Tagging a couple of CSMs as well.
@CCP_Psych , @CSM , @Mike_Azariah , @Suitonia
This waste mechanic is spiraling out of any realm of sense. Why is CCP insisting to render this FUBAR?
Here’s a quick approach (and I bet others have already suggested it, as I don’t assume I’m the only one gifted with the 2 synapses needed to think of reusing implemented code).
Apply the freaking reprocessing logic to mining
Shocking, innit?
Right now, before the overhaul, best skills for refining/reprocessing netted a player what, 84.25% of the minerals within the target?
Say, from the 440 units of Tritanium in 100 units of Dense Veldspar, I’d be happy to end up with 370 units of Tritanium, assuming best skills and POS hardware + standing, correct?
While a new, no-skill, no-standing clone in an NPC station would get exactly 50% of the minerals.
Have the waste mechanic applied to the net result.
Noobs would mine 100 units of ore from the asteroid and they’d get 50% of it.
Veterans would mine 100 units of ore from the asteroid and get 84.25% of it.
Feeling cute? Add some sort of critical chance on that and make it so that it could go from 50% to 84.25% for the no-skill-no-gear miner and from 84.25% to 100% for the best-skill-best-gear miner.
The mining gear should act precisely like anti-asteroid weaponry: base damage, critical damage chance etc. etc. - all affected by the skills and type of gear. Substitute “yield” for “damage” and that’s it.
That way, you don’t make veterans shoo noobs away.
Add the mining crystals to make possible that silly anti-asteroid warfare take - but make them affect cycle time, so they’d have low yield but would burn through a rock a lot faster, thus leading to massive waste.
Tweak the bonus ore amounts so that you don’t really double it (and, thus, grant veterans a massive bonus over the newer players), but not just current levels either (to offer the incentive for more veterans to join the mining side).
Also, please clarify, whichever take you’ll go with, how will the waste mechanic affect the behavior of NPC mining fleets?
Because your +100% ore amount is basically zero if the NPC fleets mine with a gear setup that is maximizing waste… we might as well call it “New Dawn - The age of asteroid mist” from all the rock haze caused by NPC miners.
Later edit:
Further thoughts on mining-as-damage paradigm.