I don’t think the proposed mining changes are bad, overall they seem fine. I just think CCP needs constructive feedback to steer them in the right direction.
And discussion about constructive feedback that steers them in the wrong direction is part of that process, which is what we were talking about.
I am happy to read that the CCP is responding to the community and reflecting on the suggestions and thinking about changes.
But you also write that “Moon ore compression modules for all moon ore types are being introduced. Moon ore compression will be unique to the Rorqual and will be only available out in space.”
Do I have to imagine that the Moonore has to be transported from high sec to low sec to a Rorqual in order to be able to compress it or does CCP now allow the Rorqual in high sec?
We have already lost 10-20% during processing.
What if you adjust the mining lasers and drones to the profile of the PVP and thereby do without mining waste (if you do not follow my idea that the mining waste is converted into degradable gases such as 10000 m³ mined Veldspar leaves 100 or 10 m³ of the cheapest gas)
So far, the lasers and drones have been working like robots, which I can’t say with combat weapons and drones (they all have an alpha that I can calculate, but after that they shoot completely wrong or only half-hit) that could bring CCP into mining - that the yield is not continuous.
And losses can be built in if I am in a container in all miner loss of 10m³ every 5 minutes (lost in space)
And wouldn’t it be possible to install only 1 module for compressing and simply load a script for the different types of Ore?
Without a script it also works or with the wrong one - but then I have a 30-45% loss when compressing
That is where you and I disagree - I think the changes are really bad.
I appreciate that - my comment was aimed entirely at your protaganist whose feedback was not, I felt, terribly constructive (even if meant to be) for all the reasons you have so excellently set out.
Compression loss → great! Finally a (small) incentive to local production rather than shipping everything to and from Jita.
Orca and Rorqual yield loss → great! Been asking for that for ages, finally barges and exhumers are the rightful kings of mining and AFK Orcas are a thing of the past
In space compression → great! It gives mining support ships an extra role that they needed now that yield went down. Not sure about the numbers though
mining waste → great! Gives mining more depth and meaningful choices between yield and efficiency, without loss in total ore supply as asteroid sizes are doubled.
barge stats and fit changes → not sure about yet, haven’t looked at the fits yet
mining frigate stat and fit changes → I have my doubts here. No longer the kings of gas huffing? I’ll have to try some fits to compare yield before I can say more about this
splitting ore hold into ore/ice/gas holds and giving all mining shipsall three → Feels pointless? What is this supposed to do, except give mining ships the ability to carry three times as much stuff?
Overall I like the idea behind the proposed changes. Now we just need a good implementation.
Considering that I have been on the receiving end of Combat Rorquals and considering how much Rorquals can tank in Indu Core and how short Indu Core really is, you seem to understand just how powerful Roquals really are. A Rorqual in indu core requires a lot of DPS, even after the last round of tank nerfs, to break if it’s fitted correctly. With several of them on field they are not nearly as easy to break if competent people pilot them. If there are no competent people at the helm, your combat ships in the SMB are useless, too.
If my claims are out of touch, your idea that combat ships in Rorquals to drive away a Kiki fleet would work at all is equally out of touch. This is a brainchild of someone who doesn’t understand how fleet work.
I don’t often mine but have a mining character with max Exhumer/Mining Frigate skills and good reprocessing skills and my Porpoise pilot just finished Rorqual training. I was waiting for the mining changes to hit before I buy a Rorqual but looking at the proposed changes I will probably buy one once I have the ISK.
Maybe it will be a bit cheaper now that so many people are disappointed the yield went down.
The system they are testing is how many accounts they can force us to sub to maintain the scarcity quality of life. Not the pre-scarcity quality of life. You know the Rorq was repeatedly nerfed? A light nerf would’ve been upsetting, but tenable. Nerfed to the ground, set on fire, and then pissed on is not. You get that right? If not, you’re the sort of person I propose we not sell minerals, goo, or ships to.
As hisec solo miner: it will be much easier for gankers to destroy my procurer. That make mining more risky and less profitable, so i dont like it. I think gankers will be pleased. I, as a miner without alts or more accounts, see nothing interesting or good for my playstyle. On top of it: now I dont see any reason to learn expedition frigates skill, when i have barges and exhumers. I wanted to harvest gas with prospect and ice with endurance, but now it seems like pointless.
Dont be so stupid!
If you dont do the mining dont write here shity things. I learned the Rorqual. I have problem with too. If you are dont understand the goundproblem here just dont use the chat. -.-"
Well, food for thought: if Apple put the iPhone 13 on sale and then the next month released the iPhone 14 and throttled your iPhone 13 to only run at 33% speed because F you, people would be pissed off. They would sue and would win in court (see the battery gate scandal where they did similar albeit not as severe as what CCP did to its customers).