined in nulsec hey.
Mining out an Emormous Anom- Then waiting 20minutes for it to respawn - rinse and repeat.
If highsec belts “respawned” daily, the only ones getting ore would be those who’s TZ corresponds with DT.


They actually proposed the inverse, but players complained that it screwed over newbros, and that mining groups wouldn’t let them mine with them any more. So CCP reversed it.

It does present a interesting choice to miners though. Do you want less ore faster, or more ore slower?

Some people have said that everyone will just go for the more efficient setups, which means the only thing that CCP has managed to accomplish was hurt yields. But I disagree. Ninja miners and other people mining in high risk environments (like LS) will probably chose faster and more wasteful setups -and then there’s the cherry picking dicks. I mean, why should a EU miners care if he leaves ore for US and AUTZ TZ’s (think HS miners, or guys that rent with first-come-first-served rules). Or what about when a bunch of different guys/corps are all racing to eat up an Ice belt?

Lol. I’m sure this is going to lead to some drama and complaints. But hopefully it leads to miners actually fighting or taking out merc contracts on one another. Guess we’ll see.


I am aware, I worked in a steel works for a while when young [back when Australia made the best steel in the world].
As I said - Context and where you happen to be when using the word is key.
In one context, around metal workers/miners - you’d be ok.
In the local pub or footy match - You’re more likely to get a smack across the face :smirk:

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My play style has been nerfed, and effectively removed from the game, almost ten years ago. And if I remember correctly, players like you were ecstatic over it and filled the forums with your support. You certainly didn’t stay out of it to only comment on “your own changes.”

Vlad, following me around the forums and labeling all of my posts as complaints is fundamentally dishonest, especially because (1) I’m not a ganker despite you always accusing me of being one, and (2) because you’re not even reading the content of my posts to know whether or not they’re complaints or not. All I did was point out that increasing barge EHP isn’t going to lead to the changes people expect, because gankers will make more accounts to compensate (and in many cases won’t have to, as they can currently already wield enough firepower to kill big ships, so raising, say, a Hulk’s EHP to 50,000 will be a significant increase, but won’t have any practical effect). Unless they raise barge EHPs into like the half-million range, the only thing that will change is that CCP might make slightly more money from extra ganker accounts.

I wish that were true because that would imply a sense of game balance, but it’s not. The fundamental truth is that I’m not a carebear, yet I still have more wealth than most of them despite not working EVE like a second job the way they do. Engaging in low-end PvE or low-margin industry for crap pay and lots of effort (at least when not AFK-mining) just doesn’t seem like a very compelling play style.


Actually in some scenarios it will. Nulsec mining for example more EHP on a Hulk means you can stay on grid when rats turn up.

Ahhh now i remember your type, you guys would go harass the 2 hour old miners and kill them , ya nice…

Null-sec isn’t why some players want barge EHP to go up.

That’s still possible to do today, so no, that’s not it.

The OP has been updated to make it more clear as to what is not changing from the current state of TQ with the Orca:

“The Orca retains the 10% Drone Ore Mining Yield per level on the Industrial Command skill.”


Well, that is something. Alleluia for small mercies.
@CCP_Psych - thank you, but you see what happens when insufficient care is taken with communication?

I agree. the choice between slow but efficient or fast but wasteful is … kind of like real life.
I like the idea.


Continues to eat popcorn

In all seriousness I have a question about the ore / ice / gas reclassification and mining crystals.

Will the new mining crystals for tiers (Common / Uncommon / Rare) be only for ore like the old mining crystals or will it only depend on the tier itself? Could I, for example, use a Common / Uncommon / Rare Mining Crystal to mine Common / Uncommon / Rare Ore AND Common / Uncommon / Rare Ice?

So how hard can it be to link the right klick compression to whatever compression module and be done with it?
Literally anything they can possibly cook up will inevitably be “horrible and time consuming” compared to a simple right klick and done.

Also compression waste plus wasting time just discourages trade and de-localisation of industy or not?