From Extraction to Production

He wasn’t breaking the NDA, either. We are allowed to tell you what we say to CCP. We just can’t say what they’ve said back to us.


Sorry Gerard but you lost this arguement quite a few posts ago when it became clear you’re neither a miner or producer.
People have been moving copious amounts of moon ore uncompressed ever since CCP made moon mining available to all of nulsec. Those same people aren’t going to spend hours sitting in ships that are vulnerable to anything bigger than a rookie ship to lose a % of everything mined by compressing it.
In this case the clear choice is, don’t compress.
I don’t want some guy in a Rorqual losing a % of the income I mined [no matter how small] by compressing it.

The future of Mining;
200% increase to the size of all rocks BUT you’ll only get roughly 30% extra yield, as long as you have max skills and a max skilled booster on field.
Your booster is unlikely to be able to protect your flimsy mining ship from attack by even the weakest NPC’s {let alone a small gang dropping on you} because the slots he used to have remote reps in are now used to fit Compression modules [which require fuel, so another cost] that will consume a % of your harvest.


Compression does not require any fuel, you are mixing it up with the industrial core

Only if “somewhere local” has a T2 refinery, otherwise it is even more necessary to move your compressed ore to the “big structure owners” to reduce further [fixed] losses from refining

Does that make him a bottom-feeder? Bottom-sniffer? :thinking:

4 friends decide to play EVE. they spend a few weeks training to be combat pilots and can run missions or gank. fun to be had

the same 4 friends decide to become industrialists. after a few months of training they can mine and build something. to be effective at mining, and buildiing, someone needs boosting skills, PI, reactions, gas harvesting , along with the industry skills and a library of blueprints. Since they can do all thise these things in the space they live in (anywhere in EVE) they have to do more of whatever they do so they can sell it (insert market, contract skills here) so they can buy what they need.
The burden to be an industrialist is huge. still, people do it becauise they like to produce things. They dont do it because they want to click thousands of times.

the derision indy guys get from pure combat guys makes no sense given that the combat guys need ships and modules.
the expectation that indy guys also need to be combat guys and add to the training, and expense of equpemtn is even more unftahomable. (yah yah, they need more friends)

the really hard thing to understand is why CCP keeps finding ways to make being an industrialist even more daunting. they say they love industry people, but it sure doesnt seem that way. remember when a new player could go out in high sec and mine the ore needed to build his own ship? even then it took a lot of training time to get there. The path is just too harsh now and the numerous steps with taxes and fees along the way completely suck the margin out of hours of work. The losses arent just waste, its ship losses, transaction fees and competiton with giant alliances that can build anything for less than the 4 friends wo decided to be indy guys.
Anyone that thinks all these changes help the little guy clearly cant do math. some of us would prefer small group play, or hang out with a few friends. its time to help, not punish the small group players.


Using the old enormous mining anom as an example.
Mined 50million m/3.
Took roughly 45 freighter trips or 9 freighters doing 5 jumps each to move uncompressed.
Compressed, brings that down to about 40, so a net saving of 1 guy with a freighter for give or take a bit, the same time to move it.

Moon ore, the same principal. You’d be taking compression losses to save minimal time and effort.

Now, if we were to get instant 80% compression for 3% loss, you could fit an R64’s ore into a couple of freighters - That could make compression costs viable.

Yes but as the compression module will not activate without the industrial core…

on sisi the industrial core dose not have to be active to compress


Skills aren’t really progression in Eve.

Skills enable activities. Progression is defined by what ever you have decided to achieve. Although I will accept that one answer is to sub and then not log in.


Ok I may be wrong but was sure the “dev blog” stated it did.

  • Sorry won’t be reading it again, that jumbled mess of missing/incorrect/incomplete information they called a dev blog gave me a 3 panadol headache after going through it twice trying to make sense of the new compression method as a buff to anything except carpel tunnel level clicking
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According to the dev blog, it will not effect already mined/compressed stuff at all. There will be a unit for unit swap for an equivalent amount of the new stuff.

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Bear in mind that the Porpoise is able to compress. and isn’t able to fit an industrial core.


I won’t argue with a lawyer. Well played very strong defense. o7

can someoen pleae update the cormpression math based on SISI. how long does it take and how big is the storage area pre compressed ore is going in?

for both the orca and the porpoise

That doesn’t really make sense. It all depends on what your time is worth to you and what kind of resources you have for moving ore.

Over all I think mining changes need to happen. This is how I would do it.

The Orca and The Rorqual currently are great mining ships. With full buffs an Orca can pull in just as much as 1 coveter in a mining fleet. the Rorq even more. They are command ships and should be treated as such. Nerfing the amount their drones can bring in is a needed change and encourages people that do mine in these to actually get together with other players to create mining fleets. (yes I know some folks like solo mining and playing solo) Anouther side benefit of this is it actually does help with the botting issues. I would boost their command ability and fleet assistance abilities along with adding the compression. The idea is to get them into actually commanding the fleets vs being a buffer and a miner. Boost their repping abilities, increase the amount of bursts they can give but limit them to defensive or mining boosts. Make them active boosters where the player actually has to pay attention instead of turn on the mod and read a book. (yes in Hi-sec I used to do this with my Orca. I would turn on all the boosts, target a rock, send drones to rock, and read a book while one of my corp mates payed attention to intel and local for gankers)

Waste in compression on the other hand is probably the worse idea I have seen in a long time and has no basis in how compression actually works. You are talking about taking a bunch of small rocks with lots of empty space between those rocks when piled up and eliminating those empty spaces. At not point in that process is there any waste. All you are doing is putting an immense amount of pressure on the pile from all sides till all the empty space is no longer there. Seriously we already have a waste mechanic when we reprocess the ore, that is actually realistic and should remain.

Waste in mining is a bit excessive, I personally propose the following ways to combat that and make the command ships more important to have on the field.

  1. Have a new mining command burst, using this burst reduces waste caused by miners both by drones and lasers. Percentage reduced depends on command ship used and on skill.

  2. Lower the waste amount of the lasers. t1 should be 50% or near that. t2 should be half of that and faction of course should remain zero. This can be further reduced by mining skill. (I would say have strip miners have a lower waste than regular lasers to encourage exhumer and barge training)

  3. Interduce rigs that lower waste % ideally you should be able to eliminate 50% of your waste through skill training and rigs. So that at the end with full rigs and max skills on a t1 mod you can get to a 25% waste.

Still allows folks that have only trained or just starting out to be able to provide high value to the corps recruiting them or to pull in a decent amount on their own. Makes the command ships a great asset to have on the field with a mining fleet still as having them out there will reduce the waste of the miners. Actually makes prosperity feel like prosperity.

Honestly I think most of the anger I am seeing is how excessive the waste is and the addition of the waste to compression. Honestly the changes as is just keeps the status quo with scarcity. Doubling the amount of ore spawned doesnt mean anything when you waste half of what you pull out or more. T1 mods if they go with the changes as they have it listed means that you are getting less than you where even during scarcity. If this is supposed to be the end of scarcity then this is not the way to do it.


CCP should make new content.

a farm where you could raise fedo’s and slaver hounds.

and ccp could sell litterboxes, play toys , etc on the NES.


People like Brisc fart with their mouth, just try speaking to them, and you’re literally me, including coloration, if you don’t wear that covid face screen. Though you probably won’t get exactly that hue unless you speak to Olmeca, iBeast, and Mike too - that’ll do it.

No. Not even a Procurer. Unless you use real fancy drones.

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Depends on the fit as well. Fit it right and yah you can pull in just as much as an unbuffed cov.