From Extraction to Production

I found two problems here: Highsec, and mining ore for profit. Of course you’re going to make “peanuts”. Working as intended, you’re supposed to build stuff that sells better out of the ore.

I have pointed out that your gameplay has barely changed other than having a button that makes you more greedy in exchange for more risk - just like most other things in Eve. Yet you provide no counter arguments. I believe it is you that is resorting to the “cheap jibes”.

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Could be opportunity to have waste impacted by metalliminal storms.

E.g. Exotic metalliminal storms include an additional modifier to waste amount (not waste probability). Higher end, low waste probability crystals benefit from the storms existing cycle bonus. However, type c crystals becomes more destructive.

Or Edencom victory systems have a flat bonus toward lower waste.

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So in your opinion minig sould by default be a bad idea? First: Why? Second: It already is. No change needed. Some people still like it. Then, they use the minerals to build the ships, guns and ammunition you use to kill them. Stupid, isn’t it?


No, of course my gameplay will not be affected. Oh, other than having my ability to mine solo nerfed almost out of existence.

Come back when you have read and comprehended the entire thread. Where all the arguments are set out very clearly. Love the fact that your profile is hidden, by the way. Of what are you scared?

From what I heard on TIS the other day, our CSM representive Kennith assumes everyones going to just have 20-30 accounts on grid, so id assume boosting rorq, fax, and then dedicated compression rorq’s in a pos somwhere in system?

But Sure, i guess why not just add more highslots so you can do even more clicking compression jobs, yay for fun and engageing gameplay? Or they could just fix the ■■■■■■■ problem and do away with tedium for the sake of tedium?

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Mining in highsec is a bad idea, yes. Always has been.

Solo mining in an industrial command ship, designed for supporting fleets, not the solo risk-averse drone miner.

So why did CCP give the Orca drone capability, and explicitly state that mining was a key capability for it? Go away and come back when you have understood the history of the Orca, and CCP’s deliberate choices in giving it autonomous mining capabilities. Then you might understand why people get so irritated that CCP decides to change its mind after people have invested heavily in it as a platform to use it in a manner that CCP not only enabled and encouraged. Not only that, get angry when CCP also decide to make the other mining vessels even less safe to fly.

In short, give your head a wobble.

Risk adverse?

He just put 10,000,000 isk on the field, and then locked it in place for 5 mins.

Hes HOPEING that if it gets tackled, someones around to help him save it?

Ive never understood why people think rorquals are risk adverse, thats a pretty major ivestment to lock in place on the hopes that someone can save it.

Just incase you were wondering, theres the lossboard for rorquals in game, (the ones that are on zkill at any rate) Tell me again how rorquals are risk adverse and provide no content as-is?


Funny side note- Just as many rorquals as revelations have died in the last week.

You aint found shìt. Half the reason the orca caught such a heavy nerf bat butt ■■■■■■■ is all your bitching about how op it is as a solo miner in high sec. The other half being ccp seing dollar signs. The information I provided is max uptake for a solo orca in high sec, and it’s peanuts. Not only that, but the job it was doing isnt a job people want to primary. Thats the bottom line. Its a shitty job, nobody wants to do it, it has to be done, and this made it bearable. It was already great as a fleet booster, but there was little point using it in low and null when rorqs were a thing. So… the orca was relegated to high sec solo mining or boosting organized moon mining ops. All because of the rorq.

Oh, and to your other ■■■■■■■■ comment about the greed button… are you referring to the button that turns a colossal turbo nerf into just a turbo nerf by self tackling the ship and STILL getting less yield? Yeah thats what it sounded like.

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i love it when people say +bring friends, protect your miners" for some reason, a ganker thinks indy guys should have to have friends or multibox combat ships to do their job, while the ganker just needs to train a few skills and be able to use f1. seems fair


I didn’t suggest people play MMOs solely to level. Here’s my original feedback again:

Nothing you have posted has convinced me otherwise. You can argue whether incremental levelling mechanics actually exist in Eve or not - pretty sure you know you’re not making a compelling argument when you do that - but you’ve not changed my mind.

Quite and we share a difference of opinion. However my feedback was directed at CCP and not you.

You love indy players so much that you destroyed the economy. Since you limited the minerals that can be mined in high sec and that high sec never had reactions. Orcas, battleships and freighters can not be built in high sec but you love us so much. Before you touched Economy high sec could build what they needed. Even before moon mining was a thing High Sec could build what we needed.

Devalued? You mean allowed the largest and longest War Eve to happen! If Rorqs could not mine so much that War would have NEVER happened. Since Rorqs are being nerfed into the ground even harder, affordable capitals will never happen again.

These are horrible changes for the game. You have removed the reward for years of skill training and Billions in investments. I have been a miner since day one of playing eve. I mined, built ships, built modules and even built capitals. I was part of a small group, 100+ corp, with multiple corps in an allinace but your indy/mining changes killed all of that. Your changes drove 180-250 paying customers from the game.

This game does not need any more updates that you have to offer other then your employment status.


I belive that in order to get boosts on a mackinaw, you then need 2 accounts.

Likely, exactally what CCP is hopeing you will do, either sub that old account, or HOPEFULLY sub a brand new one, and spend $$ on the expert system so you can boost yourself, and manage to reach almost as much m3 mined / hour as you are now on only 1 account!


I’m so tired of the “ecosystem” telling me i’m having too much fun with the game and i need to tone it down.

How much do you want to bet, the day this goes live theres an ‘expert system’ for barges for sale for a mere 150$?

Skip straight to it on day one!

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… or a friend in a Porpoise, Orca or Rorqual.

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And what does that friend who spent 350 days training and 10b for a hull get out of that? Not seeing it.


Let’s be very clear, your nerfed all miners and mining two years ago but scarcity ends??? Hahahaha!

You are killing the Command ships. Since the command ships take years to fully skills and Billlions to field. No one is going to undock them any more, except for maybe under a umbrella. Since you are changing the Orca, I will never undock mine again and may even leave the game because you are adding more risk with less reward. You really need to learn if a game is not fun or rewarding that it is not worth playing. Was anyone crying that capitals were to cheap, was anyone crying that miner were enjoying themselves before you touched the game? NOPE! Sure a 10% nerf to mining drones would have been acceptable, removing moon minerals would have been acceptable if you put all the minerals back in their region like before you touch them. Maybe you should have put Ore Anoms back in high sec but Scarcity ended??!!