From Extraction To Production: Update


5 characters.

i personally didnt mind the changes. what i didnt like were poeples knee jerk reactions to the new changes and the following complaints. (except the mining frig complaints as those were mostly valid IMO)

T1 strips mined the amount T2 cystals currently do and T2 mined more than that, like how is that a loss?

the compression modules did need work, but something as simple as consolidating them to high/low/null/abyssal/ and gas/Ice wouldve been just fines so it wouldve been 6 compression arrays instead of like the what? 12-16 they brought in, like yeah thats a bit much



It’s so obvious that CCP doesn’t want the Orca to be the best non-capital mining ship in the game, but that’s exactly what the legions of bot-aspirant AFK miners are clamoring for. I wonder why?


Glad to see there’s some adjustments (particularly the T1 modules producing no waste for newbros) and being open to feedback. IMO, lets roll out the update and see how it goes.


They are keeping the bonuses to gas harvesting in the venture and prospect, also ice bonuses to endurance

there literally not changning anything other than there being no waste for T1 low yield lasers. the menial amount of waste their was before isnt going to do much. the problem i had with T2 lasers was that they nerfed the yield amount copared to current TQ

Except of course Orca wasn’t the best, but was barely worth being fielded over another exhumer.
Aaaaaaaand now it isn’t.


its def. worth boosting others though. as someone who likes boosting my alts and other people, its an even better booster now


Doubling highend R64 R32 moon goo input into the game (since everyone will be using T1 strips) and at the same time 150% increasing other types of ore/gas input (since everyone will be using new faster barges with tech 2 type B crystals) will be… interesting to say the least.

Sort of a backdoor method to devalue the 1%'s resource stockpiles, I suppose.

The relative value of ISK : resources will shift in ISK’s favor, a buff to mission runners, incursions, ratters etc.

Now you just need to devalue P.I. and maybe we can finally start making capitals again.

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Apparently miners don’t know what an “oxymoron” is.

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Ok, let’s put it in a more understandable way.
It was worth replacing ONE, and only ONE exhumer in a fleet with Orca.
And now it isn’t.

There were 2 ships worth fielding. Now it’s 1.

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so … let me get this straight… CCP instead of dealing with the bots problem , they decided to nerf the Orca so bad that regular player won’t see an incensive to pilot an Orca anymore ? Wow that is so great. It won’t stop bot either they will just move to the next best thing , Skiff . will they then Nerf the Skiff cause it’s too used by Bots then ?

That change to the Orca is way too severe and uncalled for , the Orca is NOT A POWER HOUSE OF MINING , it’s under an UNboosted skiff level of mining , which is perfectly fine as it was.


So what you’re saying is that I am right about the Orca currently being the best sub-capital mining vessel in the game? Got it. Thanks for your clarification and agreement with me.

I’m still going through the changes and I look forward to testing them on the test server, but thank you for listening to the community. I’m not going to be upset it took a week of rage, I’m just going to say thank you for listening.

I agree one bay to hold ice ore and gas would be awesome. :+1:

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personally for me, the additional ore holds is a win because not only can i support more than one mining operation but this also allows me to stay in space longer than usual because of the separate holds.

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By the way, this change isn’t going to have the effects that people might expect it to have, so anyone getting excited over this might want to pucker their sphincter.

Gankers aren’t just going to go “oh, dang, guess it’s time to stop ganking!” They’ll roll another set of accounts to be able to deal with the additional EHP, and gank even more just to make up the deficit in cost (if any) after adjusting for the SP farming recoupment.

Yet again, this is just another ploy by CCP to get players to make more alt accounts.


People use cause they can’t de asked to deal with suicide ganking. If there was no suicide ganking there would probably be loads less orca’s. Cause making more money is usually preferred. But having to deal with announce or not dealing with it is a huge deal.

Eh, the compression times kinda made sense. They were definitely overly long, but the concept isn’t completely out of line.

May I ask whether the new ice and gas holds on the Orca will get the same hull bonus size increase that the ore hold enjoys?