CCP glad to see your revisiting the mining changes also revisit the fact that astriods are way to small and the fields are way spread out as well as you literally stated in the notes that you lissoned to the players and were buffing resists on the mack and hulk but you nerfed them to be even weaker you want them to get used they need more tank they are literally jokes and have been for far to long fix this ■■■■ already asking them for 60k to 100k EHP is not that much to ask but 14k EHP on hulk there is no reason to even buy one cuz it’s not worth the risk to undock them.
Wast needs to be lowered as well
And more look at mining drones as you gave now benifit to use t2 mining drones by having 100% western lower the t2 to the same as t2 moduals 35% would be respectable
The only thing that was nice in this update after my testing on sisi was the compression on orca and porpoise the core is pointless unless it gives a massive tank buff when active.
Bring back ore anomalies to all regions
And with waste make sure you adjust the mining missons as they can’t be done at all if you don’t
Ask for loss with compression this is just bull ■■■■ as it already cost fuel I only see this as respectable for in station compression only
Ask for new player start tried this yesterday and was like wtf. I’ve played for years and it did nothing more then confuse me. Teach basic but don’t explain how to use anything or different ways to do things now wonder new people are always confused when we try to help them.
This is what I have to add beyond what was listed to be re looked at.