Prove it! CCP has done done everything in their power to destroy play styles, destroy ISK generation, destroy what players want and like to do. WE ARE THE CUSTOMERS! And its OBVIOUS CCP care more about their profits then players enjoyment of the game, you guys are hyper monetizing the game and don’t care if all the players quit…which they will.
@CCP_Rattati you also keep in mind that eve is a game and not a job?
the amount of time waste to make things is this also ever somewhere consider?
Your player base is getting older and not teenagers with unlimited spare time
Khanid mk.2 (and faction ships repurpose in general)
The truth spoken! what now CCP? what you going to kill next? Please tell us we all know you don’t fix anything. We also know you don’t care what the player think or say!
Astarte has entered the chat.
Folks saying the orca is dead because it becomes immobile using the new mod act like they don’t sit immobile in belts for hours already while they mine.
Edited so @Vortigern_Vitalis don’t miss the point this time
Because sitting a long time in a belt mining does not automatically mean AFK. Enough of this false canard! Right now I am mining in my Orca and am not AFK and never am, save only when my bladder needs emptying.
it cements it as a high sec only ship now
I’m certain folks will make it work out in null eventually.
No? Just don’t install/use the siege module in lowsec.
Hardware KVM + Kernel Mode stuff makes this update brilliant for Alphas. Just make a VDK with MAC randomization and Ghost it across $300 computers a-la beowulf cluster and fleet up ventures. No need for more than one Omega per individual any longer. The hold sizes on even just the porpoise make KVM multiboxing ultra-effective with the adjustments.
Thank you for the datum! New to the game, new to null, my corp mates are kinda off studying. I do the anomalies in our system and am happy puttering around (and avoiding getting killed).
However, now I know why my senior mining mates leave the anoms alone: Arknonor and Bistot. I’ll try to be more useful and mine those out to help respawns. Most Grateful!
Edited because you were caught spouting falsehoods you mean?
And the whole point is that right now, if gankers turn up in local, I can warp in 10 seconds with use of my MWD. Those complaining are pointing out that the new proposals for Cores will pin the ship for several minutes.
Good. There needs to be more risk to being greedy in highsec. The cores fix an otherwise completely broken ship.
Oh dear, what is the matter? Found an Orca too difficult to gank, did we? What absolute, hyperbolic garbage.
Bring friends to defend your mining support platform.
Do you know what a max yield fit orca hauls in with max skills using augmented drones in a 3-4h session munching on the best high sec moon goo? Would you like to take a guess? ~35m. Thats a 2b hull with 250m in drones out for 3+ hours for literal peanuts. The only reason that ■■■■ was getting done is because its low apm. Watch what happens when this goes live.
*Thats pre patch btw.
Yea our ROI is **** at best meanwhile a ratter can go and get ROI in a few days few hours each day meanwhile we have to go months and months
Calm down miner.
I really don’t see the issue here. You can still warp in 10 seconds as before, or be even smarter and install a Higgs rig so you can stay pre-aligned and warp instantly. Just don’t be greedy by installing or activating the siege module. Simple.
Pilots have learned to be careful when using the siege module on other ships - Marauders, dreads, etc. You can too.
Pathetic. You have zero understanding, so resort to cheap jibes. Wanting to mine slowly but surely is “greedy”? Pathetic.