From Extraction to Production

Gank Me … and i’ll filament out right when you’re about to warp disrupt me? or Gank me, and i’ll show you I’m warp core stabbed and nullified?

If this edition has a nickname, it’s “redundand alts for any role”.

How do you deal with a 34% waste factor for Ice Harvesting? It’s either a block or it’s not. Is this now RNG, and maybe is the answer?


Why does the Tech II compression take significantly longer than the Tech I? Logically would be the other way around. Why does it take so long anyway, and the mechanics of loading/reloading is really bad design.

Right now, a Hulk would mine more than an ice block due to yield buffs, but not two ice blocks per cycle, so it scoops 1 block per cycle despite any yield buffs. It’s cargo hold has 8.500m^3, however, when you load the 8th ice block, the ice miner will stop cycling because the cargo hold is full (which it is not).

Covetors, that can load 7.000m^3 don’t have this behaviour and just mine on as after you scoop the 6th block.

I guess the game engine internally tries to give the Hulk 1.6 ice blocks into the hold which already has 7 blocksk, thereby exhausting the hold, stopping the ice miner, and only then flooring the number of mined ice blocks and corresponding ice m^3 to the m^3 of a single block.

What I don’t get is, if my numbers are correct, you are removing the same volume of ore as a B2 crystal. I could see them having use if they destroyed tons of ore fast, but not if they remove ore at the same rate but more goes to waste.

This is what I am trying to get across to CCP.

You have Winter Fest coming around with an ICE MINING EVENT for the miners.

And you punish players with a ship nerf that literally turns the best ice mining ship in game. [Speed Wise] With max skills x3 Frostline Omnivore and an ORE Ice Mining Laser at 45.56 sec unboosted into a 150sec to 148sec nightmare.

What was the point of this anyways??
That is what is so infuriating because its like the Dev team is screwing up ships that normally need some small tweaks to make them just a bit better.

And instead we get this Uber Astero wannabe.

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I can be okay with the Covetor and Hulk get a 10k - 20k m3 hold. Just to make it balanced.
With the Skiff 15k maybe to 20km3

We can take some tweaks.

Personally I like the Venture-Prospect-Endurance ore hold progression.
1K of Gneiss [Venture] 2K of Gneiss [Prospect] 3K of Gneiss [ Endurance]

Glad I never sank countless hours of my time and all my ISK into Rorqual mining. I sank it into everything else that got nerfed, but at least I didn’t have to mine ore while I figured out CCP considers anything that works, a bug.


Now that is subjective.
Yes they compress at a slightly higher rate than a structure BUT at the cost of at least 3 times longer on grid.
How much do you value your time in game? If it takes 3 times longer to compress on grid with 2% loss than it does to compress in a structure with 10% loss and you don’t have a ship worth billions tied to one spot for the duration - risk vs reward is balanced way too far the wrong way.

Rorquals used to have instant lossless compression, now they will have to sacrifice, time, fitting and added risk to have losses in compression.
Orcas will be even worse off, unless they are so far off the beaten track that gankers just won’t bother hunting them.
Porpoise will just be a pita of clicking and dragging to compress anything it would be faster to just dockup and dump ore in a station or structure.

18x the waste, but -75% yield (with a possible bug), so it ends up not being that fast.

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It possibly looks like a bug, the non-specialized ore gets a huge yield compared to the specialized ore, i.e. a Common C1 Crystal would mine 1195.12m3 of rare ore on a Skiff, but would mine 298.78m3 of common ore.

If that is not a bug, then you can use a Skiff to burn 176.9m3/s of off spec ore in an unboosted skiff.

The 34% is a 34% chance that you will generate 1 block of waste. so for every 100 blocks mined you would also have 34 blocks wasted, on average.


For an ice comparison, say you roll up on a ice rock with 134 blocks in it and its just you and that ice rock.

If you use a T1 laser with 100% waste probability, you get 67 ice blocks, the Ice Gods get 67 ice blocks.
If you use a T2 laser with 34% waste probability, you get 100 ice blocks, the Ice Gods get 34 ice blocks.
If you use an ORE laser with 0% waste probability, you get 134 ice blocks, the Ice Gods get nothing.

Ice is way easier than Ore, we get T1, Faction, and 6 crystals per ore quality that effect yield, waste, and cycle time. So you have to decide which crystal to use where.

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It was pointed out, correctly, that Plex doesn’t create more isk, just moves it around.
Your point on more subs is correct, though.

If you don’t like waste then upgrade to ORE mining modules and you increase the amount of mine able resources by 100%.

Be a cheap skate and use t1 and mine the same amount of available as now.

Your choice. Take the extra risk with higher meta fits and gain more available resources.

It’s not rocket science.


Tagging you to differentiate from player discussion.

Using Scordite for an example, one T1 compression unit can compress about 104 m3 of ore per second, however a Covetor with boosts from an Orca can mine 51.9 m3 per second.

Veldspar - one compression unit can compress 69.2 m3 per second.
Plagioclase - one compression unit can compress 243 m3 per second.


No amount of “reward” is worth putting miners that are the price of a hull on your weak-as-hell tanked barge of exhumer. They’re paper-thin, and the ORE miners are 300mil each jita price.

That much for just 100% is stupidly expensive. Utter madness.


Waste is only a concern when you have limited, rare resources.

If you are mining Veld and there are days worth in your system, who cares if you waste half of it.

If you are mining ice, where you get 1hrs worth before you have to wait for the next spawn, getting every bit is better.

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That’s what I’m complaining about

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The vast majority of people agreeing with these changes are not Industry players. Most are pvp players who dont give 1 turd about how we like to play the game. if you dont mine then why respond. We dont give a rats ass, If you dont mine come back another time.


It hasn’t been, these are new resource holds, independent of each other. The Porpoise is due to have cargo hold increase to fix bug where it couldn’t hold enough resources to do a full compression quantity.

No that’s incorrect.

Is 18x default yield amount with skill bonuses applied, and yield amount per 25% of base yield with skills.

So 18.9m3 per cycle default with skills would mean you turn 341m3 (rounded up) into waste dust and you put 5m3 (rounded up) into ore hold.