From Extraction to Production

Fitting image for the patch.

Gut feeling is quite a few miners will be aligning to the nearest star, then warp straight into its core XD

You could have introduced a sort of limited subsystem approach to existing hulls and let players micromanage their fit. Made more sense, to me at least - but then again, I’m a dev, I don’t mind things getting more complex.

That waste mechanic is there to… what exactly? Either you boost an aspect or you don’t.
Instead of going through the pain of explaining it like you did, you should have simply said “you’re wasting 50% of the amount when mining without proper gear” - I’m not even sure if I understood that, to be fair. Sure, I’m not a native English speaker, but my gut feeling tells me that’s not the language barrier that’s causing the issue.

It would have been easier to just say “hey… you have 100% chances by default to waste 50% of the maximum output of that module; the better the gear, the lower the waste chances AND the lower the waste”. How you implemented it, modifier or whatnot, was something else. And I’m a dev, not just enduser to complain about a poor user experience.

Will the NPC mining fleets be defaulting to worst-in-slot modules, to further mess up the resource harvesting on the player side? You know, by maximizing waste?


It’s coming up on 8pm in Reykjavik.

He’s responding on his own time, in a social platform. He can choose what he wants to do outside work and that he is interacting with the community at all when not working is a plus.

Who wants to work all day and then have to respond on a company forum? Not too many people would be willing to do that, but lots of people use social platforms outside work.


If you mine 675m3, you will have 675m3 of ore in your cargo and 1350m3 will be lost from the asteroid with a T1 module. With T2 modules, the chance per cycle to lose 675m3 is 34%.

Since ore amounts have been doubled per asteroid, the effective asteroid size for a T1 miner remains the same as before. Miners who use T2 modules will have 50% more (1/1.34 = 74.6% efficiency per asteroid), and miners who use faction modules will have twice as much ore to mine.

In effect, if you use T1 you only hit 50% of the potential but you’re mining the same amount of time as before for the same amount of ore. If you use T2 modules, you mine 1.5x as long, for 1.5x the amount of ore, and 2x as much for faction modules.

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Space Condoms finally ?


Here’s a breakdown of the waste mechanics going off the spreadsheet if anyone’s interested:

Waste Mechanics Per Module Cycle
    T1 Modules and Most Drones: 100% chance of a wasting 100% of yield
    Meta Modules: 100% chance of wasting 200% of yield
    T2 Modules: 34% chance of wasting 100% of yield
    Storyline Modules: 100% chance of wasting 200% - 400% of yield
    Faction Modules: No Waste

One-Off Modules:
    Gallente Mining Laser: 66.7% chance of wasting 100% of yield
    Harvester Mining Drone and Ice Harvesting Drone II: 50% chance of wasting 100% of yield

Effects from Crystals:

    Type A
        T1: +50% Mining Yield
        T2: +80% Mining Yield
    Type B
        T1: +50% Mining Yield / -10% Cycle Time Reduction / +20% Chance of wasting per-cycle
        T2: +80% Mining Yield / -20% Cycle Time Reduction / +30% Chance of wasting per-cycle
    Type C
        T1: -75% Mining Yield / +40% Chance of wasting +1,800% of yield per-cycle
        T2: -75% Mining Yield / +59% Chance of wasting +1,800% of yield per-cycle

When will it come to TRanquility?

You assume CCP cares what the players think, they don’t and that is painfully obvious.


I hope that the addition of a Gas Hold to the Hoarder does not impact its current Ammo Hold.

No and where you get that from I have no clue.

2 things,
From the document, It looks like the drone damage bonus for the porpoise is being removed?

I love the Hoarder Ammo hold, is that going to remain along with the new Gas Hold?

We need the ability to compress moon ore, it makes no sense for it to only be allowed on Rorq, it would be much better to have the best compression on the Rorq, as a role bonus, and the worse back at station. i may be missing something here, but how would a ship be able to do something a station could not as a facility option?


Health and Safety. The process is simply too dangerous to be allowed on stations, or some such other technobabble.

This update is the worst thing this game has seen in a long time. Instead of ending scarcity they are making it worse.


Pay attention then

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Funny how they announce this while Extractors are 2 for 1.


The new compression doesn’t do much. Module cycle time is too long to support more than 2 barges or 1 hulk. Needs to be 60s instead of 180s in my opinion. You need those high slots for boosts/tractor beam. If additional highslots were added (along with CPU and powergrid that would help)

Porpoise needs fleet hanger to be doubled AT LEAST if not 25k. ton of stupid click micromanaging just makes an activity better for bots, not players (such as emptying a barge into a porpoise takes numerous clicks).

Faction mining drones (so excavators and those 250m ones) - ideally should give far less waste. a rorqual isnt going to mine moon ore at all if its going to do is waste it (right now the only thing it looks worth using for).

Did not solve the beginning of scarcity issue over m3 being moved for production. Yes its nice if areas are dependent on one another but having to move tritanium is not a good option due to its super high m3 to acquire sufficient quantities (mexallon maybe be the mineral null is missing).

Nothing has been done for rorquals to be valid to mine anymore. Its extremely hard to save them from large roaming kiki fleets (old bomber fleets were still hard) and very few are being used anymore. 5 minutes may seem like a while on grid, but its hardly time to organize a response and only the few biggest groups can manage. reward vs. risk is broken on the rorqual right now and just getting worse.

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It doesn’t seem like I’m the one lacking there.

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Regarding mining crystals

“All existing crystals will be migrated to their Type A counterparts depending on the tier to which they belong. For further information click the spreadsheet” - Spreadsheet shows nothing on Crystal Migration.

There are existing 21 Different Crystals, we are going to be @ 18 (6 Types and 3 Subtypes each), after this range, I propose the 21 Existing BPOs convert to to the new BPOs with the 3 Duplicates converting to standard BPOs.

This is assuming we do not remove Type C/low yield entirely, as designed it has no functional purpose in the game unless it has low skillpoint or material costs that have not yet been defined

They need to remove all that ■■■■■■■■ from faction and t1 subs.

“While the Orca and Rorqual will no longer be the best solo-mining platforms”
This was never true. They were preferred, but never best. The reason they were chosen over miners is the giant hold and tank. Regardless of whatever, as of yet, undisclosed nerf to mining on these platforms incoming I suspect they will still be chosen over barges and exhumers for the same reasons. Unless its truly 0, and that would 100% turn then into afk boosters.