Civil lasers have the least yield, so they will not be as destructive as you wish.
Now, bring an Orca with a fleet fo Covetors equipped with Type C crystals, and you’ll have an authentic locust fleet.
The way Type C crystals works is as follows: suppose your covetors are using tech II strip miners, which have a 34% probability of waste. Type C crystals have a penalty on yield of 75%, meaning that they will mine only 25% of the regular amount. Type C crystals also have an additional 59% probability of waste, which is added to the amount of the strip miner for a 93% prob of waste every cycle. An lastly, Type C crystals also have a 16x amount of waste, meaning that for every amount of ore mined, they will waste 16x the same amount when the waste occurs.
So again, if you can form a fleet with a boosting Orca and a considerable number of covetors equipped with tech II strip miners and Type C crystals, you’ll have the ultimate locust fleet.
You dont use crystal on ice, only ore…unless they changed that in this change. And what x18 cycle bonus? they have no cycle bonus, thats a wastage multiply, which is bad…or am I reading this wrong
Are you serious? You take twice as long to mine gas under this suggestion. It will take at least 2 hours to full 1 Prospect hold. Please tell me that you don’t think that you think a Prospect needs 1 hour to scan a few signatures down.
And it also takes longer to mine that ice and ore. Moreover, why would you risk your full hold of gas with traveling around to find ore and ice when you dip out of a wormhole?
It is not faster. It never had any speed penalty under cloak. And the extra mid is pointless. It provides no bonus to the ship. The Prospect is not a shield tanker and it already has plenty of mids for tackle as combat covert cyno. An extra low slot on the other hand … that could actually be considered a buff.
I have looked at the details and I actually understand the details that I looked at. You, on the other hand, clearly do not understand the first thing about any of these details. You misinterpret them, you misunderstrand what they actually mean in practicality, you see buffs where there are no buffs and you don’t even see mistakes from CCP.
If ore waste boosts Industry ADMs positively, in addition to ore gained, it seems it would most likely be used as a tool for quickly fortifying one’s own sov by grinding rocks. In this framework I don’t see it being used offensively against rival territory if you boost their defenses by doing so.
Flipside, if ore waste does not apply (or increases the 1% degrade factor) to Industry ADMs there becomes a significant n+1 projection ability toward resource scrubbing/denial–that while potentially beneficial to ‘newish’ miner fleet participation (whom with their low skills are more likely to be able to fit higher waste crystals) and filament raiding potential could become overbearing to general widespread scarcity across New Eden.
A ‘waste’ reputation standing may be necessary with a form of ‘carbon tax’ to repair standings. Very poor standings could lead to a diamond level Green peacekeeper pursing and scramming any ship the player fits a Type C mining module onto.
It’s not a good thing because it makes it easier for competition to undercut prices and more gas in the galaxy makes it easier to just flood the market with gas to create even more competition. This is probably fine in your books or in CCP Rattata’s books, but in a market with a very finite, very limited number of sales in a very limited number of places and that just does not scale up sales as prices go down, more competition is not beneficial to a corp. It only means that the corp has to lower prices for buy backs, it has to lower prices and therefor profit margins on the market and it has to lower benefits for corp members because less money comes in. Thanks to the level of competition, you can’t even price-gouge if you want to keep hold of the market. The higher you drive the prices, the easier it becomes for competition to undercut you and take away needed sales to keep your operation running. You also have to keep up buying end products and gas via expensive buy orders to keep the profit margins of wannabe competition uncomfortably low to prevent someone else from buying your product for 500k when it costs 15M to build, for instance.
In any other market category, more competition can actually be a good thing but in this particular field it has negative effects for most people involved.
I did not forget my badge. The forum or whatever service that usually adds it forgot to put it there.
I like how the Smartass players spread the shits.
The CCP did this whole chaos its self. Here come your moneyhungry guys and you cant stop it now.
As i said and any normal thinking person see it. The multi acc ■■■■■■ up the game.
So many player mining 10-25-30 rorqua. I saw 1 guy with 21 prospect. Or 15 hulk or no limits. The CCP need the money and they dont did nating about it. If they react and chosse the less but fix money then they simply make a max 5 acc logg from 1 MAC ADDRESS. This whole retribution things just ■■■■■■ up the smal players. I mean who mining with 1-2-3 mining ship. ( i personaly mining with 1 and 1 help to transport ) They nerfing the Miner ships for no reason. I think dont need to explan what happend when 20 rorqual start mining. And then they see " ooohoooo look how the rorqual powerfull. " Ye bro ofc. Look your ■■■■ statistick and dont see the true problem with it.
The another problem the skill system. I know its fair and blabla, but the dedicated mininers no benefits. ( and vica versa to pvp ) So many players learing that way couse they love it as i am. But nating speacial. If you playing long time with the game then you can do it too as same as who just learning the mining. I mean a random guy playing 15 years and do pvp and " ahhh i do mining " Make the miningskills and he do the same quantity as the player do who mining 10 years. So why i dont have bennefits for it?
And now coming this rorqual ■■■■. I learnd 1 year to fly and use the rorqal as need to be. And i will pay 6B+2-3B for fitt. And the end is im sitting in the belt and support my 3-4 corpmate mining ships with a 10B CAPTITAL MINING SHIP! COUSE I LEARND THET ■■■■■■■ SHIP OVER A YEAR TO DO NATHING WITH IT. THIS WAS MY DREAM AS A DEDICATED MINIER. BUY A 10B CAPITAL SHIP AND DONT DO NATIHNG WITH IT.
Ohhh and dont speak about how paper is the Rorqual. You cant use it actually. Again 1 year and you spining in the station. You 2times considering come out with it or no couse instant die. But now the CCP help you and say just stay in the station.
High sec. the 1 guy army beat everything. THere 1 guys killing the Hulks with 12-15 catalyst. What a fun to mining.( 10M losemail vs 300M Feel the ballance CCP ye? ) -.-" When 15 different player do it i say oke its a MMO. But this is how ■■■■ the miners 100% in 0-24. ( and its nathing diff in 0.0 )
And this orca ■■■■. Actually a ■■■■■■■ good ship but nearly usless trash. I so love it. Its a true Fleet support ship but come a ■■■■■■■ GNOSIS AND DO THE SAME!!! WHY EVEN THE ■■■■■■■ BC HAVE MINIG FOREMAN BURST???!?!!? This ■■■■ why not only for industryal guys who flying industrial ships! Couse you know they do industrial thing and this modul helping in industrial things?!?!
So funny how stupid the but they dont see it. And the sad things the Orca do 40.4% mining boost then come the Gnoosis and doing 38 or 39% mining boost. Orca 2.5-3B vs Gnosis 40M. A dedicated INDUSTRUAL FLEETSUPPORT ship vs a ■■■■■■■ BC wich for fight! I hope CCP you see where is ■■■■■■ up. -.-"
And now you can do more boost! 15% more but you just sitting to 5 minints and done! \o/
GG CCP. When this idea came in your head. You tested in a single EVE univers? HMm? I have a sad new for you. Maybe you dont know. But EVE its a MMORPG. And in 5 minits happening a lot of thing.And if the Rorqual die in 2 minints then the Orca something about 30sec. So agian you did nathing ■■■■ for the mining community. No reason for the big ships. The players learnd over months and years and cant use it couse useless. You cant fly with Rorqual, Orca, Hulk, Covetor, No pourpose in the game. :S
But in the another hand. Who mining with 20 acc then happy again couse its very fine and if he lose a rorqual np couse the 14 Hulk or Mechi or doset metter the ship type bring back 2-3 hours later the price for the rorqual. SO everyone happy. Ohh wait… No. This is how CCP Balance working.
That is good to hear and would actually be an improvement of the mining business instead of a lame “break one thing to make another work”. I am aware that this would probably mean even more gas could flood the market but at the very least it would not force people to use unfeasible barges and it would not prevent people from day tripping into wormholes, for instance. What I am perfectly fine with is the Venture losing the gas harvesting bonus. Just like the Gnosis, they are way too cheap for this profession.
I don’t see why it should not be counted for the index. The resources were mined by a module or drone and that is what the index tracks. It should not matter whether they went into some hangar for later use or into the ether. It would also be a fun downside for your dreamed up offensive waste mining. While you destroy current resources of the enemy, you help them by increasing the Indu Index and thus the ADM.
I understood it to be a certainty to waste a specific amount relative to what you harvested depending on your setup. T1 strip miners delete 1m3 for every 1m3 they harvest every single time they cycle. Which is why i wanted to try civi harvesters. If they are doing the 1 to 1 waste it is likely to be pretty shitty way to melt some high value rocks. And cheap cheap cheap.
I’ve removed some off topic posts and rule violating posts. Please remember that constructive criticism is more likely to be read and used for feedback rather than nonconstructive feedback. Additionally, do not break the rules, rule 7 in particular. This will be my only warning on the matter. Thank you.
This is typical and follows up on the inability to mine Omber / Herbergite / whatnot in Highsec where lvl2 storyline mission NPCs ask for it to be provided, because it was all over the place at the time the mission was designed.
“Just go to Jita and buy some, man” → “Just go combat probe Ventures and suicide gank them in hope they drop mission ore, man” ?
Good to know you are monitoring the feedbacks. Communication wise, for the players, I wish your post can be made more visible. It’ll be burried in no time… wait, it is already. Only found it randomly while looking for another post.
Industry index: Waste don’t produce anything. Don’t count it. Waste is like not mining the belts: nothing is added into the economy. If you don’t take into account the ore that is left in belts, don’t take into account the waste.
“Waste first” is not a good mechanic, and it is a nerf to mining especially with T1 modules: unless you use bots (and I don’t think you want to promote bots), you’ll never be able to time your cycling perfectly every single time so that you get exactly half of what is left in a rock on the last cycle before it vanish. And with drones ? I don’t use them atm, but I clearly wouldn’t want to be on the edge all the time trying to perfectly time all 5 drones. We mine mainly to relax, and definitely not to stress out.
Mining missions: removing the “waste-first” mechanic would help a ton for that one.
The proposed adjustments still do nothing for those of us who like to fly ships bigger then a cruiser and don’t have an army of alts to multibox.
I already suggested creating new mining ship classes by splitting capitals into two branches of mining and support and same should be done for orcas (battleship class?) and porposes (battlecruiser class?)
Today on Singularity, I went to ORE space, thinking I would try to learn a bit about the ORE faction/corp and see if I can “farm” LP for the faction mining lasers and strip miners. There was 3 level 2 distribution agents in one station and I was able to very quickly get my first storyline mission by stacking the missions. So got my storyline, and what does they ask? Scordite. Yeah… scordite in null sec.
It might, partly only of course, explain why so few ORE mining modules are brought to the market. Working on the standings might be hindered by the necessity to travel in and out of the region in order to get those storyline ore.
Thukker Tribe in Great wildlands has a nullsec lvl1 agent, who wants Veldspar, too.
In nullsec, Veldspar can be mined in some combat DEDs, where Veldspar’s being used as decoration. In Lowsec, massive amounts of it are available in hacking sites. As the hacking site decorative ore has pre-scarcity-sized rocks, I wouldn’t be surpriced if the average lowsec had more Tritanium to be mined then the average Highsec, despite claims that Tritanium was exclusive to highsec. Null hacking sites don’t have decorative ores though, or at least I never noticed it.