Then I apologise if it was a language thing.
Itâs a capital mining support ship. It brings invaluable support to mining fleets and will continue to do so even better now that it can compress even more resources and (speculation) gets an industrial jump bridge.
Mining fleets will be very glad to have a Rorqual with them.
They wont listen. They all think that makes it âuselessâ.
any TLDR without condiments to the thread?
TL;DR: CCP changes mining
TL;DR: CCP wants you to sub 2x the amount of account you currently have if you mine (because they reduced the mining rate / hr in half). Also compression is a joke, takes longer to compress ore than it does to mine it (even at the reduced mining rate). If you donât mine, you think this great / funny.
Mining : Backbone of the EVE univers! But we keep nerfing untill you cant do â â â â .
Every â â â â â â â proff can do solo. Explo, rat, pvp. When you make the Mining total garbage then come the PLanetary?
I dont understand why the mining cant be solo?? Solo mining more dangerus. And as i said. I will dont sitting with a 10B Rorqual to support my corpmates 4 T1 mining barges, couse they dont use T2 couse expensive.
Im done with mining. I hope so many minier will put down the miner ships and dont do it. I hope it will lead to the economy collapse and then everyone see how important roll is it.
I noticed no one is mentioning this change
In addition, the Deep Core Mining skill is being updated; its probability of damage reduction bonus per level changes from 20% to 10%.
So instead of 100% chance of no damage cloud, it will be 50%, so with more of those happening, does that change things for those that mine Mercoxit or is this easily ignored ?
Admittedly, I have done very little mining of it myself, but I waited for level 5 before even trying it, so I donât really know for sure what the damage clouds doâŚ
No they donât?
If theyâre using 4 cheap barges, a Porpoise may be a better choice.
If theyâre using a dozen Exhumers that Rorqual becomes more attractive.
Most of these changes have already been addressed, but to be honest, I think ore compression shouldnât have waste at all. We already have mining waste and refining waste, we donât need to whittle the ore down even more just so we can move it to the refinery in a reasonable amount of time. It feels bad, on a player level, to gather resources and then lose ~10% of them just to not have a refinery in every system.
This could also result in fewer haulers in space. To show you how this could happen, Iâll use an example from my experience. My old alliance mined in both highsec and lowsec, but had the primary refinery in lowsec. Miners would compress in or near their main systems and load up their industrials (sometimes even full orcas and freighters!) and make the perilous trip into lowsec to get the best refine yield. It was about 8% more minerals than the maximum highsec refine, so it was worth the risk. If we add compression waste into the equation, though, the calculations change: at more than 8% loss, itâs the exact same amount of money at the end, just with more risk. Factor in the new risk for compressing in space and the heavy water needed to run the industrial core, and the reward:risk ratio gets even worse.
Compression is a quality-of-life feature. I think I understand one of the goals with compression waste (choosing to pay a mineral tax and refine/sell at a broader market vs selling locally), but I really donât think itâs needed.
Actually, I have a Orca on Sisi with the T1 module and basic skills and it says has 96.3% efficiency, far superior to the station compressor.
The T2 has 98.5% efficiency
Stations have 90%
Someone posted above that they would like to see what CCPâs objectives are so that they could give constructive input to help CCP get to those objectives. TBH, I wouldnât be surprised if CCP knew exactly what they want, but are approaching this as a employer/union negotiation.
So you go in with something ridiculous, get the playerbase all riled up. Then take the feedback and come back with a more reasonable approach closer to what CCP actually wanted to get to. Player base is âhappyâ, cos they managed to get CCP to see the error of their ways. CCP gets kudos for âlistening to the playerbaseâ. I wouldnât be surprised if the suggested tweaks that they are considering were already decided on and ready to go before they released the blog.
So I suppose their endgame is something along the lines of:
We want one industrial ship to be able to support 20-30 miners, so the compression ratios must make sense at that rate.
Also, make it so the final loss ratio on a perfect rorq is 100%. So you really want one on field.
Make it so the compression modules have an auto-load feature to avoid RSI from all the mouse clicks required,
The industrial ships arenât supposed to be the only ship on grid, but a force multiplier.
Lets make an industrial jump portal generator so you can move mining fleets around like you could the old rorq fleets, I mean, who wants to gate from system to system right?
We want some moon mining still in high sec, so we take out minerals, but after the hue and cry agree to double the R4. (Hopefully this drives down the R4 price, which drives down the core temp price, which drives down the capital core temp price. This beast costs about 2-2.5bil, which is basically the core reason no-one wants to build any caps.
Tone down the waste mechanic for now, but it will be kept. IMHO itâs the mining equivalent of the bounty risk modifier and will be applied per system to dynamically adjust resources.
Probably some other points too, but you get the ideaâŚ
I think a lot of the hate could be reduced if you set down and thought about how people interact in a positive way in real life. The biggest issue I have seen and pick up reading is the solo/small group, as they donât have the seats in butts to provide meaningful protection to their assets in space. I think as a community we need to think of ways to get people to wanna stop being in NPC corps, solo corps, and small corps. A starting point I personally I think we need, are in-game communities that provide players with some group benefits without the need to be in a corp/fleet. i.e. They can receive and give none aggression boost/actions without needing to fleet. Better on-grid notifications if a community member is being ganked with encouragement to attack the ganker or to rep the attacked member.
We need to provide better education to players, old and new, about how high-sec PVP mechanics work and try to address the mindset that miners/PVEers have of âFlightâ and not âFightâ. Having been in groups with players having the âFightâ mindset, has proven to be more enjoyable than the consent âFlightâ mindset.
I have more, but real life calls.
I support some of the changes here, I think the rorqual is mainly a support ship, because thats how I use it.
I think the compression module is a good direction, but I also think that there should only be 3 different modules Astroid ores, Moon Ores, and Ice. t1/t2 varients.
I think that it should take about a minute to compress it, but i dont think there should be a 10k limit on it, make it up to 300k m3 but with a 60 second timer on it.
Mining waste is badly explained, Its not cutting anything down, but the more you invest in it, the more you get out of it in the long run, as it should be. But it also isnt needed due to already skilling into getting more per cycle anyways.
I support the changes for orca/porpoise able to compress now.
I donât know it 20-30 miners is a realistic number, but for sure each of the command ship should be able to compress the ore mined by itâs fleet, atm it feels to me that the compression cycle is too slow for that
Oke i put that way.
1 rorqual ( me ) and say. 15 hulk ( corpmate, ally mate ) mining. Come 1 netut. The 15 hulk jump away. Im stay and watching the 10B firework. The mining yield the Rorqual nerfed so the drones do nathing â â â â .
But 100% the 15 hulk give me all ore what they mined to comensate my lose.
So fallow your theory thing you say still â â â â â â â reason of this â â â â â â â patch? Hmm? Sound still funny? You mined in 0.0 sec? You know how work the thing there? Or you just a another PVP guy who sometimes take a mechi and do some afk mining?
Yes, I know how mining in null sec works.
The idea is that the Rorqual protects the mining fleet and himself with repairs and depending on the hostile fleet size, PANIC, until your other friends form a fleet to fight the bad guys off. Content for the hostiles, content for your other friends and hopefully you survive often enough that doing that is profitable, but also die often enough that hunting Rorquals is a worthwile playstyle.
This is another funny thing. You know where i saw this amount of miners? At the R64 moon mining.
And this fleet support is just a lak of â â â â . The multi accs dont need any support. They have 5 rorqual and 10 hulk or anything what you need. This â â â â supporting again the multiaccs and try force the miner players to do the same â â â â couse this is money for the CCP.
And the stupid players " ahahahahah i dont pay for the game ist free cous i pay my monthly sub from my ingame money. " Dude i have a bad new for you. You dotn pay for it cous someone did it for you. But untill this players still exist in EVE then the CCP do what they want.
I lost a few Rorqual. Dont tell me fairytail. 1 sec and you see 20 carrier + 10-20BS and so few small ships stay front of you and done. So please.