From Extraction to Production

Couldn’t agree with this more. I’m a decade in and destroyers are still my favorite.

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so from this perspective, is it wrong that others find their enjoyment from progressing into bigger ships and feel hurt when they lose that ability to progress (or retain the progress they feel they have worked for)?

edit(italics were correcting a typo)

They can still progress into bigger ships like the Orca and Rorqual if they want to scale up their mining operation. It just won’t increase their individual yield but increases the yield of the entire fleet.

There’s this cycle. First someone finds the most abusable way of doing something. Second everyone starts doing it. Third, it gets nerfed.

If someone is getting on board at stage 2 and their happiness depends on never reaching stage 3, then they’re taking a rather huge risk.

Nothing will ever stop a person from being at the pinnacle or pursuing the state of the art in mining, and people who pursue that as an art can be happy in the pursuit after things change. It’s people who want to get to the top, squat on it, and never change that get upset when the rules are changed in such a way that they aren’t there anymore.


so you claim I can only keep my progress if i stop doing things that don’t involve multiboxing. Based on that I can safely say there’s nothing further to discuss and if ccp feels that way they should reimburse my subscription and plex i hold that I have purchased


That looks to be coming back. take a look at ccp psyche’s post.

but wait there’s more. if you subscribe on a recurring basis. they dont send you a message that your 1 year sub is comging up, instead they send you a message that you have been resubbed. better mark your calendar.

I think you just did.

Option A.

Compression is now 1 to 1.
Compression of Veldspar in a porpoise (for example) requires 41323 (or something like that) veld, and gives you 40,000 compressed veldspar.

Compress 1 block of ice, and get 1 block of compressed ice. Compressed blocks are handled exactly like regular blocks, except they’re smaller. Same number needed to refine, same output when refined.

There seems to be a glaring issue with compression modules on a Porpoise since they can’t be loaded from the ore bay. Porpoise only has 625 m3 of cargo hold and that means it takes 19 to 20 (!!!) reload cycles to fully load the compression module. D:
Add on top of this that every loading cycle is TEN SECONDS.

I mean, wtf?

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be glad it hasnt made it to TQ yet.

You expected anything different from CCP? This is a steaming pile of **** and CCP knows it, everything they have been doing for the last few years has been to basically push everyone to either give up solo industry, make more alts or just quit industry altogether. They are killing the game and the idiot they have in charge has a proven track record of driving the games hes in charge of development into the ground.


it has already been canceled and I will be gone by end of the month unless CCP changes its approach to one of growth rather than removing and resetting progress of those who have done their best to survive through this garbage era of scarcity.


Type C is explicitly there to turn your rocks into waste dust. nothing about noobs with it.

(noobs can’t use them)

it still gets back to WHY. why did the devs think all this waste and compression complexity was necessary?? what possible positive effect can it have on getting new people to play or retain existing players. the whole thing is just a frankenstein monster of misc ideas thrown together without a defined plan that appeals to actual players. As said by many before, this whole idea of industry being a tar baby of complexity that is impossible for new players to navigate they should have left basic industry and mining alone so that a new player could mine and build his own frigate. As much as i agree with working together as a goal. this highly negative approach does not make players suddenly want to find a giant alliance so they can have everything they need to be a builder.


iirc, some of them send you to a specific asteroid, and expect a specific amount of ore back.

So waste would mess with that. Relatively simple fix, but it needs done.

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If you see CCP Psyche’s post further up, it’s a known issue.

You and me both, have dedicated accounts for titan, dread, fax and super yet play mostly in subcaps. Doesn’t really change my point, there is clearly incremental progression within Eve. You progressed to caps, because you don’t fly them every play session doesn’t change the fact you still progressed to them over a period of months/years.

Mining had that progression, it doesn’t anymore. You can reach the pinnacle of mining in 30 days now. That isn’t healthy for the game.

I shouldn’t have to explain this, but flying destroyers all the time doesn’t change the fact Eve has incremental progression. You still set your skill queue right? Assuming you do, you’re training toward some kind of goal. Mining centric players have lost a big progression route to look forward to.

The journey is as important as the destination.

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I see a new tactic–mining saboteur. Have your spy join mining fleets and use type C crystals to waste the high-value rocks. I don’t see anything in the blog that shows how you can detect someone using this tactic. I wonder if it would show on the mining ledger?