From Extraction to Production

You don’t need tether, just pos shields

Again, requiring 2 people in order to achieve less than what 1 person is able to achieve right now.

That’s two subscriptions for 2/3ds of what 1 subscription is able to achieve right now.

Tell me again how this is the end of scarcity?

So, plex is bought for isk created by players?

Are you saying CCP directly seeds plex onto the market?

Or, does some player have to whip out his CC and BUY the plex for money, and then TRADE it for isk that’s been created by players?

One of these would be an isk sink, creating less isk injection into the economy, and the other does exactally nothing but generate income for CCP, which is which do you think?


The only goal here is to make more $$ for pearl abyss.

Want to mine more? Sub more accounts!

Your skiff died? Plex for some isk and buy a couple more! (or sub even more accounts so you can have a critical mass of them and scare off pesky pvp’ers!)

Im sure there will be expert systems for exhumers on sale right around the same time as this goes live, so for another 150$ he should be able to shoot rocks right beside you

do you really believe the crap you are spouting here? I have had multiple indy accounts for over 10 years in EVE. the last few years have been nothing but punishment for miners and industrials. Your poorly thought out nerfs of the rorqual after you introduced it as a mining platform are only a minor factor in all this. locust mining by mega alliances didnt make the rorqual something to crush for everyone else. deal with the real issues.
you say you love indy, but from my view, you only love us as targets not actual contributors. you have made industry so painful that it is a job, not a joy.
look at all the complex math you keep introducing, why? who does it benefit? what you are doing is not improving the game or making indies want to play more. Doubling the ore to give us back a fraction of what we used to have is a slap, not a treat. continuing the seperation of ore by sec status doesnt make it easier for anyone, especially new players to build basic ships.
its time to quit spouting nonsense and DO something that actualy benefits indy players


The only changes on these patch notes that are good are

1- The industrial ‘yeet’ jump, now I dont have to store all my barges and burn alts to the new system in shuttles, dock and hand out barges anymore. Still gotta burn the cyno, but cant have everything.

2- CCP hasnt forgotten they created the primay. Tho, these buffs mean it still wont get assembled outa that can you stuffed it into in jita when they handed them out.

hard to tell. you over nerfed the rorquel, made the orca a lot less fun to use, and royally screwed over the newbie miners with the change to ventures.

i miss CCP Seagull :frowning:


you can train a useful combat pilot in under a month. to train an effective industrialist with start to end skills is now over a year. how is this better for all those industrialists that you love


If you dont like people pointing out when you are wrong, perhaps dont provide feedback in a public forum.

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• We haven’t made a decision yet if waste should be taken into account in the industry index calculations. Feel free to discuss pros and cons in this thread.

  • If it will count toward increasing the index - destroy the belts 19 times faster than now, get industry index to 5, install upgrades - profit with 19 times less efforts to keep level 5 up. Repeat in next system. All this merc… yummy.

Just throwing my .2 in to also tell you (like most everyone else) I hate these proposed changes.

Whoever you guys have on the team coming up with this stuff, you really need to get rid of them. More boring uninspired and poorly thought out changes.

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The doubling was to compensate for waste.

Some don’t understand how it works. Others understand that it threatens their afk lifestyle. A few are a bit concerned how it will change how vets treat new players.

Obvious to you.

It also probably isn’t obvious to you why moon goo wasn’t compressable at the same time normal ore is.

It probably isn’t obvious to you why lossless compression was a bad thing.

The answer to all of this is that the easy transportation of ore favours larger groups with better structures. By making it harder to move, players are more inclined to use their local refineries (the little guy).

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if the changes actually made it cost less to build stuff for what they sell for , i’d be happy. i dont see that happening though any time soon.

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We’ve basically had 2 years of disappointments from CCP, It’s reflected in the Average PCU declining undeniably.

Not only are CCP not doing anything not disappointing now they’re actively making the gameplay worse.

The design philosophy behind this entire concept has been completely flawed. Less is not more, it is less, especially when the fruits of the past are still within the game and not going anywhere.

Actions here that occur to be clear malice intent to the playerbase

  1. Procurer and Skiff being given the bad touch.
  2. Rorqual mining being made unviable, when the majority of the Rorqual pilots today exist with the intent to mine.
  3. Orca Mining being made unviable, when the majority of the Orca pilots today exist with the intent to mine.
  4. Compression mechanic being a reduction in quality of life to the point where it’s not even worth attempting.
  5. waste mechanic being included as another step off loss when loss already exists on the refinery side.
  6. EHP on Barges Retriever/Mackinaw and Covetor/Hulk.
  7. The maximum M3/min being reduced which will bottleneck the economy and incur increased cost for ALL CONTENT within the game.
  8. Will the hoarder still have an ammo hold, we actually use it for that. Removing it would make the majority all hoarders in existence useless.

Here’s a Rough Guideline of acceptable changes

  1. Don’t touch the mining barges people actually use - Procurer/Skiff
  2. Increase the EHP of other barges that are not utilized Retriever/Mackinaw Covetor/Hulk
  3. The Hulks ore hold/mining yield ratio is too low it should be increased.
  4. I’m not against nerfing the rorqual, but it was specifically buffed to a role and that role should be maintained. A reduction to this is acceptable but it should still be the highest Rate M3 miner within the game, its cost and cost of faction mining drones should be maintained as a factor, capital ship builders should also be taken into account, if this role is removed from the rorqual we will have no use to build rorqual hulls for YEARS to come as the excess off Hulls is going to far exceed the demand.
  5. Waste Mechanics should be scrapped, this a waste of everyones time and not an enjoyable mechanic
  6. the new compression modules are garbage, an unjustifiable reduction in quality of life and intentionally made a major inconvenience. This is entirely unacceptable considering the declining state of the game and should not occur.
  7. revisit the prior industry patch with a complete reversal of its insanity. Like enough is enough you’ve proven yourselves incompetent and the results are self evident.

Other thoughts
We do not have perfect reprocessing on scrap material anymore, arbitrarily making constructed items(ships and modules) useless with a patch disrupts the supply and demand market in the game and lowers the price floor to the reprocessed materials of an item which is much less than the input. The removal of perfect scrap metal reprocessing (2014 industry patch IIRC) was a prelude to the economy change in 2016 with the introduction of rorqual mining. It also removed module/ammo compression from the game which players had utilized up until this point. If you’re going to go down this rabbit hole to the full conclusion of this abhorrent and poorly thought out dev blog perfect reprocessing should be brought back, this can be done by increasing the % amount per level of scrap metal reprocessing and/or introducing a scrap metal reprocessing rig for citadels.

Dynamic distribution looks like a garbage pile, delete that concept entirely. Also remove the BRM system, it is buffing the bots through the law of averages and nerfing casual gameplay.

I think your plan is undeniably bad and will cause an exodus of existing players from the game and the recruitment of replacement players should not be counted on as this is an aging MMO and player recruitment and retention is lower for aging MMO games. Following the exodus of players there will be a mass economic recession/depression and I feel this is going to hurt the game and community more than you’re going to return in profits from microtransaction extortion.


I am not a miner, and to be honest, I don’t really understand the good and bad about the changes. My one real concern is that CCP might again be “fixing the game to death”, ie killing content inadvertently.

Rorqual whaling is like the last big thing we do in null, everything else has been nerfed to oblivion, and not even that might go away. CCP should want more big ships in space as targets, not less.


A solo ganker isn’t bringing down a decently prepared barge and certainly not an Orca.

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Actually, i realize something the Orca actually need the large cap booster because the CIC blocks any remote assistance, so yeah. this needs to be a thing or this ship will be just a free kill