That’s not ‘monopoly’, that’s ‘sovereignty’. A big part of what makes a monopoly a monopoly is that you can’t simply opt out and take your business elsewhere. You can in null: there’s plenty of other regions and other groups.
It is not a PvP sandbox.
It is (presumably) a sandbox (constantly manipulated by CCP) with PvP possibilities.
Without PvE, you’d be fighting with Corvettes and civilian guns.
Hmmm, wouldn’t that just mean you are moving from one region of sov where X group holds the monopoly to another region where Y group holds the monopoly.
Just because it’s a PVP sandbox doesn’t mean there’s no PVE. That’s like a really low IQ way of thinking about it.
The fact that in most forms of PVE someone can butt in and make it a pvp scenario is what makes it a PVP sandbox. The fact that ganking is even a thing is a clear indication it’s a pvp sandbox.
Repeat: It is NOT a pvp sandbox, but a sandbox with pvp possibilities.
well, ignorance is bliss. No point in dragging on.
No, it’s a libertarian social simulation that’d give Ron and Rand Paul priapisms.
The only sea of afk miners I see in high sec, are NPC mining fleets…
Yeah, pvp…
This chain of discussion has lifted my right eyebrow. I must say, that in my absence due to health issues, things have changed dramatically. A very long time ago [think to the days of Apocrypha and 2yrs before], I was writing a novel based on the Eve Universe and my actual characters in the game. At that time I provided some advice to the Dev Teams regarding “what” would take this game from being great to AMAZING [and quite possibly the #1 MMO of all time beating out WoW] This advice I left on the forums which only garnered many and
from community members, yet nothing from the Devs themselves. I can only speculate that they were too busy at the time to notice the post[s] left behind.
The technology [Gaming Engine specs] were only in development at the time, but I had faith in the original CCP Dev team that they could take my plans and run with it. Now there are 2 space MMO games that have grabbed my idea from the past and ran with it, and made it their own. No man’s Sky and Star Citizen. I told them they needed to update the engine so we could actually utilize our characters inside the stations we dock at, and well… without going into a long list of other ideas attached to that concept, I’ll say no more. Unless anyone is interested? In the final analysis, I still believe in Eve and as such, believe they can and will always be the best space sci-fi sandbox MMO ever made. If they implemented my idea chain to their current engine, nobody could top it. Why do you ask? Simple. Eve already has a very extensive “Galactic Infrastructure” put in place. This would make it easy to do world building on all of the habitable planets and space stations. It would also be easy to build exploration questlines that not only utilize using our ships to survive, but to explore unknown areas on foot or on ground-type vehicles [think to the sleepers and all the creepy abandoned outposts/stations they’ve taken residence in]. Wormhole exploration of dark places would jump exponentially too. Since I’ve been away for over 3yrs, I have some catching up to do in-game. I liked this post and felt compelled to reply Arrendis. I doubt anyone would give a thumbs up to my ideas these days, it seems the world has gone crazy lately. However, I hold onto hope and try to stay optimistic myself in these trying times.
- Duke Xandoluv
The people in this thread should focus more of their energy towards giving CCP actual feed back instead of arguing/complaining/bitching towards each other.
CCP needs constructive feedback, along with ideas from the player base. Not stuff about IRL or what makes a CSM good or bad. This thread has too much fluff about nothing.
Focus all that energy you guys are focusing on each other towards actually helping CCP out. Whether they listen to us or not is on them.
Except ‘where you live’ in EVE is 100% voluntary.
Already do.
I think YOU don’t understand the word “versus” in pvp, hense your constant use of “pvp” term.
Players interactions is probably a better term.
Hey Ellecon, I agree. And since I’ve been away for an extended period of time [not by choice], is it feasible and worth my time to send them input/advice and share my list of ideas from 13yrs ago? My background in gaming and engineering irl mean nothing if the company no longer has people at the top who share our hopes and dreams for this game to not only succeed, but to become the game it was always meant to be. I need to find out what’s happened while I was laid up. Do we still have direct access to speaking with the current Devs? It’s not a common practice with game developers and/or publishers to give gaming community direct access anymore to their people in-house. [This is solely based on recent information given to me by a close source.]
CSM is the most consistent direct line of communication to CCP. They do read the forums/discords and a couple interact with the community but it’s not like it use to be. As for your ideas I’m sure they’re great and you can post them, but they will more than likely fall on deaf ears.
Like I would love for my idea of removing all non-moon goo materials from the R4, removing R4 from all moons in LS and NS (while adding back a % to each of the other moon ores) and then increasing 2-4x the amount of R4 moon goo in HS moons.
But that is something that while a decent idea will not be heard as I am just a casual player with no real serious impact upon the game.
Moon mining in HS has always been umm, lackluster? But HOLY HELL! That idea of yours WOULD bring some nice positive change to the HS mining community! It should be a crime for good ideas to never be heard. Only advice I can give to you is this: “If” and I mean only IF the same “rockstar mentality” towards certain players who’ve become locally famous still hold sway on the devs, then I’d say find one of them or find someone you know who’s tight with one of them and push your idea so they understand the impact it could have. Sometimes we have to cater to big egos in order to get our own agendas pushed across the table and accepted. At least, this is how it used to be up until 2017. To be quite frank, my advice might be antiquated by now since this is my actual 1st day back. I wish you the best of luck on that idea! And thank you for the input, I’ll check out the threads that link me straight to them. - Duke
They’re reading this stuff. Both the CSM and the devs.
The R4 change is terrible, no one asked for PI to be added, if you are going to add something to R4s add GAS…or you know, leave R4s alone.
And give Hulks their third turret back, how can this not be part of this patch?!
CCP, is it possible to increase the drone HP (example 200%) for all mining ships? I think this could give mining ships a “fighting chance” , better battles, and some defenses over what mining ships have now.
The extra EHP is not worth it if your drones are all dead. Some balance here would be nice.
Not a huge fan of the CPU and Power Grid changes, seems to me you will loss active shield options. Basically giving up a tone of defense for a small improvement to burst strength (4%) and loss of drone yield (200%).
Some balance here please.