From Extraction to Production

I want to echo what others have said about too many compression modules. Having to remember to refit my support ship depending on what I am mining (and remember for such a slow moving ship wrapping it off once I notice the mistake is super annoying) can we just have 1 compression module but limited in what it can do by skills?

But using core requires fuel to use and there is still the issue with wastage.

Maybe I might try it, but I really cant really see the benefit in it, just not worth it imo.

Combat ships in the Rorqual are not allowed because it would make it a cheaper to use carrier with greater range. That Rattati likes this idea is showing.



mine more then a exhumer?..da faq

Not sure if that is a good idea.

Industrial cynos are much more accessible than regular cynos, as for a regular cyno you either need an (expensive) T2 cruiser or not so cheap one-time-use delayed deployable. This was done so that people could not always have easy access to a capital umbrella to jump in and save their ship.

If fit well, Rorquals can be very powerful in combat. If they can jump to any 1 million ISK venture alt, we might see the return of easily accessible instant capital responses.

Jump freighters are no threat, Rorquals are. So no, don’t let Rorquals jump to industrial cynos.


And that Rattati likes that idea, too, is also very showing.


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Mining waste needs to be trashed. Compression waste needs to be trashed. Compression shouldn’t be a time sink. Gas huffing needs to be significantly increased, not nerfed. Rorqs need a reason to be out in space, nerfing them into the ground is not the answer. Subcaps should not be the endgame mining vessel. Build materials for capitals need to be cut in half. Pretty much stop trying to push scarcity 2.0 as the end of scarcity.


Yep, there is a good reason the Rorqual can only take industrial ships.

It’s the only ship with ship maintenance bay that can jump that far. If it could take combat ships, it would be used to haul and drop spare combat ships everywhere.

Mining waste mechanic and compressions losses seem to be reducing increased resources bonus to minimum and some people say all these additionally generated costs of mining maintenance summed up can even surpass resource buffs and turn them in final outcome to another nerf (Really? Update about ,prosperity’’ introduced as another nerf? I have strong faith in this not being what this change was meant to be).
I propose to change resources increase to 200% (tripling instead of doubling). This way, everyone, including t1 miners will feel the difference during mining.
Additionally, t1 modules should have 67% mining waste propability, t2 modules - 34% and faction modules (very expensive ORE strip miners for instance) - same 0%. This could bring better balance to module types and still be rewarding for those who trained skills to better equipment. Not only resource increase will be experienced by all miners, but also more advanced miners are going to mine with further bonus (3x more ore with best modules and skills).
I dont have much to suggest about items issues, however duration time of industrial cores is something questionable for me. 5 minutes of being forced to stay in space makes such a ships horribly vulnerable, even in HS, not to mention LS or WH space. It gives far more than enough time for space pirates to prepare an attack on command ship using core. I propose 90 seconds duration, 30 sec more than simple command bursts, but not radically longer.

Not something I know, I’m afraid. Didn’t have a structure to hand to test that in.

Compression of ice in a ship is more efficient. starts at 80%. iirc, it’s 10 charges needed (so 10 blocks of ice.) and it’ll likely give you back 8 compressed.

With regards to Structure Compression would it not make sense, since clearly the idea was to limit structure compression, make it so that only Refineries (the specialist resource handling structure) with a Moon Mining module and a Resource Processing module are capable of Moon Ore compression.

Also a ship with limited space and limited power can Compress better than a structure, that can fit inside them? Really?? A Refinery with both relevant modules fitted should be able to at least match if not exceed what a ship can manage.

Please CCP use some logic in this not space magic.

I love the conduit jump and use it all the time.

For that reason I think the Rorqual should absolutely not get access to a conduit jump. It makes extracting a mining fleet to safety way too easy.

Give the Rorqual a jump portal for industrials, that would be wonderful.

But an instant -poof the mining fleet is now gone- is way, way too strong.

Yes to industrial portal, no to conduit jump.


Just like Conduit Jumping in general was a mistake because it is not used to bring the bridger on the field, but to extract fleets safely and without risk. Or it is used to cheaply jump a whole host of combat fitted BLOPS onto a target to safe fuel and to prevent misclicking on bait beacons. And how could it be otherwise because Reality has burst CCP’s pipedream bubbles time and again.

Now imagine a Rorqual full of combat ships conduit jumping 100 other rorquals full of combat ships around space. That sound just like an idea that Rattatata would love.


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You can’t put combat ships in the SMB of a Rorq.

oh for sure they need to reduce the fuel usage and the duration , they both have to be reduced , you cannot let’s say reduce the cycle from 5 minutes down to 2 minutes but keep the 750 (default) fuel per cycle that’s just insane.

As for wastage… I am really confused why would CCP say Hey! look here! we have doubled ALL of the ores :slight_smile: so to compensate for the Ore doubling we are going to introduce wastage which makes Ore doubling obsolete and we are back to the state we were before except that our Asteroids belts looks like a pile of sh*t now!!! :slight_smile:

WoW Gee. thanks CCP

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Yes, smartie. Do you want a cookie? Everyone knows that and everyone but Alexandria Fairchild and CCP_Rattati know why that is. Yet Rattatata liked a post from Alexandria that suggested that this should change so that Alexandria can reship on field from mining ships to combat ships.

Have you read the whole chain of posts that led me to this statement about combat ships in Rorquals? I think not.



how to introduce the use your credit card and buy the ship you want to fly now .

  1. destroy the player base income
  2. destroy the industry
  3. destroy the miners
    results collapse of the economical stability , ccp steps in we got the solution use your credit card :slight_smile:

They won’t do this. They want you to create alt accounts, buy skill injectors to push the newly created capsuleers to the 5M boundary, and have a semi-decent usable mining slave/drone. This toon will stay on omega for a while, and pay a subscription at least once for the friendship bonus. Even if you PLEX it from the first day, someone’s buying the PLEX you buy in Jita for real world money and sells it in the in-game market, resulting in CCP getting it’s money.

If they made it impossible to get a decent mining alt with 5M SP injected into a freshly created capsuleer, your motivation to create that capsuleer, and with the capsuleer, the account, will decrease. And if you don’t create that capsuleer, you won’t buy the “veterans” skill injectors, either, which will lower demand on SP Injectors and thereby pressure the SP market and the Veterans’ AFK income by Skill Extraction. Without the mining alt, you will also not buy PLEX to keep the account omega-ed, and have less demand for PLEX on the in-game market, thereby detoriating it’s isk value, which lowers the incentive of credit card warriors to buy PLEX just to trade it for ISK, and therefore reduces CCP’s income.

Stopping the “poof- safe mining fleet” scenario from happening should be relatively easy to do so as through restrictions like “unable to jump in combat timer”.

That’s easily 1 min of unable to do anything if a threat shows up (assuming the Rorqual on field is providing boost), or even something more rudimentary as unable to perform jump bridge within 500km of an asteroid.

And honestly with all the intel channels around, that mining fleet will be docked up by the time someone shows up within 10 jumps of it regardless.

So if you train the skill for better efficiency, it goes up to 81%.
but then 10 blocks round down to 8 again…