Увеличьте ангар флота порпойзу хотя бы до 8000м3 пожалуйста.
Increase the hangar of the porpoise fleet at least up to 8000m3 please.
использовать porpoise больше чем с 1 corp mate на covetor очень проблемотично. если это корабль поддержки то он не должен создавать боли 5 точки)
Nothing you have posted has disproven my point that nerfing rorqs diminishes the long term aspiration of owning one. You can stick your fingers in your ears and protest to the contrary all you like.
And nothing you have posted supports
You even undermined it yourself when you stated there’s no progression past Rorq because its “endgame”.
There’s no endgame in EvE. Esp. not when you can just buy a Rorq and skills any time you like.
Youre just sandy that your afk krab mine has got slightly nerfed in one single aspect.
In space compression happens to be possible safely within a POS.
Can something be done about that? I don’t think the purpose of in space compression was that it could be done in perfect safety.
Couldn’t agree more. Nerfing rorqs yield to be 10-20% better than an Exhumer would keep them as a long term aspiration, ensure they stay in space, reduce resource excess and keep them subbed.
Players spent years skilling up rorq pilots and 10b per hull, to switch them to boosts and compression is no compensation, particularly when the compression mechanic takes 20+ hours to compress a moon site, that’s not compelling gameplay.
so upon thinking about all this, something seemingly missing from this ‘balance pass’ is the possibility of;
- a new mining foreman script reducing waste
- a ship skill bonus on hulls like the covetor and retriever and their T2 Variant for % reduction of waste/skill level
i think the mining frigate changes aren’t thought out, all you need to do is make the mining barges a more viable option and people will use them instead, the waste reduction bonus conjectured above might be a way to incentivise people to fly higher tier barges over mining frigs, and i have purposefully ignored the procurer and skiff because if they’ve got tank and a decent amount of DPS then i’d anticipate there to be no reason for them to have a waste reduction bonus because it wouldn’t be feasible from a balance standpoint.
the compression change is pretty good, but with regionally available ore it seems a bit odd? you nerf importing after necessitating it.
the changes to the mining skills only to introduce a swathe more skills? you could incorporate the ‘efficiency’ skills for compression times into the hull bonuses of the ship based on industrial command ship and capital industrial ship skills?
This here. This here is the stuff that’s undermining all the legitimate concerns by drowning them in nonsense that allows CCP to just say we don’t understand the mechanics so therefore our objections are flawed.
It’s not 34% on every cycle. It’s a 34% chance that each cycle will generate waste. So if you run 100 cycles theoretically 34 of those cycles will have 1 waste and 66 will have zero waste.
Guys if we really want CCP to listen we have to start getting the details and claims of problems right. All this outrage that’s based on flawed understanding of mechanics is just well…… counter productive
How exactly is industry going to work with compressed gas? will all tatara/athanors have the ability to decompress gas so that it can be reacted? or will reactions be happy to proceed with a mix of uncompressed and compressed gas inputs?
has someone tested this on Sisi?
ugh… how about no , just remove the waste or make the waste into an actual new ressources used for manufacturing anything, some kind of “special paste” when refined. There’s enough foreman script as it is and only 3 foreman can be used at a time
I hope ccp reads this.
I didn’t sign up for this. I want my SP back.
Feedback onf why all recent change are not good for the long term game:
I will present you in this paper a dogma use by a lot of players to explain the comportment of other people : Players are risk averse. This dogma is false. I will explain to you why, and understand why it’s wrong will explain a long succession of bad decision take by CCP.
1) Player not loose enough in PVE
This statement was made by CCP who was explained players use caps and super to farm in 0.0 under umbrellas and lose too many ships for the good health of the game. It was the base of a sea of nerf against PVE.
Voice from all New Eden elite pvp player was capitals are too oppressive. The same player who now regret the few capital in space. CCP have nerf capital, try blackouts and then nerf cyno, and finally EHP… All based on the fact players are risk averse so if players made a lot of ISK it’s because the risk is not enough in comparison of the reward.
Of course a lot of players just stop to farm in cap/super or leave the game. But after all they were risk-averse, right ? RIGHT ? And if the truth was different ? Everyday capital and super were dying everywhere, umbrellas or not umbrella.
Of course solo nano gang roamers or random roam was not able to kill a big ship under the umbrella most of the time… but some more prepared group , who spend time gathering intelligence countering umbrella was very successful in killing super and trap defender who jump to help their friend.
So if we follow that logic of player risk averse, why they have continued to farm in capital and super when you could make a little less in DED sites in subcapital , or by multiaccounting rorquals who could be totally immune for minute time to have reinforced who come to save they ? The answer is simple : players are averse to a mechanism where they have no hope to win. How many times resist a dominix when get hot drop by 50 bombers ? Few seconds. How many times a super drop by 200 bomber will have survived in the pre balackout era ? Enough time to potentially get help, and potentially have a fight and inflict too attacker damage.
You want proof that an averse to a mechanism where you have no hope to change thing that leads to use or not a ship ? During blackout, where was the space where people were farming ? Under the umbrella, not because they were invincible, risk was greater. But they know if they are attacking they will have a fight not an execution.
And last thing that will proof players do not risk averse : People farm in WH, people farm in abyssal, and they take risk right now … they could be a lot safer doing other activities and win the same amount or more. But in WH you can’t get suprise cyno by 200 bombers , and in abyssal in HS same … so if ■■■■ happen you have a hope to fight back.
2)Wardec and bumping in Empire
How many years it takes to CCP to understand they must not listen HS wardecer who was saying, « wardec is fine ». Wardec was not fine, because it was for a lot of newbro alliances a death sentence they have no way to maintain their group alive, no way to play with their friend in their « home group » without being killed. Now try to imagine you at the place of newbro who get farm again and again by « pro players » who just want kill to kill. So yes some will say « If they speak with attackers they could progress » or « eve is a pvp game ». YES, but players will not stay in a game where mechanism gets they near no hope to win.
Same for bumping, infinite bump was just a way to lock a player with no way of escaping. How fun it is for the victim ? There is no fun, and some people are well-known to have raged for that and be ashamed by a part of the community. But once again : Where was the counterplay ? Where was the hope for the player to escape ?
3)Parma clock and filament
If players were really risk averse, they will have continued to not farm when a cloacky player was on the system . Now cloacky player are hunted and in result a lot stop AFK cloacking. Some other continue to cloak, be active and try to bait for a good fight.
Good fight , an expression people often use and in filament era is rarer than before. In fact, people just made a raid to ESS/one guys and run away. Why ? Not because of risk averse, again filament roaming will engage if they have a hope to win. But often they don’t have any hope and get totally outgun and outnumber.
So are people who made filaments risk averse ? No, they just don’t like to be killed with no hope to win. Did defenders are risk averse ? No, they just go because they are confident they will win. Good fight happens only when the two groups think they have a hope to win.
My last example will be industry. Yes, i understand for some of your dear reader, it’s hard to understand why industry is a part of the game mechanic with no counter . I will get you two examples of where in industry you have a game mechanic who could totally make people stop or d’ont try industry.
-The infamous T2 BPO who gives an advantage to their possessor the other player will never have. It’s like play against a cheater. Not really fun. -
The current state of eve.
Basically why people are unhappy of all change since a little more than blackout … Because they can’t farm ? If you really think that, you haven’t understand the heart of the problem, and you will never get why people have massively dropped under blackout. I mean the root of the problem. Why people are against this end of scarity ? Because they want rorqual ? No not really.
All protestation you see in jita 4-4 are just the echoes of the fact player are against the game mechanism who involve no counter, no hope to progress.
Maybe you are rich, you have let’s said 1 titan, 1 super, a bunch of rorqual … and this patch hurt you. Maybe you are a newbro dedicated to PVP and this patch hurt you, and some people can’t get a word on that.
Why all this economic nerf are bad. Why they have the impress of the game only deserve to be stopped. Some people will say exasperation. In reality it’s the lake of hope.
CCP you could promise carrot , but to many sticks are too many. If new players and veterans are upset by all your change, it’s because let imagine a player to have made post blackout thing for 3 years. With your actual era HOW MANY TIME I WILL TAKE TO HAVE THE SAME THING ? A lot more. And by a lot i mean a lot. Play a decade to catch the state of a player hwo have play 3 year ? No
At this point if you want players have hoped to catch older players, have hope to progress… You have no more choice. Because players are averse to the mechanism who let their no hope you are basically right now 2 choices for industry :
-Reset ship and stockpile by force. (You have tried it, it hasn’t worked well).
-Made industry back to a level equivalent to before blackout.
Yes, you against power creep and inflation and other things. But guess what : You have accepted it the day you have buff rorquals and community said wrong idea. All things you did other things like this 2 solution i post upper will just lead to players more and more unhappy, less and less newbros retention and at therm the end of the game.
Conclusion :
When you release something CCP : always check if you have a counter gameplay. And always ask : did players have a hope to progress and catch each other in « wealth/kill/other » rankings. And if one answer is no , you fail the design somewhere, you need to improve before release. And if you have read this article and you are a CCP staff member : It’s the lack of hope who made the jita 4-4 Riot, and you will not escape by promising something again. The trust is over, you have to act.
Summary if you don’t want to read (you CCP Game designer read the full post):
Player just want mechanism who give they a luck to do something. Protest in jita is due to the fact CCP announce end of scarity and not drive economy to the only right direction it could have bee after the fail of scarity : Back to a pre blackout era of production (who could involde to not have rorqual best miner ship and conserve idutrial change… just with better execution).
With respect to the waste mechanic, I can see that you want to incentivise players to train up to higher level mining so that you can reduce waste.
But the current implementation has the disadvantage that newer players will be perceived to reduce the total amount of resources in a field.
So the system should be changed to keep the first objective without the disadvantage of the second.
So the amount of waste should be the same for both new and old players. But as your skills improve / use better gear, players should get and increased chance to recoup some of the waste as as increased yield.
So give tech II a percentage chance to recoup x% of the waste as gas/ore/ice, where x increases with skill level.
ICE is anyway not working with this concept. It should be changed to map current 1 block of ice to 100 blocks of ice where the new 100 blocks yield as much as the previous 1 block. then the ice loss on compression can actually work mathematically, and the above proposed mechanic will also be implementable.
What about filling up Mobile Compression Unites from ORE hold?
or maybe reduce charges per cycle amount and make proportionally faster?
Cause now porpoise have to reload MCU multiple times before 1 cycle and that is bad idea…
and also the rorqual which have filled cargobay with usable items do not have enough place for additional resources
also moving objects between cargobays is not good mechanic…
faster cycle mechanic will be good too, cause for now if we want to compress all the ORE produced by barges in orca it is need to have more than one module active
Another thing to look at due to the changes is the reward structure for mining missions. The only viable ship for L4 mining missions is the Porpoise due to the tank, ore hold, and drone bonuses. Since the drone bonuses will be nixed, causing the drone yield to be halved, it will take twice as long to complete those missions. Will the rewards from those missions be doubled then? As it stands now, mining missions are already the worse activity in the game for isk/hour (other than ship spinning in station for hours on end).
Also, how will the waste mechanic affect those missions?
Key word in my line was “wanna”. I play solo 90% of my time in EVE. I too don’t wanna deal with most people. But they key reason why; CCP keeps seeming to make changes, that yes still allow for solo/small groups, but really wants more butts in seats to achieve today what we did yesterday.
Please consider giving ore anomalies a fixed duration (spawn/despawn timer) in j-space, for the reasons I explained in this thread. Aggressive mining in j-space is not really a thing, with many ore sites being stuck for weeks in empty systems.
Ok, I checked out compression module for Orca, it’s less atrocious than initially suspected, but still doesn’t look too usable.
Loading it from main cargo is a mess, but manageable with filtering out the clutter of spare crystals and mining refits that usually goes there.
It’s performance, on the other hand, is very low. It’s like 666m3 per minute? Is it supposed to catch up with drones only? Needs a buff to support at least a single bloody Hulk.
I take it you can fit multiple of them, but then you can’t fit MWD aka the main defense module. oof. Not an option then I guess.
Industrial cores for Orcas? With 5 minutes timer. Derp, not even gonna bother testing that, it’s a straight heavy nerf.
how did you get the module to work? I wanted run some of my own tests but I dont know what fuel to use. What fuel does it take?
From Extraction to Poverty better put that title expect minerals to go up will result to ships go up but player income will go down . whatever you right here nobody is reading vote with your wallet