From Extraction to Production

is CCP also going to refund SPs spent on Industrial Command Ships? Mining Drones?

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Those unfortunately you’ll have to extract yourself if you don’t want them. AFAIK a lot of people bought into those with skill injectors anyway to make a quick buck in the Fat Times, so it should even out :wink:



When other games fundamentally change a class/core game mechanic, there is usually free Respecs, etc.

And they are doing it anyway with Reprocessing Skill.

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Let’s wait for drone waste changes first and worry about that :wink: In case you missed it there’s a @CCP_Psych reply attached to the first post.
These changes are not all written in stone but if you thought that command ships were not getting a yield nerf you probably were living under a rock for quite some time.

Hey, so I mine on one Alt using the relative safety of an Orca with drones either minerals or ice for ISK, then with my other alt I do data/relic sites to get the BP/Cs and data cores to improve BPs to do simple construction with the minerals the other alt is mining. My take away from this is that this is no longer viable game play and I should stop paying for the mining alt to be omega, extract all the skills, sell the orca’s, close the account an return to my main account null sec ratting where I get minerals from NPCs. Boring play again.


Might take you up on that, could be all it’s worth soon !!!

what region is it in?

Most of null sec doesn’t have belts any more, and therefore has no belt rats. Anomality rats have poor loot drop rates, and grinding them too hard will cause the ESS index to detoriate. Doing exploration will probably yield in more isk on your heron t1 fit on a 5M SP alpha capsuleer then ratting with your 100M SP tengu omega (although arguably, a tengu’s poor at ratting anyways).

I’ll pay 100, but only if ship reproc wasn’t considered to cost too much server resources and removed from the game (like head bounties) by the time you’ll give it away.

But we can also handle this the cool way, you fit the orca for combat, I fit mine for combat, and then we duel with whales. Insurance payout for an orca is 160M, so you get 60M more :wink:

Alternating Sanctums and Havens in a carrier is quite profitable and the loot not too bad.

PVP Orca, battle. Sounds fun !

This will be an unpopular opinion for a lot of people

All of this scarcity and resource distribution is crazy when stepping back to take a look at the large picture. I assume that CCP knows they aren’t making money from large multi-boxers because they just plex the account with the shear amount of isk they are pulling in… more accounts, more isk, more plex’d, add another account… none of it goes into CCP’s pocket while the game gets flooded with more isk and then separates the mega alliances from the small guys, yadda yadda yadda.

Instead of trying all of these complicated procedures to minimize the mining isk faucet that keeps failing, why not implement a very controversial change that will take time to stabilize but in the long term health of the game, will help with the multi-box issue.

Get ready to flame here

Only allow one game account to run on a computer at a time… Allow all 3 characters to log in at the same time, but only allow that one account to run. So, if you want to multibox 21 characters, you need 7 different PCs in order to multi-box…
Again… many of us play with a couple accounts, and like to boost an alt for mining… orca/porp with a proc/cov or two… if you allow the 3 characters on one account to log in at the same time, we can still do that, but it stops the game breaking 20+ accounts from taking advantage of the isk faucets.

Edit: Changed client to account.


Well CCP is going to BREAK the Mining in the Game.

sorry this is my opinion …

Been mining for 10 plus years on my Main Character account.
And I have run the numbers also, and who ever thought of this method is smoking something Illegal and aint sharing it.

My god, have you all gone crazy, thinking this will work.

Balance I think they need to reread the Full Definition of balance imho
Balance | Definition of Balance by Merriam-Webster

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So I watched a FAQ type of thing last night and I would like to explain:

  • Older players with trained reprocessing skills will get an SP refund and ISK refund for those skills that have been trained.

  • The reprocessing skills will be consolidated into tiers depending on access difficulty, for example, tritanium, scordite, pyrox, and plagio will be condensed to 1 skill called common ore reprocessing. So now you just need to train 1 skill to use the T2 crystals instead of 4 skills to use 4 types of crystals.


Yeah? Still going to let that newbro venture pilot huff your expensive WH gas knowing full well hes going to destroy half of it???

No, your going to tell him to piss off and go mine something else, somewhere else.

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You mean “multiboxing” should actually become multiboxing instead of running multiple clients on the same box?
That could be a promotion chance for eve everywhere with multiple (private) browser tabs


Exactly my thoughts.
And it is valid for everything.
Considering the fact that every player take the decision of investing, time in training and ISK to buy the ships, based on the current ships abilities all of this should be reimbursed free if CCP decides to touch those abilities.
I would say that the people who propose and implement these changes to be told that from tomorrow their car will have instead of 100HP only 50HP and instead of 7% will with 20% fuel consumption. Everything for the good of the economy … … :slight_smile: Would they accept those changes or they will ask back the money they give for that car?


What happened to the mining boosters? That we talked about? The ones from the Gate Event. Alot of Miners were stoked to have something like that to speed up their collection speeds other than boosting.

The Prospect only needed some adjustments to gas mining yield/speed to make it competitve logical upgrade to the Venture.

The Endurance actually was fine…maybe a simple yield bonus to gas mining would have sufficed.

I am at a loss to what your guys aims are. I mean okay you can do this crazy “simplification” of mining skills. But, then it kind of screws over the players who actually went mining heavy.

When I started EVE back in August 2020, I first did some research…and at the time it seemed a wise logical concept to have Mining/Exploration maxed out. These are the backbones of EVE online.

Then Scarcity hit, well I thought I can go into WH space to get my resources…those were nerfed. Then began testing how to mine in Pochven before the gates opened. Hit or Miss. Then the gates opened…then we had Hunter Boon, which literally killed any attempt to be a ninja miner. And Hunters Boon really discouraged players from actively going into lowsec. Because it made it very very easy for anyone with half a brain cell to fit a single scram and single warp disruptor and boom they get 100% catch rate on anything that isn’t DST or Venture.

How would you feel if you are not a big nullsec blob aligned player? or a newbro? or a small corp? My area lowsec literally collapsed we might have about 10-20 players over a whole region regularly.

I literally have been hanging on via the events. And that is not an easy feat.
But, this current patch concept isn’t a good idea. Its a very very bad idea.

It feels like the miners who have been clinging onto the side of a cliff with their fingers are now getting those fingers stomped on.

Please Please reconsider this patch.

@CCP_Rattati @CCP_Dopamine @CCP_Psych @CCP_Fleebix @CCP_Paragon @CCP_Swift
please go on Tranquility. Fly the Endurance with Triple Frostline Omnivore in the lows and a Yeti Implant and an Ice Mining Laser. Understand what you guys are about to do to the Winter Nexus Event. Please fly these ships and max-min them before you go tinkering with the code. Also test all the modules. I own some unusual stuff that can’t be tested on SISI because of the goofball code issues between it and Tranquility. I mean have you guys tested Wild Miner I’s? or the other faction equipment?

Please reconsider wisely the ramifications of what you are doing the overall economy and ecosystem of EVE Online. one small change in the tech tree can have massive ramifications for the overall gameplay.


@CCP_Psych @CCP_Dopamine @CCP_Rattati

In level 4 mining missions, the asteroids have not been expanded or adjusted which means that unless you are using ORE harvesters with 0 waste, the missions will not be able to be completed.

I presume this is also the case with all “special” asteroids which are spawned during any level of mining missions.