So given the orca will now need fuel to use the compact industrial core… could the orca get a fuel bay?
Its not. if your max yield per cycle is 1373 per cycle, your maximum possible mined amount per cycle is 85 units of any ore that is 16 cubic meters per unit - or 1360 cubic meters of ore. so sorry to hear this is a struggle for you
It has one, 12500 m3 I believe. Just shy of 2hrs worth with my skills.
And this was EXACTLY what was on the screenshot !
Open your eyes!
Dear CCP,
I do like the concept you all have created here - but I think you guys really need to spend more time hashing this stuff out as proof of concept and spend a lot longer time testing it on your internal test server. Then spend like 6 months having your player base ■■■■ it up on the test server and explain to you all why this isn’t going to work.
From the fittings I was using - a hulk with t2 crystals, implants and max orca boost (t1 compact industrial core), I had a range listed at 43 (more like 42 and some change), which was very nice. My m3 per stripper was 33m3/s. I didn’t seem to see to much go ping for waste, but wasn’t focused on that part.
My issue is the ore compression modules - I would have it load some ore (normally around like ~49k units it didn’t matter the ore, the compression amount was always 40k. I believe you all need to go back and look at the numbers, and share the formulas with the players, you all clearly have some sort of math issue going on. Feeding a T2 compression module nearly 50000 units of ore and from reading the show info expecting a 98.6% efficiency rate, that would be closer to 49,300 compressed units, not 40k which is what I kept getting, over and over and over and over.
A few other things - the compression module should be able to pull and put ore into the ships ore bay. It shouldn’t have to be a full load for it to compress. OreAmount x CompressionRatio = Y.
Thank you all for your hard work,
P.S. please stop trying to be like all the other MMOs and be EVE. Choices should matter again.
They get scan probe bonuses, which is even more important in an indy-explo focused ship. What’s the point in a ninja huffing ship if it’s rubbish at scanning? The extra time taken because of the yield will be more than compensated for by less time scanning.
It now has three holds for different types of resource. So instead of having to come home from a deep dive worth 40m of gas, you can also dip into nullsec from a wormhole and grab some ice and ore before you come back too, multiplying your isk potential on a single trip.
It’s faster too, and has an extra mid on top of everything else. The few areas where CCP have taken away are paltry, and yes that includes the yield bonus GASP, SHOCK, HORROR. It doesn’t have to be absolute for it to be an overwhelmingly overall buff.
Like I said…not looking at the detail, and making kneejerk reactions. For it’s intended purpose as an indy-explo ship it’s better than ever.
it doesn’t increase scarcity though. it dumps even more materials in a market that is already entirely overloaded. the only case where 50% loss of mats will always be incurred is using some drones or T1 miners. In the case of drones in a command ship, you will be getting the exact same amount of ore before and if you compress, compressing with nearly perfect efficiency. All the subcaps however have all been substantially more powerful and there is actually a compelling reason to use T2 crystals for everything now - the benefit they provide is huge in not only the removal of some waste, but also in mining yield.
In the case of anoms, even if you do waste some, you will be able to burn down more volume of ore faster than you ever have been able to before - between waste and yield, and then just wait for it to respawn.
In the case of belts, they wont respawn, but the quantity of ore available in HS compared to what is mined is staggering. It isn’t that hard to find a quiet and low traffic system within a few jumps of a trade hub or regional hub that you can quickly get your ore moved to where it needs to go
hah. mutliboxing rorq pilots are ‘small risking their butts.’
They couldn’t even save niarja … now their ass on Route 66.
Wish your optimism presents the truth with my whole heart.
But it doesnt .
Don’t put words in my mouth. Literally, you’re using quotation marks around words I never said, as though I said them. So anyone who reads your comment should be aware, right off the bat that you’re disingenuous, and not to be trusted. I never said they were all multiboxers exclusively either. Again, don’t put words in my mouth. You’re in no position to be calling anyone dishonest with that cowpat of an attempt at obfuscation.
I was emphasizing the way you insisted that it was mainly a multiboxer issue. Read yourself again.
This shouldn’t bother you, the player base is somewhat infantile at times.
Built a super with rat loot? Wow, respect to the grind
Lol, loss with compression??? They’re not data files
that is the understatement of the century
lol. I hope that’s not a serious suggestion. There are hundreds of agents across eve from HS to null that only provide mining missions–it’s a relatively innocuous staple play form for some
Sunk cost fallacy of your customers is something you need and what you are doing atm is breaking through the temporal model of the escalation… you are trying to swim against the behavioral economic facts … strategic mistake …Your idea good but application strategy is wrong …
@CCP_Rattati Doubling prices before you make discount then sell the items with a little under its normal price is well known strategy but this strategy needs accurate calculations to balance behalf of pros . And to minimise cons.
Subject of your product and customer profile does not fit the “ on the book” criterias. And Therefor you will fail.
Miners might not, but certainly, groups that control belts and tend to process them in their entirety will care greatly because high waste ultimately reduces the total available to that organization. It’s a clever and rather brilliant mechanic
This all presumes that a person’s belief in their entitlement to 10 barge’s and an orca’s worth of yield is not excessive, revolting and anti-social to begin with, such that they would feel the need to up from 10 to 12 or 13 after changes.
You use words like “HAVE to get a boost”. No, you don’t. Nothing is forcing people to be that grotesquely greedy. Just mine like a normal person and be happy, or get a friend to boost if you’re not. These changes are not anti-solo, they’re pro social.
As for all the stuff about distance and range, it doesn’t concern me. Firstly, because the increases in yield afforded by optimising the new skills and modules will cancel it out if I insist on mining like an idiot, in the way that you describe.
Secondly, because that’s not how I mine anyway. I get a frigate and check the belts, and make a bookmark on a roid at one end of the ring/crescent of the belts I’m going to go to. Then I warp at 13 and slowly move my way along, jetcanning as I go, travelling only once and in a single direction, with the exception of the warp back to station where I pick up the orca and come back for the cans, and then a trip to the athanor a few systems over to compress. The increased tractor range and on-board compression will definitely save me time.
As for the changes either failing to curtail or indeed even encourage multibox miners, I don’t think anything ever will. The problem isn’t really one of game mechanics, but of personality and neurosis. That’s something CCP will never be able to solve. Such people lack imagination, and focus so severely on just one or two metrics as measurements of success or efficiency, that they’re unable to look at the whole picture and account for savings or gains elsewhere. You’re probably right, in so far as these changes don’t actually represent a nerf to multiboxers. But the fact that they’re too stupid to see it, and are so unhappy that they’re threatening to quit over nothing is brilliant. Loving it.
I did, and my assessment of you is still correct.