Sadly this is the level of “customer” that CCP has attracted in the past 3 years. They lack anything other than the ability to plug in the Daddy’s Mastercard and pay their way to what they want.
The concept that people are invested in end game content and have not just flexed their parents credit limit to get there is beyond them.
Best course is to disengage and deny them the dopamine they need and crave, with luck they will follow the herd to the next shiny toy they get shown.
To think you are that shallow that it is reflected in how you approach one of the deepest MMO’s available, instead turning it into “For the Horde” in space.
You seem fixated on the idea this makes the skillful use of one a bigger achievement over the other.
If you kill a Rokh in a Griffin and I kill a Griffin in a Rokh, who has achieved more?
Do you mean SP?
Regardless, the problem we have in disagreement is this;
If I grant that people apparently play MMOs to watch numbers tick up, then theres nothing here thats changed that. Im sure you will respond with some hyperbole about Orcas and Rorqs being “useless” now, but thats not a view we share and was not the basis of our disagreement vOv
These tasks after all were sensibly calibrated to Corvettes with a Civilian Miner, or a Venture with T1 lasers. Wastage will completely screw these, I suspect.
Wastage shouldn’t effect any T1 mining when comparing before vs after. Wastage is subtracted from the asteroid rather than from what you mine, and since resources are doubled, you’ll take the same amount of time for the same amount of ore from the same rock as before.
The wastage change only really effects how much ore you can get out of a single rock for T2 and faction; T1 is unchanged.
@CCP_Psych Please look at R4 moons as well, if you are pulling out the minerals, what will you be adding? Pulling the minerals cuts our 33-43% of the moons values.
Also since Ventures and Prospects are now going to be practically useless for gas harvesting, making us have to use easily gankable mining ships with virtually no survivability when caught by any cloaky cruiser in wormhole space, and also anticipating a huge drop in gas prices, which will make them even more useless for that, can we get SP reimbursement on the skills required to fly Prospects? I think a lot of people will feel like they invested a lot of time into maxing out their huffing training, Expedition frigates require mining frigates to V, so it would probably be a good idea to reimburse those skillpoints if we are reimbursing stuff, since at this point it’s no minor change in stats but rather a complete nerfing of the T2 ship’s function.
After this patch, gas harvesting will no longer be a viable choice with these ships, and the risk for harvesting gas will be far higher for the profit that you make with it in wormhole space, meaning risk vs reward goes out the window. I understand you may be trying to lower ship prices, but the whole waste feature will not really allow that to happen I think, so I see no reason why prices would go down in ships, at all, more ore does not mean more ore mined.
Testing compression in Singularity and noticed that tether is not broken by module activation. Not sure if this is by design or not. So please clarify as the item info says Disallow Tether = True.
Turning the Rorq into an assist platform is fine with me. I used to run fleets more than a decade ago where we had different roles for different skill levels and we would split the take based upon count of people and total output - those were good times and I’d be happy for them to return. Whether or not this would be balanced in terms of faucets and sinks given the current yields and BOMs, we shall see - I’m doubtful.
As a boosting platform - I’m undecided. The rorq is crazy expensive right now and I’m not sure if it is worth sticking in a belt for reduced income as things are. If we completely change to the more cooperative model CCP is looking for, then perhaps I would do it if corp policies would give me a reasonable cut of the mining op as well as SRP - these are things we will have to discuss as a corp as we approach implementation. My gut reaction is that the porpoise will be my go to for any kind of belt mining and I will have to pair it 1:1 with an exhumer. Maybe dropping the price down to 1bill and getting rid of PANIC and Industrial core and just let the rorq boost with full bonuses native to the hull and let the beast sit in space and try to warp out like everyone else would make it attractive enough to want to use them. Outside of major corp policy changes, I will probably just mothball mine.
With regard to moon compression - I’m not sure I see the value in the mechanic. It is too time consuming / tedious to be convenient (come on, ore as ammunition for a module that must be cycled through your cargo hold?) and too expensive (ore loss) to be better than just shuttling my JF from an athanor - I think click count and fuel costs for the later option are net less than compressing. If you can’t tether while compressing, it is unlikely I would use it on the Rorq. There will be zero value in being a sitting duck for a minor convenience - though if used for compression / boosts only, you can really tank the rorq even more nicely by replacing your drone rigs with something more useful. I will do the math and see if it is more profitable to compress and if so, I will just moan every time I have to do it - the mechanic is so tedious.
I think most of us expected and were OK with dumbing down the rorq. Those of us who were rorq pilots back when they boosted them beyond belief knew this day was coming and wished CCP had not gone down that road, but here we are. However, based on my preliminary math, it appears that harvesting capability per individual player has been reduced - even if barges were buffed, so it is disappointing that the marketing touted this as a return to prosperity without a clearer discussion on how this will benefit the mining and industrial play style. I can get my head wrapped around the idea that mineral prices will go up as a result of the net decrease in harvesting - what is much less clear to me is whether or not the harvest rates will sync with the amount of ships blowing up in space. Caps used to soak up a LOT of minerals - that is a faucet that has been largely shut down. Will HAC losses be enough to actually make mining worthwhile for the number of players who want to do it? I guess we will see. Data on CCPs thinking on these macro factors would go a long way for me personally.
I tested Orca boosting on SiSi … so I get some 5% LESS boost with indu-core (T2, perfect skills) then now?! Didn’t test compression since no skill book available.
Procs did get a huge nerf of ehp … making ganking them even easier … so big bonus to ganking.
Overall … very bad game “design” from CCP.
The waste concept should be revised … why not having the waste in my ore-hold so I have to activly dump it, to enhance active play?
Furthermore is the whole concept somehow bad for newbros … or is the goal to promote the skill-packages?! P2W?!
just sucks from my point of view.
Do you have implants in game that maybe you dont have loaded in Singularity? I havent tested boost rates yet myself, but this is something I’m likely to forget to check on my clone. If it is net less on an apples to apples basis, yes, that would be disappointing.