From Extraction to Production

I agree, right now it is meaningless to not compress. Compressed ore sells higher at market - but the margins are small enough that a loss of 10% means compressed will sell below uncompressed. This means that every buy-back program will have to change to uncompressed to make money; and then where is the benefit to having the ability to compress on the Orca at all?

The mechanic is a feature in search of a need that doesn’t exist. Unless the need is to drive more Omega subscriptions to one-man/woman army different ore fields. Which is why I have said from the start that this is a blatant cash grab. I’m totally OK with that - but CCP and PA must be honest about it. They want to force more Omega subs - there is nothing wrong with that unless you flat-out lie and make it out to be some magical “end to scarcity” which it is the farthest thing from.

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As a miner with 5+ accounts in HS and NS, the ‘New Dawn’ is not a great start to the day.

A lot of the ideas that need to change in the DevBlog have already been stated, but let me go into a bit more detail on a few items:

Industry Index in NS:
No value atm. After mining a few rocks, these anons just sit around for 5 days until they’re reset. How useful is this? Now with this devblog, we get double on those 3 rocks (+ merc), that’s it. Truly not very helpful. We went from 2018 full fields to nothing (and devblog doubles nothing - basically) PLUS the Rorqual nerfs. More on Rorquals below.

So pls return anons to where they were in 2018. With the nerf in rorquals (see below), you remove the ISK hoovering you were worried about. The concept of moving basic minerals to different parts of space doesn’t add value. You’ve already done this with moon goo and gas. Why do it for base minerals… Base mins are just that, base mins.

Ok, Rorqual was too good, but just make it 1.75 to 2.0x hulks and that’s all that’s needed. Nothing rocket science here.

WH gas - folks have already let you know their thoughts about nerfing frigs. I agree with those comments.

Waste/Compression? Why? I have limited time to do my mining, hence why I need > 5 accounts. What you have done is made mining more tedious, more time consuming and to be honest, I am losing interest. You can check my accounts, I do a bit of mining.

Simplify crystals then overly complicate compression… wow… how about we simplify everything vs. making things tedious. 3 ore holds for all mining ships. Other than those exploring (frigs), the rest almost 100% of the time mines one thing at a time. No need for 3 different holds for the rest of the ships.

Would highly recommend you rethink your approach. Some good ideas have been floated by others and even in the dev blog, but mostly this is not a good future you have for miners. If you would like more insights, pls ping me.

If the changes go through as they currently sit, the price of compressed ore will go up to match. Why would anyone sell compressed at below uncompressed price?

Well, I agree with you - but the majority of people in this thread who like the changes are saying the exact opposite - that prices across the board will go down - we cannot have it both ways.

If ore prices go up, then ship costs go up, and we get inflation. But if the prices of everything go down (as many on this thread believe) then we have a situation where prices are less, and less ore is being mined.

So I agree, prices (and inflation) will continue to rise. That’s not a good thing in any way.

If ever there was a mechanic that deserved AFK play, it would be compression using ship modules. The greater waste is time, which we all know is the true currency in Eve.


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What actually happens to prices remains to be seen. I was talking about the direct hypothetical that you raised.

My general understanding is that there won’t be any meaningful impact on the price of asteroid ore - HS will see an overall increase in mining amount I’d guess, LS will remain weird and NS it’s only the currently low-value ark and bistot that will be affected. Mercoxit prices will also likely fall marginally with extra ore and enhanced extraction.

Moon goo, high end stuff will not change (more will be mined, prices probably won’t change much as time to mine will also increase) so it’s really the mid-range stuff out of each pop that people will want to see more return on. Possibly might see an uptick on the real low end stuff, but that’s quite high value (relatively) at the moment anyway, so not sure there’s enough demand to do too much.

Gas prices will hopefully be down, and maybe significantly so.

Ice prices I’d also expect to go down as logistics in HS become far easier.

Not sure why you’d expect a significant price rise really - the real high impact is on Rorqs in null, which only really mine high end moons and ice.

the questions that CCP should be asking include
Does this attract new players?
Does it make current players want to stay?

instead, they are asking
Are we continuing the process of making things more complex and difficult to understand.,
Are we doing things that make people buy plex and injectors

I actually sympathize with the devs in the knowldege that their direction has nothing to do with enjoyable gameplay , but rather a profit motive and a perception of the game that comes from lack of extended play time
you want people to pay and play. make it fun not more complex and tedious


Could be they just don’t have a choice - everybody has a boss . I can’t see any other logic in the update . They know we don’t like this yet they do it anyway. They are hammering away at mining and miners.

This last wave of change has moved EVE to the status burden rather than fun to me. The end goal of the Devs is no longer important to me. EVE is just too much of a time sink. The cost in time, effort and ISK to accommodate a seemingly unending series of changes that are destructive to what I have achieved in my gaming accounts is just too much. I have suspended operation of my three accounts and will move each into a clean clone and stop logging in. I wish everyone who sees this as a fun challenge well. I just wanted to speak once and leave. No need to respond as this is a personal decision. For any Dev who cares you are too wasteful of my time and effort to bear. Simple.


And now for something completely different.
I heard there will be a new devblog tomorrow, is that so?
I missed the announcement of that then.

i have seen too many industrial friends stop playing over the last two years. the comments echo yours. not only has industry become a tedious job that consumes way too much time. the total disregard for their investment in training and equipment while adding new training and equipment is just too demoralizing to keep falling into the trap.
i wish you well on your journey. there is nothing else like EVE out there, but latley that is a good thing. I continute to play EVE for 2 reasons

  1. i like the people (even the guys that come to kill us)
  2. i am blind. it took me years to learn and become proficient at EVE. it is unlikely i will invest the time in another game like i have EVE

for me, even miner changes like the size of the windows in the UI ban be a major hurdle and i must overcome years of muscle memory. So, yes, i am over sensitive to changes that require more interaction and clicking, but i mainly look at the value to me as a player and to my corp and alliance before deciding whether to adapt. These changes add nothing of value to the gameplay. They only land on top of the previous 2 years of bad ideas. This isnt a course correctionn, it is doubling down on things that drove my friends away. i wish they could see that. if they cant because of leadership directives, i hope they find a way to provide something positive in the future.


incoming nerf to npc drop loot cause some of you reprossed them and where getting minerals :stuck_out_tongue:


remember alloys?

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HS - less ore overall because newbies aren’t trained to get the gains on the new crystals and compression in stations results in a net loss.
LS - probably be the same, which is a problem in itself because minerals are required for production. So no change here is actually not a good thing.
Null - dramatic drop - based on the rorq pilots screaming on this thread.

No area of space will see an increase in available ore for sale. Keep waste mechanics or compression loss mechanics - not both, otherwise we’ll see continued inflation due to reductions in ore for sale.

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yeap the only thing drone region was worth for

Don’t give them more ideas - I’m sure they will be doing exactly this next.

someone has big mouth so nerf incoming it is news not ideas

Seriously? Not everyone in high sec is a newbie. Most high sec corps will have access to an orca if not 4 or 5. they are pretty prevalent. So thats compression handled. And given one of the most common complaints about mining now is that if exhumers are the “end game”and you can get there in 60days. So anyone that wants to mine with less waste only has a couple of months to effectively max out mining skills. And if getting into a barge with t2 modules is all thats needed initially thats less time. And the majority of people that are currently mining in highsec are beyond that training point already.

Which means that any newbie who wants to mine sits there and spins their ship for two months. Again, if CCP had just come out and say this was a push to sell more Omega and more Skill Injectors, I would be a lot less upset with these changes. But they’re portraying it as a literal “New Dawn” and “Age of Prosperity” when it’s not. Scarcity isn’t changing (it’s getting worse as they continue removing basic minerals from more non-HS ores), and newbies will either have to pay real-world cash or just go do something other than the mining they want to do.

And again, I am in no way upset that these changes are happening. CCP needs to generate revenue and this will do that. Just don’t make it sound like you’re doing something fantastic to make things better. Call it what it is, make the changes, move on. Players who don’t want to pay will leave, but there’s a lot more players who will pay without objection.

As I said in a different thread: “Don’t piss on my head and tell me it’s raining.”

You also seem to ignore that more barges will mean way more ganks…you don’t think this will have a negative effect either? There is a reason why Orcas are so popular even amongst the non-afk crew.